Roswell Drinking Game

Oh bear with me. I'm gonna put up some ideas now for a drinking game. I'll need submissions though. Note: I am not encouraging alocoholic drinking. It's just a fun thing. Get sick on soda or soemthing. Lol. On with the game.

One Sip

~Take a drink if an alien uses their power.

~When something is after the aliens

~When you see a school scene

~When Maria or Liz is in their Waitress outfits.

~When Shawn hits on Liz

Two Sips

~When a new alien relation is discovered

~When Tess makes fun of Kyle

~When you see Maria's jetta

Three Sips

~When Maria and Michael kiss

~When you see Michael at the Crashdown.

~When there is a flashback


~When Max and Liz kiss (nowadays)

~When a new alien artifact is discovered.

~When Alex and Isabel kiss.


~When Max and Tess do anything together
