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Whas craccin?! Jes intr0ducin y0u to myself, this is LiLMissAce c0min at y0u. Thanx for c0min to my sp0t. Go ahead and hit it up whenever y0u want and hopefully it'll be updated (yeah right). But foreals though... keep y0 head up and don't ever let anyone h0ld y0u down... wh0ever it may be... f0rget about every0ne and everything and kn0 that: "What breaks y0u... makes y0u..." Sh0utouts to the h0mies and class of 2o03... ticc tocc... here we come COX ARENA... we graduating, yah heard? We gettin the heezy outta here! *tw0 fingers up*

...holla bkacc at this y0unqin...

...h0lla at these sites, yah heard...

...y0u kn0 y0u wanna bl0g...
...make y0 web page fo0...
...upl0ad s0me pix cuhz...
...h0lla at this page, cuhz i said s0...