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9/26/01-Latest Cover of Teen People Is *NSYNC. 'Nsync will be on the November issue of Teen People which will hot stores soon.

9/15/01-Bloody 'N Sync Pictures Pulled From Shelves. A magazine photo shoot of 'N Sync frontman Justin Timberlake looking bloody and bruised has been pulled from the shelves following this week's tragic events in the United States. The pictures appear in the Autumn Winter issue of men's lifestyle magazine Arena Homme Plus.
In the accompanying interview, Justin said he wasn't nervous about fans' reaction to the edgy photographs, attributing his confidence to his trust in photographer Steven Klein. "He explained the scenarios and I was down for it," Justin said. "I know the pictures he takes are like pieces of art in themselves, and that's where you kind of have to trust who you're working with. I trusted him the whole time. And he made it really comfortable for me. I'm obviously a bit more naked in these photos than I have been in the past, but it is what it is. For me, it's like a still in film."
The photos show Justin, a Tennessee native, baring his chest and tattoos, blowing smoke from his mouth and looking bloodied after a fight. The interview includes discussions on gun control and the boy band's tentative acceptance by members of the black music community. "We're starting to bridge the cultural gaps and that's a cool place to be, because we're just doing what we do. There's no big analysis. We just do what's comfortable," Justin said.
He admitted it was "tricky" juggling a normal life with his desire to fulfil fans' wishes. "I get depressed on the road just because you feel like the whole you, mentally, physically and emotionally, has been spent in front of everyone. You feel like you have nothing left for yourself. I have this theory that when you lose it all, that's when you can start again. So when I feel I've lost my spirit, I sit down and close my eyes and do some meditation."

9/8/01-Justin Timberlake is making more comments that may upset Nirvana fans as Spin magazine quotes him saying, "It's gonna suck for the next Nirvana or whatever 'cool' rock band comes along in about ten years from now. The next generation of critics are being raised on *NSYNC and Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys. Their measurement of quality is going to be different. It's going to be interesting to see the next Nirvana blasted for not having a big stage show."

9/6/01-Chris, Not Obnoxious Enough To Work For Sea World? In the September 3, 2001 issue of People magazine (Gary Condit's on the cover) they asked a bunch of stars what their worst job was:
'N Sync's Chris Kirkpatrick: "About eight years ago, I took pictures at Sea World. I got fired because I wasn't obnoxious enough. I'd tell people, 'Look I've got to take 20 pictures before I can go back in the air conditioning. So would you let me just take your picture? I don't even care if you buy them or not.'"

9/5/01-Justin In The September Issue of In Style Magazine. If you go to and check out the section "What's Sexy Now," there's a picture of Justin lying on a bed surrounded by candles (which also can be found in this month's issue.) Justin tells Instyle what he thinks is sexy now. The quote reads:
Justin Timberlake
Known For: 'N Sync
Look For: The Pop Odyssey Tour
"You can go into a room and it can be totally decorated, but if it doesn't have the right lighting, then it's nothing. Candles can make for a great environment, and incense can get you in a sexy mood too."
Beneath the picture is a link you can click on it to see a video that tells you what turns him on but you need RealPlayer to be able to see it. Enjoy!

8/29/01-The Village Voice's Michael Musto talked to Steven Klein who photographed Justin Timberlake for his upcoming appearance in Arena Hommes Plus magazine. Klein reveals the spread will startlingly present Justin in the role of "a suburban kid, kind of violent." Klein says, "You have to kill to have a rebirth."

8/21/01-Christina Milian talks about going on tour with *NSYNC. Cuban American Def Jam/Def Soul recording artist talks about going on tour with *NSYNC in the September issue of Latina Magazine:
"I can't wait to go on tour with 'N Sync!" shrieks singer Christian Milian, just a few weeks before opening for the hottest boy band in the land. It doesn't matter that she's hitting a level of success where she has to do interveiws over a cell phone from Hollywood-she's still psyched about how she's planning to spend her summer vacation, on the road with the men she affectionately refers to as "those goofy guys." You can read the rest of the interveiw in the September issue of Latina.

8/20/01-Justin and Chris on Wolverine Comic Book. Justin and Chris will appear on August 29th comic book issue of Wolverine (#167). Just a friendly note, that this comic is not for little kid or for people who doesn't like violence. Read the following for more details:
According to the latest Journey Into Comics column at the Newsarama Web site, two members of pop sensations 'N Sync are set to appear in the upcoming "Bloodsport" arc in Wolverine, which begins in this month's issue #167. Artist Dan Fraga, who is spelling regular Wolverine artist Sean Chen for the "Bloodsport" arc, is a friend of 'N Sync member Chris Kirkpatrick who, along with fellow band member Justin Timberlake, will both appear as members of the crowd cheering on the fighters in the Bloodsport in the first two issues of the story arc.
"Chris and Justin are in the crowd watching the fight in #167 and, really huge on the first page of issue #168," Fraga told columnist Mike Sangiacomo. "I did it for a goof. I like to draw people I know into my comics. When I showed it to Chris, he went crazy, he was so excited about it. I reminded him that he just sold two (Ten+) million CDs last year and was on the cover of Rolling Stone, but he said that this was different. This was Wolverine."
The pop pair will mention their four-color appearance on an upcoming Total Request Live show on MTV next week. Wolverine #167, by regular series writer Frank Tieri, is scheduled to go on sale August 29.

