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One-hundred and fifty-seven years ago, the emigration of 1846 began from Independence, Missouri.   Reports of cheap productive farmland and good weather led people to leave the US for the foregin territories on the Pacific.  Approximately 2,700 people set out on the Trail in 1846, about 1,500 for Mexican California, the rest for British Oregon.  The journey was 2,000 miles long, by oxen or horses at 15 miles a day, which meant a voyage of about five months. 
For the past week, Room 19 has been reading the famous novel Patty Reed's Doll by Ralph Laurgaard.  Everyday, you get more information and ideas about what life life was like for the Oregon Trail Pioneers.  You are now a part of this expedition, discovering the hardships and personal growth that led the people of Missouri into the fate of tragedy.  There are three parts to this project that you must complete. Instructions about what you are to do are written below.  Use the following Websites in order to obtain information for your quest. 
 On Monday May 5, Your first assignment is to write a daily log in your journal about the expedition you are traveling. 
Starting in the Spring of 1846,  I would like you to write no more than  one page daily,  counting each day as a new day of your expedition.  I want you to write about what you see, feel, smell, etc...  What things are beginning to happen? how do you feel? Is the expedition what you expected? You must use adjectives, Gerunds, adverbs, and prepositional phrases in your writing.  Use the websites to find your information.   Each day you will add a new entry explaining what is happening, and the changes that are occuring all around you.  This project will last for one week.

Task #2
You are to create a full scale map of the trail you are traveling.  Use the information from the websites to  map out your route.
  With a large 11" by 17" piece of paper, draw a full scale map of the Oregon Trail Expedition.  Map out where they started to where they finished showing the details of the United States at that time. 
     On a seperate sheet of paper, that will later be stapled to the back, disscuss the difficulties faced from each state you travel through; such as climate, resources, etc.  Must be a complete page.

Task #3
You are to create a covered wagon folder you might have traveled the trail with as a pioneer. 
  Using the Template passed out in class, fold the paper in half and cut out the picture of the covered wagon.  Staple each side two times, so it acts as a  folder.  Decorate the folder drawing self portraits of you and your family.  Give your family a name and label this at the top of the Wagon.
You will then recieve 10 notecards.  Using the information from the websites, you are to draw and label 10 items  that you would bring in your wagon.  On the back of each card, explain what the picture is, what it was used for, and why you would bring this on your expedition. 
As a group you will then create a story about the life of your family on the expedition.  It must be at least two pages long and have information from the websites about the tragedies poineers dealt with.  I want you to use your Thesaruses and use proper grammer.  Your story must resemble the difficulties faced by the poineers.   You will have the week to complete this assignment.

Click on the pictures to start your Journey!