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"Take 5 Is Taking Over"
From All-Stars, August 2000

All-Stars: How was the whole recording experience?

Ryan Goodell: Good. We're just excited to get out of the studio and start touring again. We've been working for so long, but we want to get out and start touring, doing shows. Performing is what we love.

TJ Christofore: We're having fun.

Ryan: It's got our own style, which is really important. For us, we know it's a Take 5 song; when someone hears it, they'll go, "Oh that's a Take 5 song." It's got our own style. It's still got a youthful feel, but it's a little more mature.

All-Stars: What are your favorite songs on the CD?

TJ: My favorite one is "The Girl Next Door." It's really, really different. It's got harmonies all over it. It's really a good song.

Ryan: The song that means the most to me that we've recorded so far is "Never Far Away." It's a good song, but it's the lyrics that get me. It's talking about going away and leaving somebody, and that I'm never far away even if I'm millions of miles away. I'm still thinking about you. It pretty much applies to our lives. We go off on tour and we leave friends and family behind. It's something we really experience.

Stevie Sculthorpe: My favorite is "Shake It Off." Man, I love that. It's totally a party song and I'm a party animal. When I hear that song, I'm like, "Woooo!" You know what I mean?!

Clay Goodell: I like "Water." It's just a pretty song.

Ryan: It has that Babyface feel to that song. It's a really good song. We sound really conceited right now talking about how great out album is! But we're just so excited, we've waited so long to get new material and to get to do our own thing.

All-Stars: Who's you ideal tourmate?

Stevie: Christina Aguilera and I'll be set. I'll be set for a long time.

Clay: It would be cool to tour with Brian McKnight.

TJ: Our dream tour would be our own.

All-Stars: Have you been getting recognized a lot?

Ryan: For me, it's starting to get more because it used to be I'd only get recognized in the states and Orlando because of the tourists.

TJ: I got it in Minnesota.

Ryan: When I was home for Christmas, I went to the Mall of America and got recognized there all over the place. When we did a show in New York there were girls in the audience singing our lyrics back to us from our first album and it's not even released here. I'm so in awe of that. I think about it all the time. It's so amazing to me that they're so supportive.

Stevie: I went to a pool hall the other day and was playing pool, and there were all these bikers and everybody was like, "Hey are you in a group called Take 5? My daughter knows you," and I was like, "What?"

Clay: I got stopped by a cashier at Target.

TJ: A guy behind me in the grocery store was like, "Hey, your face is all over my daughter's wall."

Ryan: It's a really big compliment for people to recognize us and hopefully it's just a taste of what's to come. You always cross you fingers and wish, 'cause it's all about timing and what people want to hear. And hopefully our sound is what people want to hear. It's a little bit different than the whole Backstreet/*N Sync feel.

Clay: Yeah, you'll agree when you hear it.

Ryan: It's not the same. It's still got the harmonies and that whole thing. But it definitely has our own feel.

Stevie: We're not talking about the time like, "Oh I love you." It's more like real-life situations, more real-life stuff.

All-Stars: When you were on tour, where was your fave place to visit?

Clay: Singapore. I love that place.

Ryan: I liked Sweden. I like London a lot. But I'm ready to do the States.

Stevie: Me too.

TJ: I'd go back to London for fun.

Ryan: I'd go back to London. I want to buy a place there.

Clay: I want to buy a castle.

All-Stars: What's the most embarrasing CD you own?

Stevie: I've got Vanilla Ice.

Ryan: I have MC Hammer's.

Clay: I just steal my brother's CDs!

All-Stars: What do you want your fans to know about you and the rest of the group?

Ryan: We're just five normal guys. We're teenagers doing what we want to do. That's why we are real. We come out and sign autographs. We'll sit and talk. We're pretty approachable guys. We like to have fun, do all the things that teenagers like to do.