8/20/01-On The Line in Entertainment Weekly. In this week's issue of Entertainment Weekly, they have an article of Lance and Joey's upcoming movie, On The Line. It is featured in the Fall Preview section. It is due out October 19, 2001, and following is the article that is written in the magazine.
Though On The Line stars only two-fifths of the World's Biggest Boy Band, its leading man has no illusions. "Oh yeah, this is going to be known as the 'N Sync movie," says Bass, who's also an executive producer. "But the people who don't listen to the music-this is for them, too." Filmed in Chicago and Toronto over 32 days-while 'N Sync was simultaneously recording it's new album, Celebrity, and planning for its summer stadium tour-the romantic comedy follows Kevin (Bass), a nice-guy Chicago adman who also happens to be habitually date-impaired. After meeting his dream gal (Snow Day's Chriqui) on the L train-and failing to get her number-Kevin and his pals (including fellow 'N Sync-er Fatone) poster the Windy City with "call me" flyers in hope of finding his subway sweetie. While Bass says he felt "very natural" making his big-screen acting debut, the singer didn't always relate to his hapless character: "First of all, if that were me, I would have gotten her number." (Oct. 19)

8/12/01-*NSYNC On the Cover of CD:UK. CD:UK (Count Down UK) mag! Issue 6! Has a huge NSYNC poster inside! Good pictures and interview! Also include some pictures of fans in Chicago and in the UK. There's also a little part where Lonnie (NSYNC's bodyguard) says that "NSYNC's fans are lunatics! They're well behaved though!". Also a SAUCY question for Justin! " Did you really snog Beyonce at a party? On US Radio she said you were a good kisser."! Chris describes a typical NSYNC fan and MORE!!!

8/8/01-USA Today covered young stars and the pressures brought by being in the spotlight, where Justin Timberlake revealed, "We're young guys, and we like to have fun, and we make mistakes sometimes. We don't say that we lead squeaky-clean lives. But we were raised by good mothers and good families, and we always take them into consideration." The article also sheds light on the status of Justin's legal tangle with Daniele McGuire as they report the suit was dropped without settlement, according to a lawyer for the group.

8/7/01-How To Get Mississippi Magazine. You can call both of the Barnes & Noble stores in Jackson, MS (601-991-3835) and Gulfport, MS (228-832-8906). They have been getting calls from all over the United States from people wanting to purchase the current Mississippi Magazine which has an article and pictures of Lance's house in it. They still have copies of the magazine if anyone wants to call and use a credit card to have the magazine shipped to them."

8/5/01-*NSYNC are profiled in this week's US Weekly with Mariah Carey on the cover. Laura MOrgan, the senior entertainment editor for Seventeen says the guys, "are a far cry from the decadent rock stars of years past. They're on time for interviews and promo activities, are gracious to their fans, and are good role models."

8/5/01-Wade and Lou on *NSYNC from US Weekly. Meet The Band: An Inside view of NSYNC

Justin Timberlake
Louis Pearlman:,former manager of NSYNC: "The youngest member---used to be the wildest but now very tame. I'm sure Britney sees to it in some respect."
Wade Robson, the band's choreographer and close friend: "He wants to act, so he's really serious about that. In the next couple of years, he's gonna be doing a lot of that."

JC Chasez
Pearlman: "He's the reserved guy---a perfectionist and very sincere. He tries to focus the direction of the group."
Robson: "There's a lot of things about JC that people don't know. He's one of those people you can ask about anything, and he seems to know something about it."

Lance Bass
Pearlman: "Fills in as the back-up to Justin, as far as the young all-American look goes.
Robson: "The hardcore businessman. He's always having these meetings and projects. Wherever we go, he's always got this office set up, with his assistant. He's the one that handles all the money and stuff."

Chris Kirkpatrick
Pearlman: "Always has a funny remark. He's a quick thinker. He thinks he has his own looks and style, which he's always maintained."
Robson: "We were shooting some of the video segments of the last tour, and he really has some moments of genius as far as acting(is concerned)"

Joey Fatone
Pearlman: "He's the edgy guy. You always have the one making the papers, doing something out of the norm. Lots of energy. Lots of partying."
Robson: "Joey farts a lot. I hear that's what everybody's saying."

8/3/01-The following excerpt was taken from Entertainment Weekly August 3rd magazine's "How They Did That" feature article.
How did 'N Sync choose which tracks would make it onto their new album?
After recording 25-plus songs, the guys and their label, Jive, first narrowed their repertoire to 15. "We then whittled it down to 12 because we didn't want the unlucky number 13," says group member Lance Bass. "We spent six hours at Jive listening to these 15 songs over and over again."
First to go: "Fallen," a ballad written by Chris Kirkpatrick, and the up-tempo "I Swear," a JC Chasez composition that Bass says "sounded just like Michael Jackson." The final choice came down to two tracks from Swedish hitmaker Kristian Lundin: "That Girl" and "Just Don't Tell Me That." Fortunately, the guys realized the lyrics to "That Girl" fit perfectly with the plot of Bass and Joey Fatone's fall romantic comedy, On The line. So it was decided that song, and "Fallen," would appear on the film's soundtrack.
The process still wasn't over. After 15 became 12, the group received a demo from the production team PAJAM for a track called "Do Your Thing." "We were like, 'Oh my gosh, this is a great song!' " says Bass, who describes it as "percappella." "So we went ahead and recorded that." The track's placement on Celebrity? Lucky No. 13.

8/1/01-TIME Hails Boys As Winners. In Time Magazine they had 2 columns of "winner and losers" with 3 things in each column and Nsync was under Winers! woohoo! "Boys to Men: Celebrity album smash gets grudging critical respect. Bye Bye Bye to rivals"

7/26/01-Rolling Stone's 'N Sync cover story is due to hit newsstands on Friday. The magazine will be available with six different covers. A group shot issue will be mailed to subscribers, while newsstand issues will feature each member of the pop quintet.

