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Well I guess I'll pick up where I left off. Things kinda went downhill in about may for us, we were all frusterated because we had nowhere to practice and we all wanted the band to go in different directions. Up to this point we were never about making good music, we just wanted an outlet for our energies and to most of all have a rockin good time. Well Ryan is a very ambitious person so he was very eager for us to take it a step up and be a "real" band. This was a very good idea except that me and Dennis were less than enthused about being serious. We decided to start up a side project that would just be about having fun again and screw all that technical stuff about sounding good. With all these factors in place the stage is now set for the big break-up. Well first of all I'd like to point out that there were little animosities between us personally but we just felt it wasn't in our best interest to keep the band. Out of the death of Some Like It Hot!! Rose John Rafferdy's A.M. Radio Allstars we really sucked but didn't care, it was fun!!! but a few shows of us making an ass of ourselves really was enough. That band was doomed for failure from day one, Now all of us were lacking a band, Mike and Rose wanted to be in a band too so in comes the Jon Benet Death Grip!!!! Our vision was to set up a good stage band but there were just way too many problems with an eight member band so jon benet death grip died as quick as it started. So here we are back at square one with no band. The very first open stage came around and me, Dennis, Ed and Chris went on stage and made complete asses of ourselves, It was the most embarassing thing in my life. That same night after some prodding I finally convinced Ryan to come up and play some old Some Like It Hot songs, it sounded less than good, to say we were bad would quite cut it either but we had fun!!! With the death of Jon Benet Death Grip ther was an open slate at an upcoming show so after some consultation we figured Some Like It Hot! Should fill that void so the rebirth begins....