Mand walked around the pool table contemplating her next shot.

"Right there" AJ laughed and pointed. Manda noticeed and ran to te ball but just couldnt get the stick in the right position

"Hold on" AJ said and got behind her. He put his arm around her, and one infront, holding the stick just right, "Right..." he hit the ball and knocked 2 of hers in "There"

"Thanks" Mand said lightly. Niether of them wanted to move. With intense butterflies in her tummy Mand rolled over to face AJ. She took off his sun glasses and tilted her head ever so slightly, and he kissed her. A kiss that was waiting to be realeased for such time now, the kind makes your knees weak, your mind go blank, you body go numb; unlike anything you've ever felt or experienced in your life. Her hands blindly went to his chest and touched him gently. He suported himself on the table with one hand, then with the other he lightly touched her face.He broke away for a second, just to look in her eyes which were slightly crossed because they were so close to each other.Then he kissedd her again. Hoping it would never end...

"Woah...check it" De said to Kiki and Kevin as they were goin in the boom boom room to play pool with the other 2. They watcheedd for a couple seconds, giggle. Kevin walked back to the living room and goes "Dawg, AJ and Manda are totally mackin it in there"

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