7/23/01-Billboard Reviews "Celebrity":
Album Title:Celebrity
Can 'N Sync accomplish what countless other teen-bred acts have terminated their careers trying to do? Can it enjoy superstar sales while savoring a taste of artistic credibility? If any act can do it, this is the one. In fact, Celebrity has the potential to be a textbook study in straddling the line between commerce and creativity. 'N Sync's third set shows the group writing and co-producing much of its material. The result is a set that balances safe single bets ("The Game Is Over") with potent forays into hip-hop ("Girlfriend") and 2-step dance ("Up Against the Wall"). Even the ballads are more daring, as evidenced by the old-school gem "Gone." Some may note the dominance of Justin Timberlake and J.C. Chasez over other members (none of whom contribute more than backing vocals), but the truth is that the quintet has never sounded tighter.

7/23/01-People Mag Review of "Celebrity." Making the transition from bubblegum idols to artistes is usually about as awkward as a case of acne on prom night. Such are the growing pains facing *NSYNC now that the pop phenoms have all left behind their teens. (The quintet's youngest member, Justin Timberlake, turned 20 in January.) Not to mention that they are facing the very grown-up pressure of following up last year's biggest album, the 11-million-selling No Strings Attached. That's why Celebrity represents such an impressive achievement for Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone. While experimenting with edgier sounds, such as the two-step of the jittery first single "Pop" and the sinister funk of the title track, they also pump up their boy-band appeal with the lush five-part harmonies of "Girlfriend," "Do Your Thing" and the simply stunning ballad "Gone."
Bottom Line: Men among boy bands.

7/20/01-US Weekly Review of Celebrity. Two items for you! Nsync is mentioned twice in the July 30 issure of US Weekly. The first is in the article "Hooray for Hollywoof". There is a pic of the guys with their dogs. The caption reads: 'Nsync with their support band: Justin Timberlake and his Yorkies, Bella & Bearlie; Joey Fatone and his miniature pinscher, Nakita; Chris Kirkpatrick and his pugs, Busta & Korea; JC Chasez and his Akita-shepard mix, Baron; and Lance Bass and his cocker spaniel, Lexi.'
The second is a review of Celebrity with a picture. "Talk about boys to men: on their latest album, Nsync pretty much succeed at clobbering the teen-pop stigma. Songs like "Pop" and the title track parlay dirtier sounds and subject matter, respectively, while weepers like "Gone" and radio ready-mades like "The Two of Us" ensure that little girls the world over will still understand. Sure, Justin Timberlake sings like he's sucking on a pacifier, but give him his due: He can cowrite a great tune ("Something Like You" featuring Stevie Wonder), and he's actually convincing as he gets all 'pissed off' on the chorus on the chorus of "See Right Through You." Given 3 stars with the comment: If you thought you hated these guys. . ."

7/20/01-*NSYNC Get All Shook Up. Its that rollercoaster. In the July 23, 2001 issue of Us Weekly three members of Nsync were featured in the 'faces & places' section.
"'N Sync Get All Shook Up. 'N Sync members Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez and Lance Bass, along with 20 of their friends, were ushered into Six Flags Astroworld in Houston via a back entrance on July 6 and spent the next hour riding Batman the Escape and five other roller coasters. The group exited the same way before heading across the street to the Reliant Astrodome for a concert stop on their Pop Odyssey Tour 2001."

7/10/01-Lance's House Featured in Mississippi Magazine. In the July/August issue of Mississippi Magazine Lance's house is featured. He doesn't like have a picture on the cover or anything, but there is a nice 5 page article with great pictures! Inside the magazine there are a couple of pictures of inside his house. The first picture is really big (like 1 and 1/2 pages) and is of the Dr. Suess room, another is of his mini theater room with all of his I Love Lucy stuff. There are also pictures of his sunroom, sun porch, and the pool area. Lance's sister helped with the article, she did the background info on him. The magazine is not available every where so it might be a task to find it. But the article is great and the pictures are awesome!

7/10/01-In the latest issue of Vibe, a magazine that covers urban music, Mimi Valdes writes, "Lots of black people are beginning to admit they like 'N Sync. But don't think that coming to grips with this has come easy. It's like our first impression of Eminem. Some of us were a little uncomfortable admitting that last year's biggest hip-hop success story belonged to a white boy, but he does have skills. And for those who don't already know, so does 'N Sync."

7/9/01-Candie's Ad With *NSYNC Debuts in YM & Teen People. If you have the August issues of YM and Teen People then you can see the ad.

7/9/01-JC Quote in US Weekly. In the July 16th issue of US Weekly, there is a small section called LooseTalk and in there JC is quoted to have said, "I wear [socks and underwear] once and throw them out. Even when I'm home... I wouldn't think of washing them".

