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Jesus Christ
My Testimony

*Note: This article might seem offensive to those who have not opened their minds and hearts. But please,if you do not find the most wonderfull, amazing, loving, and Allmighty, offensive, then I invite you to read on and be inspired by my own testimony. God will always be here for you!

I, the maker of this website, am a rededicated Christian. I became a Christian when I was in kindergarten but I didn't really live the life of a Christian. I wasn't bad or anything, just a normal good person. But in September of 1999, I realized that I was not right with God. I knew I had to do something but I was just so confused. My mind was wrapped up in the things of this world like friends, music, MTV, movies, family, guys, and everything else. I would try and not gossip or judge people but I would just plain forget! I know that every Christian faces these problems daily, as do I, and I hated myself for that. So I struggled with the shame I knew God was feeling towards me. Then a wonderful thing happened in my life! I didn't know it at the time, but it changed everything.

In early March, my mom and friends convinced me to go to winter camp with the church my friends went to- 'just for the fun of it.' I didn't like going to camps because I was always forced into doing the activities I didn't want to do. I hated hiking and the idea of trudging through the snow, didn't exactly appeal to me. But they persisted, and I gave in. I nervously boarded the bus to what would soon be a life changed situation. On the second day of camp, the lectures about having a relationship with God opened my mind and heart. And the music inspired me.

There was a band that I had never heard of that was booked to play there, The Hollow. The first time I heard them, I loved them, although my friend had differing opinions. So the next day I went early and stayed late at performances and had many chances to talk with them. I discovered that besides their great music, they were great people! They and their music really spoke to me about God and how wonderful He is. The next lecture came up and the speaker offered the opportnity for anyone to accept or rededicate their life to Christ. So I raised my hand and prayed the sinner's prayer and rededicated my life to Christ.

You might ask me how rededicating my life to Christ would change my life? Well it did, and in a big way! I looked at The Hollow and the people around me and how they lived their lives with Christ in the center of all they said and did, and I was inspired. I now read the bible everyday and apply what I read to my life, I have personal conversations with, and pray to God, and I am rapidly breaking away from my sinful habits by creating new Christian habits. And I found that a lot of my friends felt the same way I did. So I introduced them to the music that I now happily enjoy which are listed on this website, and I let the music speak to them as it did to me. So yes, in my opinion, music can bring people to God. That one decision has made my life so fulfilled! I can lead a healthy and happy life knowing that God is smiling on me and that I am making him proud. I am becoming a better person. So open your heart and mind to God! It will be the best decision you have ever made! If you have any questions/comments or need God support, email me!

[Accept Jesus Into Your Heart!!!]
