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10 Incidents since 2000

10 Incidents Since the Year 2000

I got my facts from these websites

Google search
msn search

In the year 2000 the Y2k was supposed to happen and all of our electricity was supposed to be turned off (didnt happen)


the beginning of the new milleneium.

In the year 2001 a bunch of terrorists hijacked a plane and flew it into the world Trade Center in New York.

the end of the year 2001 the war in Saudi Arabia began.

In the year2002 Elizabeth Smart was kidnaped by a family handyman.

In the year 2003 Elizabeth Smart was found alive she was appearently taken for religious reasons by a insane man who thought he was profit.

In the year 2003 somewhere in January or Febuary we went to went to war with Iraq.

In April of 2003 the war in Iraq ended.

In March of 2003 a sars outbreak happened in Hong Kong.

On May 28, 2003 Bob Hope turned 100 hooray for Mr.Hope.