7/2/01-Behind the scenes of Nsync's YM mag Photo shoot!
Alarm calls
We're all set up and ready to photograph *NSYNC in their hometown of Orlando, FL. The lights, backdrops, clothes are all in place. Only one thing is not in place. The band. They are nowhere in sight. Turns out it's harder for them to roll out of their own comfy beds than it was for them to jump out of the back-breaking ones they'd been using on the road. Their publicist and manager have it covered,they're speed-dialing each of them to make sure they're on their way.
Lance, a businessman through and through, is the first to arrive. "Time is money, and I hate wasting either," he says.
JC is next with his new "just rolled out of bed" hairstyle, though we later learn it takes about half an hour to achieve that messy look.
Soon after, Chris blows through like a bat out of hell literally. He's wearing strange bat wings and flapping into walls and people as he makes his way into hair and makeup. Seconds later he's pretending to be Bruce Lee and busting kung fu moves on everybody in sight. All this and he hasn't even had his first Mountain Dew of the day.
Joey, with his new cheetah-print hair, walks past everyone in a hurry to get to the rest room. His new 'do is for the movie, 'On the L,' which he's making with Lance (look out for it this fall). He plays a drummer in a grunge band. Even though Joey has spent some time behind the skins, it's kind of a stretch, since he's more Boyz II Men than Nirvana.
Justin's the last to arrive, in his new Cadillac Escalade. As he rounds the corner to the studio, we actually think the booming bass from his jacked-up sound system is a thunderstorm rolling in even though there isn't a cloud in the sky. He should pass out earplugs to anyone who rides with him.
Lights, camera, action! Now that they're all here, we can finally start the shoot. First up: the Beatles-esque black turtleneck shot the boys love how clean these pics look. Next come the custom-made graffiti outfits JC jokes that he feels a little weird having *NSYNC on his ass. (Each of the guys' suits is spray-painted with their names and the name of the group.) Everyone has a blast in the limo shots. Joey gets so silly he even moons us! Then the guys put on the fluorescent outfits but they let us know they aren't really feeling the look. Once they see the Polaroids, though, they quickly change their minds, because the colors look so cool on film.
After a whole day of acting like total pros we're starting to believe we're seeing a new, more mature *NSYNC Joey lets out a monstrous burp and everyone laughs. Then Chris makes fake farting noises and Justin starts an R-rated sing-a-long (sorry, the lyrics are too rude to print). In unison, the rest of the guys join in. "When we get really silly, you know two things," says Chris. "We're done with the shoot, and my Mountain Dew has kicked in."

6/25/01-Justin in People magazine "Style Watch." Justin is in this weeks PEOPLE magazine. He didn't make "America's Top 50 Bachelors," but he was on page 152 in "Style Watch." Cross Michael Jackson with "Easy Rider" and you'll get Hollywood's latest obsession, Dolce and Babbana's slim-waisted motorcycle jacket. Madonna, Usher, Justin Timberlake and Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham all turned up in recent weeks in the tricolor leather looker, which sells for around $1,300. "It's comfortable but glamorous," says a D&G rep. Not to mention ultra-cool. "I liked it immediatly," says Usher. "When I wear it I feel like Speed Racer." (There is also a picture of Justin wearing it.)

6/24/01-*NSYNC is written about in the August issue of Vibe where several top R&B artists are giving the band props.

6/24/01-*NSYNC Appear on 3 Covers of YM. There is a special cover for subscribers where they are all in black and the background is back, it looks like their heads are floating. There is gonna be two other covers that are on newstands. One of which they are wearing neon colors with a regular white backround. There is also a free poster inside the one on newstands but not the one for subscribers.

6/10/01-Rolling Stone Will Have 5 Covers for July 27 ish.
Q. What's coming up?
A. We're going to be doing five covers of 'N Sync with the Aug.16 issue, on newsstands July 27. It's the first time ever that Rolling Stone has done a separate cover for each member of a band.
Q. Given that 'Rolling Stone' has a mostly male-skewing audience, will your readers really care about buying Lance Bass covers?
A. Anybody who went to an 'N Sync show, as I did, and saw the frenzy can see that this is going to sell issues. We will also increase the newsstand draw across the country.
To visit Rolling Stone's rockin ' website, check out - they've got some exclusive pics of the boys and great articles to read.

6/3/01-Why Celeb's Love *NSYNC. In the new issue of a magazine called M it has section on Why celebrities love nsync. Aaron Carter says "If I had to choose between the music of BSB or Nsync, I'd pick Nsync."

5/27/01-The following article is from the most recent issue of J-14 magazine:
On June 26 (TBA), get ready for long lines and crowds of screaming fans at your local record store. That's when *NSYNC's brand-new CD, Celebrity, goes on sale. You're probably already grooovin' to the first smash hit single "Dirtypop" but JC, Justin, Chris, Joey and Lance want you to know there are plenty more sizzlin' songs where that came from. J-14 has all the exclusive 411 on the making of Celebrity.

Putting It Together:
Every great album has to start somewhere, and for *NSYNC, beginning a new CD means going into the studio, where they work with masterful producers and songwriters to create the sizzlin' hot sounds you hear on your CD player.. "Going into the studio, working on this record, we are fired up, man, let me tell you!" says JC. "We've been thinking about this album and coming up with new ideas every day, trying to do something funny and weird and exciting. We went into the studio thinking, we want to show everyone just how much we love doing this, how much we love making music."
What's it like in a recording studio?
Well, imagine a small, small room with thick padded walls, filled with microphones. It's hot, it's dark and it's crowded with people working to make a great album. And in that tiny room, you feel nothing but pressure to create something new and different. "The key to success with *NSYNC or any artist is that you don't continue to give the same thing you gave on the last album," says *NSYNC manager, Johnny Wright. "You always have to go one step better, and the only people who can tell you if you've done better, are your fans."
The guys spent over eight hours a day in their cramped studio in Orlando, Florida. "Celebrity" is a very independent album," says Chris. "Maybe one or two of the tracks were done by other producers - the rest, we did."
Sweat and Tears:

*NSYNC choreographer, Wade Robson, contributed his songwriting talents to the group, and he describes working in the studio as a long, sometimes tedious, sometimes magical process. "Justin and I co-wrote several of the songs, including "Dirtypop," "Celebrity" and "Gone." That means we started working at noon and we'd end at four in the morning. But those songs turned out hot. This CD is a huge step forward for the guys. It's really emotional and personal."
Johnny Wright agrees:
"The guys are going through new things as they get older. We have five personalities, and we had to accommodate everyone's musical tasts without losing what makes *NSYNC, *NSYNC." Or, as Chris puts it, "We work hard to keep it real. This music is our blood, sweat and tears."
Naming the CD:

