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How Far Have We Really Come?

In response to the recent rumors that have been spread about us please read this. Before you start spreading rumors about our beliefs please read everything that we have to say. Just because we have something written about Matthew Shepard does not mean we are homophobic. If you would have read what we had written you would know that. Also we are not racist or sexist either, sorry if we have destroyed your hopes.

We have broken up. There are many different reasons for the breakup. We wish all of our members the best in their new/old bands. Please look out for and support bands that members of 149 are in: Kilted Monarchs, 800 Reasons, and coming soon Room 101

About Us


D.C. Punk/Hardcore Page
Laramie shows
for shows everwhere
You'll hate yourself if you don't check this out.
Cheyenne shows
Anti-Racist Action League
Sarah Scare's page
The Speelman's page
Bo's Page
Custom Caravans
The Thumbs
Strike Anywhere
Strong Intention
Tri-State killing Spree
Age Of Ruin
Bodybag Romance
SXE Matt's Page

Upcoming shows

P.S. The world will not change if you just sit back and watch. Do Something.

I had a friend in elementary/jr. high school. He wasn't a particularly close friend, but someone I rode the bus with, and played basketball with in his driveway when the weather was warm. I lost touch with him and pretty much forgot about him for 5/10 years. Remember, he wasn't a close friend, more of an aquaintance or playmate. The next time his name came to mind was two years ago when I learned that Matthew Shepard had been murdered by two homophobes. What I find even more dispicable than the circumstances of his death, however, were the actions of Reverand Phelps from Kansas. This man had the audacity to invade my town and campus on two seperate occaisions to celebrate Matt's death. It was actually important enough for this man to show his disdain for another human being who had been brutally murdered to drive from Kansas to Wyoming with his whole congregation, taking children out of school if necesary and having them carry signs with slogans like "AIDS Kills Fags", and other such bigoted statements. I would like to ask everybody that stops by this web page to send an e-mail to to let Mr. Phelps and his congregation know how you feel about his beliefs. Please make your coments well thought out and non-offesive. Trying to stop hatred with hatred only adds fuel to the fire.
