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The Humor In Nsync


Polls Page
Poetry (He he he!!)
My Info
Fan fiction
Sprinkle vents
Things that make you go hmm...
Comments on My hate mail!!!
A day in the life of the guys!
Just more stuff that had no place!

You always thought that Nsync were just your typical popstars.. well your wrong!!! You will think about Nsync in a whole new way once you read my site.

Last updated February 21st 2002

I am in the process of a lot of new stuff and updates to the old. I have already done a lot. As some of you may have noticed, It is no longer Sprinkle and Cookie. It is just Sprinkle because Cookie wasn't helping so it didn't pay to have her name on here. Sorry Cookie. But I will keep it going and make it a top priority now!

Ok, I know I don't update as often anymore but highschool, band, homework, friends, boyfriend, and just plain old life is taking up a lot of my time. I are VERY sorry. I will try to find some more stuff to put here soon for all you fans that come here. I just wanted to let you know that I still love you all! Ok, I've said my piece! Buh Bye, keep 'nsyncin! Don't forget, Sprinkle loves you!


If your mind may be warped easily or you may be frightened by twisted minds then I sugjest you leave at this second and never return. This is your warning!! This site is only for fans who have a sense of humor, I do make fun of Nsync but I AM still a fan. Please no emails telling me that I am not fan because I am and that is all there is to it!!! Also if I get any emails yelling at me for stupid stuff, you can count on having your email posted for everyone to see along with a little section of me making fun of you!!! HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

Now that that is over, everyone who is left, feel free to look around!! Have fun in my twisted brain!!!(Hehe) (Don't get lost!)

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