They Be Sexified!!

((*Note* Check out my ghetto pic--LMAO. I seriously searched EVERYWHERE for a pic of Nsync and Wade together, and couldn't find ANYTHING. So, I decided "screw it. I'll just cut out a hot pic of Wade and paste it onto a pic of Nsync. No one'll know the difference, riiiggghhttt?" And now, according to the pic above, Wade is physically able to EAT the members of Nsync.))

Hi, and welcome to "They Be Sexified" a Wade and Nsync humor site. That's HUMOR people. That means it's all love for the boys and yes, I AM a fan. If you get easily offended by good-natured dissing of the boys, are sensitive to swearing(I do a lot of that in here), or have a tendency to send hatemail, I'd suggest not entering this site. But if you have a sense of humor, and understand that the contents of this page are just a joke, come on in, and prepare to be !!SeXiFiEd!!

Quote of the month: "So I looked at my food and I said, 'I have such a colorful plate...'" JC Chasez

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