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.:From Frogs To Princes, Youngstown:.

Hey There!!! Welcome to our Youngstown Webpage. We hope you enjoy the site, We've put alot of work into it. We are both Youngstown Fanatics!!! Jenny and I recently went to a youngstown concert/signing, so check out our reviews on that! If you have any comments or questions, Feel free to Im or E-mail us on AOL anytime. Jennys screen name is YtOwNcHiCkAdEe and Ambers is YtOwNsLiLBaBy02. Check back for new things on the site and remember to sign the guestbook b4 you go!!! Thanks Alot. Bye Bye Bye! <3 Ambies and Jenny

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This Youngstown site is owned by Jenny and Amber.
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Disclaimer: We are in NO WAY related to Youngstown.....that we know of anyway. We DO NOT know them personally. PLEASE dont send us e-mail for them. Thank you all. --Jenny and Ambies