Now you're probably wondering where the name Celebrity came from. Lance recently sat down with J-14 and explained the meaning behind the name. "You know how we love to poke fun at ourselves?" he asks with a mischievous grin. "We thought we'd be kind of clever and poke fun at the whole image of celebrity. We're on the cover, and we look all glamorous and 'Ooh, rock star!' But we're also writing and singing about what celebrity is really like - it's not glamorous. We want to show it from the side that no one else gets to see."
The concept of Celebrity may be funny, but the music on the CD is serious and seriously hot! "It's heavier than No Strings Attached," says JC. "It's not as polished. Pop music is always labeled as cheesy and bubble-gum and candy because it's sugar and spice and everything nice. But pop isn't candy. Look at Janet Jackson and Madonna. They're both pop. Our new music is a little more in-your-face and raw, so when you turn it up in a club, the whole place shakes. It's heavier and the sounds are a little dirtier - this CD is going to blow your mind."
According to Lance, the songs on Celebrity aren't just heavier - they're more real, more intimate and more personal than anything you've ever heard from *NSYNC. "'Gone,' which Justin wrote with our choreographer Wade Robson, is an incredible ballad, very personal and very beautiful," says Lance. "All the songs are like that; they mean something special to us, and we hope we can make them mean something to the fans, too."
Justin is very proud that he and the guys have written so many of the Celebrity songs. "As a writer and a vocalist, you play a role, like an actor does," says Justin. "You tap into your mind and create new thoughts and feelings. These songs are our personal creations."
On the Road:

The guys can't wait for you to hear their brand-new sounds, and they're looking forward to seeing you when they hit the road for their summer tour. "This show is going to be really theatrical," says Lance. "It's like, every idea we've ever had over the last five years, we threw it into this tour. And you can definitely tell who came up with the different parts of the show. I like pyro, lasers and explosions, so there's lots of that. Joey came up with this velcro wall...don't even ask, you've just got to see it. We're going to have all this action on stage, and it'll be fun for us to interact with the audience."
In fact, ever since the guys began recording the CD, they've been thinking about returning to the road - they're counting the days until the tour begins. "It's an all-stadium tour, which is a pretty big deal for us," says Justin. "We're specifically designing our stage for stadiums, and just going bigger with everything. Just to give you an idea - our last tour was considered 'huge' and we had 18 trucks with us. This year, we've got like 85 trucks with us."
But according to Wade Robson, who's choreographing the show, the concerts will still have an up-close and personal feel. "The tour will match the new music," he says. "Because the guys are so cool together and they get along so well and their relationship is so much fun to watch, I want to show some of that in the show. I want the audience to feel close to them as people." That means lots of audience interaction - fans will even take part in the making of an *NSYNC song on stage. "No matter how big the stage, we still want to be close to the fans," says Chris. "That's key."

5/12/01-*NSYNC Graces Cover of May 10th ET. *NSync graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly magazine for May 10th. There are two covers, and Dave Matthews Band occupies the other. This is the Summer Music Preview issue and it discusses "Celebrity" along with other new CDs that will hit the shelves soon. Get the magazine before it's sold out! Since there are more than one cover, it may be a little difficult to find the NSync cover.5/6/01-Vibe is giving props to *NSYNC with their 20 questions segment saying "After its smooth cover of That's the Way Love Goes at Janet Jackson's mtvICON tribute, isn't *NSYNC definitely the coolest boy band now?"

5/1/01-NSYNC's First Celebrity Single A U.K. Garage Number. Dance producer BT worked with group on 'Pop.' 'NSYNC embrace the of-the-moment dance sound of England's two-step/U.K. garage movement on "Pop," the first single from their upcoming album, Celebrity, according to Entertainment Weekly. Dance producer BT, who has remixed songs for Madonna, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan and Seal, worked with 'NSYNC on the song, EW reported in its latest issue.
"We took it to where we think music is going," Justin Timberlake, who co-wrote the song, told the magazine. "It's more futuristic. It's like R&B twice as fast."
According to EW, Celebrity will also include the ballad "Gone" and the potential single "Game Over." Rodney Jerkins produced the title track, while R&B crooner Brian McKnight produced a track called "Selfish," the magazine reported. Celebrity is due June 26, but 'NSYNC have promised to preview the album on their PopOdyssey tour, which kicks off next month. Representatives of the group's label, Jive Records, did not respond to requests for comment on the album, and a management representative for BT declined to comment on the producer's participation.

5/1/01-N The Works. They have a section in Entertainment Weekly called Hear & Now. It had a small article on *NSYNC's upcoming single and album. Here it is:
'N THE WORKS Remember when electronica was about to be the next big thing...then wasn't? It may still take over if teen girls have any say. ''Pop,'' the probable first single from 'N Sync's July album, ''Celebrity,'' finds producer BT adopting England's trendy ''two step'' sound. ''We took it to where we think music is going,'' says cowriter Justin Timberlake. ''It's more futuristic. It's like R&B twice as fast. It's like house - dance meets R&B...'' ''It's like the Artful Dodger making out with Aretha Franklin,'' kids Chris Kirkpatrick.
''Pop'' could almost be mistaken for the next Michael Jackson single, if he goes electronica. And Jacko is paying attention to 'N Sync: He heard ''Gone'' (cowritten by Timberlake) and asked if they'd donate it to his long delayed disc instead of ''Celebrity,'' but was turned down. ''It's probably my favorite ballad I've ever heard,'' boasts Lance Bass. Other completed tunes include the Rodney Jerkins helmed title track; ''Selfish,'' produced by Brian McKnight; and ''Game Over,'' which may be the first single if the group thinks radio is too pooped to keep up with ''Pop.'' --Chris Willman

4/26/01-*NSync Featured in Celeb TicTacToe. In the latest issue of American Girl Magazine there is a Celebrity TicTacToe!! A couple of people had Xs and Os on them, but luckily not Justin! It's on page 21 for those who are looking for it.

