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Welcome my HomePage!


  Here is a list of links that may be interesting or useful for anyone with an interest in Japan or Japanese History:


  JAPANESE SAMURAI HISTORY FORUM -- Doing research or have a question about Japanese History? If so, head over to our Japanese History Forum, done in conjunction with this page, and post your questions!

  GUIDE TO JAPAN -- A interesting and all encompassing guide to Japan which has links to web sites on Japanese history, culture, tourism, and entertainment.

  SENGOKU DAIMYÔ -- A.J. Bryant's information filled (yet 'in process') web page with various Japan-related articles including an informative guide to Japanese armor construction, Heian period architecture, and more.

  GUIDE TO JAPANESE CASTLES -- A well-designed and informative site devoted to Japanese castles, with a history of their development and pictures and commentary on some of the more famous examples.

  SHO-SHIN -- An extensive site on samurai swords which contains quite a few interesting illlustrations and historical facts. Worth a look!

  THE JAPANESE SWORD INDEX -- Another very extensive and interesting site dedicated to Japanese swords that provides much useful information for the owner and/or collector. History, reference data, and informative articles can all be found here.

  THE NINJA DOJO -- What has to be one of the most detailed sites on the internet covering Japanese Samurai and Ninja movies - movie ratings, screenshots, links to buy movies, and more.

  THE DOCUMENTS OF IRIKI -- A remarkable resource detailing the entire collection of Iriki-in documents, amounting to hundreds of pages of information!

  WAKAGASHIRA -- A well done site about the history and production of Japanese Samurai armor.

  SENGOKU -- Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan, the homepage of the Samurai RPG from Gold Rush Games.

  JAPANESE HISTORY RESOURCES -- A page with links to various pages related to Japanese history as well as Japanese culture and other tidbits.

  FT. DUQUESNE MILITARY MINIATURES  -- A site offering military/history modelers, hobbyists, and collectors high quality models and miniatures. In particular, see Agustín J. Rodríguez's Samurai work - of interest to any true samurai aficionado!

  TOTAL WAR.ORG -- The number one fansite for the Sengoku Period computer strategy game Shôgun: Total War. An indispensible resource for all STW players.

  AICHI VOICE -- An English site from Aichi Prefecture, Japan, that has and interesting article on Oda Nobunaga.

 MIYAMOTO MUSASHI - THE MAN BEHIND THE LEGEND -- An exellent and thorough site dedicated to the life of Musashi.

 SHOUKAN-AN NINPOU TAIJUTSU DOJO -- A beautifully done and informative page on Japanese culture and Buddhism.



