Youngstown Is Sexy

Thanks for visiting my sexy Youngstown site! It's everything you want... and more! Make sure you put the pedal to the steel and visit back here some more!Your one stop source for all you need to know about those sexy studs from Youngstown, Ohio. Sexy Latino Sam Lopez, "Dazed and Confused" DC, and sexy Jamie Lee Dallas! Whoo! I love them. They are the princes I charmed. "I have to be inside you Sam, some one you won't forget." Hi Shanene you sexy thang, I want your BTYs.

Last Update:7/24/00 - Added chap 5 of fanfic

7/21/00 - Added new cursor, scrolling text, and a cool new message board.

7/17/00 -Added a really cool link and a funny photo!

Visit my message board: Message Board

This site is dedicated In Memory of the great Owen Hart who passed away May 23, 1999

Areas in my site

Picture Gallery
Sexy Link Page
The Latest 411
Erotic Quotes
Poetic Feelings
Songs I'd Sing

My Favorite Things About Youngstown