4/19/01-*NSYNC recently were in Los Angeles to do a cover shoot for Rolling Stone as the band will appear in the magazine when Celebrity is released late June.

4/12/01-What celebrities charge for their time. In the May issue of JANE magazine:
Want JC, Justin, Chris, Lance and Joey to put on a private concert for you? Then be ready to cough up a cool $1 million US. Great entertainment doesn't come cheap these days. Check out how much other celebrities charge for their time:

* Jennifer Lopez: $750,000 per hour
* Elton John, *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys: $1 million per private concert
* Former president George Bush, Al Gore, Jay Leno: $100,000 per lecture
* Dennis Rodman: $75,000 per appearance (body piercing demonstration is extra)
* Ellen DeGeneres: $35,000 per appearance

4/16/01-More On Justin's Book. This is a clip of a short article from this week's Entertainment Weekly:
"...'NSync heartthrob Justin Timberlake is tossing his own bejeweled jean jacket into the literary ring. Vigliano Associates has been circulating a proposal among New York publishers for a sports thriller to be penned by the 20-year-old song and dance sensation called Crossover Dribble. "The character is a white Michael Jordon - a basketball phenomenon," says an editor who passed on the book. The hero's name? Justin Woodriver. (Wood-river. Timber-lake. Get it? Of course you do.) Will he enjoy the same success as teh Spears duo? "His audience is girls and sports thrillers, which are a tough sell no matter how well they're written, are a boy's market," says another editor (who also passed.)"

3/4/01-TIPY holds the #1 spot on Billboard for 2nd week in a row. Weekly charts for the nation's recorded music as they appear in the March 3, 2001, issue of Billboard magazine. Used with permission. (Platinum signifies more than 1 million copies sold; Gold signifies more than 500,000 copies sold.):
TOP SINGLES (AIRPLAY) (Compiled from a national sample of airplay supplied by Broadcast Data Systems)
1. "This I Promise You," *NSYNC. Jive.
2. "Shape Of My Heart," Backstreet Boys. Jive.
3. "The Way You Love Me," Faith Hill. Warner Bros.
4. "Back Here," BBMak. Hollywood.
5. "I Hope You Dance," Lee Ann Womack With Sons Of The Desert. MCA Nashville.

3/1/01-Justin Speaks Out About Gun Safety. The January 2001 issue of Marie Claire (Uma Thurman graces the cover) has an article entitled "End Gun Violence Now!" and features several famous people all wearing a shirt that has a butterfly on it and holding hands. The very last person in line is Justin and there's a little quote from him that says, "When the Constitution was drafted, AK-47s didn't exist. Now, at the very least, people should support safety locks for guns."

2/13/00-JC's House in the Hollywood Hills. In Entertainment Weeklythere is always an article called, "Gimme Shelter." The section is about recent sales of celeb houses. This week our very own JC was in the issue. Here is what the article said, plus check out pg 18 of the magazine if you want to see a picture.
"4 BR, 4 BTH hilltop house in the Hollywood Hills Price $1.1 Million. It's a buy, buy, buy for *NSYNC's JC Chasez, who just moved into a 4,000-square-foot L.A. home that sources say is within sight of Britney Spears' new pad. (The teen queen paid a reported $3 million a few weeeks ago for her 6,000-square-foot fortress.) EW has learned Chasez bought the three story abode last spring and made extensive renovations. The half-acre spread boasts two fireplaces, a gourmet kitchen, a two-story master bedroom, and sweeping city views. Note to Britney and her beau, fellow *NSYNC-er Justin Timberlake: keeps the shades drawn!

2/13/02-Justin's First Crush. This article was in February 16, 2001 issue of Entertainment Weekly:
With a romance in the air, we asked stars to name their first celeb crush.... Justin Timberlake: "Sam from Who's the Boss? (Alyssa Milano). She was hot and could play sports too."

2/5/01-In the February 9 issue of Entertainment Weekly there's a picture of Lance at the Sundance Film Festival and a short paragraph on why he was there. The paragraph reads: "Heck, even a Colgate-grinning pop confectioneer like 'N Sync's Lance Bass was in the house talking about his all-time favorite film (Tim Curry's board game-turned-feature film, Clue) and hustling to promote his new movie production deal. 'It's just something that totally gets my mind off all the music stuff and lets me focus on something different,' says Bass. 'It's all about being creative.' Fair enough. But c'mon, Clue?

2/4/01-Entertainment Weekly surveyed Grammy voters for an indication of who'd win Song of the Year, and Faith Hill's Dream was considered the likely winner. *NSYNC's Bye Bye Bye prompted one voter to say, "Academy members aren't young and they aren't girls, so forget about *NSYNC."

1/31/01-JC- Fashion Victim! In US magazine they have this section about people who are fashion victims. JC made the list. They were making fun of the outfit he wore to the grammy nominations announcement. One guy said it looks like the 80s threw up on him. Check it out.

