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Name: Amber Krista Dossett Oestreicher

Birthplace and date:  Thousand Oaks, Ca on Nov. 17, 1978 @ 4:44pm

Siblings:  Kelly and Shane (twins), and Jaime/  Kelly lives in Dallas and works for Southwest Airlines, Shane lives in El Paso, Tx and is a pilot for the DEA, Jaime lives in North Carolina and is the proud parent of three cats!!

Parents:  Neal Dossett, my dad, currently lives in the Philippines/ Sandy Petteway, my mom, currenlty lives in Ogden, Utah.

Places I have lived: California; Ogden, Ut; San Antonio, Tx; S. Korea; Ocean Springs,Ms; Dallas, Tx; Honduras (mission); now Provo, Ut.

Colleges and Universities attended:     Northlake Community College, Irving Tx; Texas Women's University, Denton, Tx; and currently Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Spouse: I was sealed to Marc E. Oestreicher at the Dallas, Tx. Temple Dec. 27, 2002.  Marc is also from Texas. He served a mission in Poland.  Now he is a student at BYU seeking entrance into the accounting program.

Goals and dreams:  Graduate from BYU April 2004; get Marc through school; move back to Texas; have a family; go on a honeymoon to someplace tropical; go back to Honduras to see the people I taught as a missionary; one day, when we are old, serve a mission with my spouse