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Pimp Daddy C Fan Fics

Formerly known as A Backstreet Fantasy

Last updated-4/4/02-I know! I know! You guys must be pissed since I last updated in July! (And SOOO much has happened since then) so I'll try to give you like a two second update on my life and if I'm leaving anything out that you are just dying to know about (yea right) just ask me.

Well, senior year is definitely overrated. I'm counting the days until I graduate! I've been real busy with school and college shit. (Even though my parents won this round and I'm doomed to at least another two years at home while attending community college) So, that's half the reason why I haven't updated. Add in after school activities,(mainly drama but then there was a musical which was a whole adventure in itself. I won't bore you with details but even though in the end it turned out all right it was SOOOO stressful. If you want the whole story you can e-mail me) a job that I just recently started as a cashier at Linens n Things, and a little sister and brother who are ALWAYS online and you can see why I haven't updated.

Lately my life has been school/after school activities in the weekdays and work weekends. Not that it isn't all bad. I mean my job is all right. Everyone there is REALLY nice and my managers are pretty kewl. It's nice getting out of the house and the job makes me feel more independent. Right now I'm trying to save up for a car which I can't even drive yet because I just have my permit and my Mom only took me out driving twice. She says that my left hand turns are great but my right hand turns need work but my steering is getting better. Of course I've only driven up and down the parking lot of one of the state parks. I'm supposed to be taking drivers ed during the summer and I should be taking my road test in August but I'm not sure if I'll be ready. At this rate I'm not going to have my license by September and I need it to get to school. Bad enough I'm like the only person at work who has to wait for their Mom to pick them up.

Anywayz... Guess what I finally did? I FINALLY got my belly button pierced! And I only got it like a little over a month ago (on Brian's b-day coincidentally enough). So far its OK. No infections or anything and its looking A LOT better like its healing. Just a warning for anyone who plans on getting it, it does do some freaky shit the first few months like gets all nice and purplish red looking and pusses a little and gets all crusty but its all normal. It's also sore for like the first week or so like you can't bend over and if someone hits you in the stomach or touches you even gently it HURTS! Right now mine is OK. It only really hurts when I clean it sometimes and in gym because we're doing Project Adventure and have to climb stuff so we have to put a rope harness on and that like rubs right against my ring ... so yea it hurts lol. Getting it done did hurt but its worth it because its like only maybe 10-15 seconds of pain and then its over. Anyway my Mom took me but I filled everything out. (Being 18 has its advantages) She refused to watch so I faced it all alone. My Dad doesn't know yet and hopefully we won't find out for awhile. I'm optimistic because he just noticed that my hair looked kind of red and I dyed it back in July sooo yea he's slow.

About my writing... I'm sorry I haven't written but when I do find the time to be honest with you I just really don't feel inspired very much anymore. I'm not gonna get all depressed and cynical on you but lately a lot has almost turned me off of writing. But anyway enough depressing shit. You came here to read my stories and be happy right? I really would like some help with this site. (Maybe a co partner or two?) I want to start a links page too so if you want me to link your site e-mail me but you MUST in turn link mine because I WILL check. I also encourage you to join my yahoo group so I can tell you when updates are. Another thing I need help in is in making banners. If anyone is good at making banners I need your help! One day my infamous tongue and butt banner just disappeared! :( I guess the person I borrowed it from changed the code or something but I'd like to replace them somehow (even if itz just a cheap imitation) I also need pics cuz something freaky is up w/ my computer where I can no longer save .jpg file pics anymore and those are the only kind that angelfire allows up. There is only one spot on my computer that lets me save them under c: but I can't have to many so if you can help I'd be eternally grateful. And last but not least I wanna redo the banner for Heart of Innocence because its getting old having people freak out like OMG who is that girl Nick is kissing? The pic isn't really of Nick. It's of some model that looks remarkably like him. It's on quite a few look a like sites. Anyway my point is I want just a pic of Nick and a girl but I decided that the girl has to be Michelle Branch in the All You Wanted video cuz I'm like in love with her hair LOl (Yea I know I'm weird) But I can't seem to find a pic from that video so if any of you just happen to stumble upon one PLEASE send it to ME!!! And as always I need hosted stories since I plan on redoing the hosted section.

As far as the updates go I got Chapter 22 of Satisfy You, Chapter 5 of Strangers in the Night which takes a new sort of turn because a new character is introduced and I kind of changed the POV a little which I'll probably continue to do throughout, Chapter 2 of More Than That, and Chapter 12 of Tears in Heaven. I DID have a concert review of my last BSB concert but it sucked so much I'm too lazy to put it up.Itz an interesting story though. If you want to hear it you can im me or e-mail me. Happy reading!

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Concert Review-Febuary 5th, 2001- Nassau Colissium
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