1/26/01-Most Popular Videos and Songs. January 27,2001 Billboard magazine will release the list of best concert videos of all time. and the list is:

1."Up in Smoke Tour" Various Artists
2."No Strings Attatched" NSYNC
3. Salival Tool
4."Britney in Hawaii: Live and More" Britney Spears
5."He Touched Me: Volume 1" Elvis Presely
6."He Touched Me: Volume 2" Elvis Presely
7."E." Eminem
8."Baller Blockin" Cash Money
9."Hell Freezes Over" Eagles
10."Aaron's Party (Come and Get it) The Video" Aaron Carter.

Also to be featured in this magazine best songs recorded:

1."Independent Woman Part 1" Destiny's Child. Colombia
2."It Wasn't Me" Shaggy MCA
3."He Loves You Not" Dream Bad Boy
4."Love Don't Cost a Thing" Jennifer Lopez Epic
5."If You're Gone" Matchbox 20 Lava
6."Again" Lenny Kravitz Virgin
7."Miss Jackson" Outkast LaFace
8."Case of the Ex (Whatcha Gonna Do" Mya University
9."With Arms Wide Open" Creed Wind-up
10."The Way You Love Me" Faith Hill Warner Bros.
11."Stronger" Britney Spears Jive
12."This I Promise You" Nsync Jive
13."Stutter" Joe (feat. Mystakil) Jive
14."Kryptonite" 3 Doors Down Republic
15."I Just Wanna Love You (Give it to me)" JayZ Roc-a-fella/DeffJam

1/25/01-Tiger Beat reports postive comments from Justin on Eminem though less than positive comments on O-Town. Says Justin, "Eminem, it's cool to me. We got free promotion on his album. ... We think he's talented." And of O-Town? "I'm almost positive that they don't have a clue what's going on," says Timberlake. "I kind of look back and I feel like that's what we were like."

1/16/01-According to US Weekly, BSB's Howie D. and A.J. McLean followed up a recent karaoke bar performance of "Brickhouse" with an encore you might have heard of: *NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye." Witnesses say Howie and A.J. brought an LA bar down with the bass-heavy ditty, which they belted out while mocking the song's signature dance moves. Yeah, your "Larger Than Life" choreography was so much cooler, guys.

1/13/01-*NSYNC's legal team tells Entertainment Weekly "In our opinion, this lawsuit has no merit whatsoever" in response to the Danielle McGuire verbal abuse suit.

12/31/00-Steve Watson, senior buyer for LA Sunset Boulevard Virgin Megastore tells Entertainment Weekly that the Beatles 1 is "blowing away" the latest Backstreet and *NSYNC discs in sales.

12/31/00-Perhaps Entertainment Weekly thinks *NSYNC is the latest fad when they put the band's lip balm at #10 on this week's Hot Sheet saying, "If you pull off the label it says 'The Phantom Menace.'"

12/31/00-Looks like *NSYNC's desire to hook up with Timbaland to help produce their next album as we reported in October may be in jeopardy, as Entertainment Weekly quotes him as saying, "I'm turning people away. I can't be giving out my sound to everybody anymore. I got to look out for me."

12/30/00-TV Guide Announces Nominees For Awards Show. With the awards shows season approaching, TV Guide is getting ready for its third annual "TV Guide Awards" with nine new categories and 240 first-round nominees this year. The show will take place at the Shrine Expo Center in Los Angeles on Feb. 24 and will air on March 7, 2001 on FOX. The winners will be determined via ballots published in the January 6 and January 13 issues of TV Guide and made available online at and through AOL. 'N Sync has been nominated, not once, but twice in the "Music Special of the Year" category, along with the following:

Christina Aguilera - My Reflection

An All-Star Tribute to Joni Mitchell

Marc Anthony: The Concert from MSG

Britney in Hawaii

Dixie Chicks: On the Fly

Gloria Estefan, Caribbean Soul: The Atlantis Concert


Elton John - Greatest Hits Live

*NSYNC Live from Madison Square Garden

*NSYNC *Ntimate Holiday Special

A Supernatural Evening with Santana

VH1 Divas 2000: A Tribute to Diana Ross

For the complete list of nominees in all categories, just click on over to Further details on the show and whether 'N Sync will be in attendance will be posted as soon as they are announced.

12/30/00-CosmoGirl's February 2001 issue names Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake as a Sweet Couple of 2000.

12/30/00-*NSYNC was talked about on TRL Friday since they will be on the cover of Teen People separately from Britney Spears.

12/29/00-*NSYNC Are "Best in 2000. 'N Sync's album, in People Magazine's Best of 2000 issue, was in the best category along with Britney Spears. However, in the worst category were fellow pop sensations 98º and Jessica Simpson. Also, on E! News Daily the other night, they did a special on music of 2000 and showed a clip of 'N Sync. Basically, it was just Justin hugging Chris saying "I love this man....I love this man," and Chris saying "Get him off me." Then, Justin sat back down and said something to the extent of "I don't LOVE him!" And...I'm not sure if you had this too.

12/29/00-Justin Delivers Romance. This is From the new People Magazine with Madonna’s Wedding on the Cover. Fast Takes: Britney Spear's romance with 'NSync's Justin Timberlake is in full bloom. To celebrate her 19th birthday in early December, Timberlake had 26 dozen roses adorn a $2,400-a-night hotel suite at the La Quinta Resort & Club near Palm Springs, with petals from another 10 dozen roses scattered around the room.

