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Last Update: 05.18.2000
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 [RDW]Counter-Stike Clan 
delightfully homosexual yet unrefined

Created in N. Virginia of the year 2000 with only 6 original members, Clan RDW has expanded to 18 members up and down the east coast and has made a undeniable impact in the CS world. The undefeated RDW clan is renowned for
their talent and their blatant homosexuality, making them loved by many. Though the summer has come and it seems that the presence of RDW is not as strong, RDW has and will continute to rape that ass over and over and over and over... "Unlike all the "top notch" clans, RDW is a bunch
of hot headed punks from the east coast with no
gameplan, no strategy, no reason to prove
themselves to anyone. Our disorganization is our
greatest asset. Learn to play the game as just that,
a geeky computer game. Have fun, that's what it's

-D!g!t@lFX - Clan Leader (he said asset hehe)