12/28/00-Y2Kings of Pop-from Teen People. If you haven't heard *NSYNC won Best Boy Band, Album of the Year, Best Video for It's Gonna Be Me, Best Kiss-off for Bye, Bye, Bye, and Entertainment Event of the Year in Teen People's Reader's Choice Awards. In the article it talks about how No Strings Attached separated *NSYNC from BSB's shadow and stopped people from saying that they were "just another boy band". And they all credit different things for being the reasons behind NSA's huge sucess. JC says that it was because "we toured forever before the release and after". Lance says that it was becuase "Bye, Bye Bye was phenomenal" Chris agrees saying that "I want You back and Tearin' Up my Heart were big but Bye Bye Bye was our first timeless song". Joey credits the resolution of *NSYNC's legal battles with RCA. Justin offers yet another reason, "It's our realness, people see that they ! can talk to us like normal people." The article goes onto say how all 5 of the guys remain uneffected by all their sucess, JC was excited to get an autograph from the Simpsons' creator (*NSYNC will guest star in a 2001 episode) Chris is still starry-eyed from meeting his idol Paul McCartney at the MTV VMA's. And high on Justin's list of unforgettable events would be girlfriend Britney Spears's choice to go public with their relationship. "That was her decision. I've always told her, if that's something she wanted to do, then I didn't mind. It's so hard to have a relationship, period." He's confident, though, that the romance can survive the inevitable media scrutiny. "If you really love somebody, nothing can get in the way. 'Look, I love you, you love me, that's it.' Problems are going to come and go...she and I complement each other. She breathes fresh air into me; she's like a reality check. She's an absolutely wonderful, an absolutely beautiful person, inside and out. When [negative] things are said about her, I take offense to them even more than she does". Joey weighs in, characterizing the pair as completely down-to-earth. "When they come together," he says, "it's like, 'What do you guys wanna do?' 'Let's sit ddown and watc! h TV.' Stuff like that." The article then talks about how the guys got here by not giving up and changing their sound in different ways. It also says that the Why Can't I Be You? movie is no longer an idea, and Grease 3 was also dumped."

12/28/00-Bloodhound Gang and 'NSync. In a recent issue of the Georgia Strait (local entertainment/music newspaper in the Vancouver, Canada area) Evil Jared Hasselhoff of the Bloodhound Gang gave an interview .... On rumors that Jimmy Pop has invited members of 'NSync to contribute to the next Bloodhound Gange album: "Working with 'NSync I think would be a little gay. I think the reason that Jim wants to do it is that he has a bit of a crush on Justin."

12/28/00-This article is from Pollstar. Concerts Generate Big Bucks Again This Year. Proving older musicians still have legs in the marketplace, Tina Turner outpaced teen heartthrobs 'N Sync to generate the most money on the concert circuit in 2000. Concert ticket prices began to level off after years of rising rapidly, and there were worries of a slowdown, according to an annual survey by the trade publication Pollstar. Turner, 61, took in $80.2 million in ticket sales for 95 concerts. Her success surprised experts because it's been several years since she's had a hit record. "She had announced it was going to be her farewell tour," said Pollstar editor Gary Bongiovanni, "and people took her at her word." Maybe that will start a trend, although Kiss had less success on its farewell tour. The costumed rockers' long goodbye raked in $62.7 million for a whopping 128 concerts - and more are planned for 2001. 'N Sync received $76.4 million to place second on Pollstar's list of ticket revenue. The boy band sold more tickets than anyone this year, its 1.6 million edging the Dave Matthews Band. Teen pop is going full steam: 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and the Backstreet Boys together sold 4 million tickets and took in $156 million, the magazine said. Dixie Chicks and the double bill of married country acts Faith Hill and Tim McGraw did big business too, along with the reunions of veteran rockers Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. While the rock band Creed generated $26.2 million from 79 concerts, Barbra Streisand made more economical use of her time - she got $27 million for only four shows. Streisand's average ticket price was $471.27, Pollstar said. An estimated $1.7 billion in concert tickets were sold in 2000, up from last year's record $1.5 billion, the magazine said.

12/27/00-Britney Talks Justin In Teen People. Britney has taken charge of her personal life too. It was her idea to come clean about her longtime relationship with *NSYNC's Justin Timberlake. At the VMAs- days before the love connection became public knowledge- she put her foot down when someone in her circle suggested that she park herself anywhere in the audience but beside Justin. "I was like, 'I want to sit by him," Britney says firmly. "He's fun to be around. I love his company. With him and my brother sitting by me, it made me feel so much more at ease and at peace." Having her hair and makeup done at a Teen People shoot in Pittsburgh a week after the awards, Britney seems remarkably at ease discussing what she and Justin have long kept under wraps. "It's just cool to have someone who understands my schedule-and to have someone to talk to like a really good friend," says Britney of the guy she affectionetly refers to as J. "He is such a sweetheart. He is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool."

12/25/00-THis article on 'N SYNC is in Teen People magazine:

"If not for out fans, we wouldn’t be living the dream! Thanks to everyone for all the support in making the album (No Strings Attached), the video ("It's Gonna Be Me" and the kiss-off song ("Bye Bye Bye" such a success – and for making 2000 such an amazing year."

"Guess what I did?!" On hand with the rest of *NSYNC for their TEEN PEOPLE shoot at Chelsea Piers in NYC, Justin Timberlake feels compelled to butt in on a table full of people deep in conversation. "This is worth the interruption," he continues by way of apology. "Last week I went skydiving! Funny thing was, I thought I was going to be really scared. But I wasn’t at all!"

Of course he wasn't: Justin and his group mates – Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick – have been flying high for some time now. Y2K was a dream year for the quintet, which not so long ago was considered by music industry insiders to be little more than a wannabe Backstreet Boys. But *NSYNC’s No Strings Attached – the No. 1 album that launched a trio of hits, including their first chart-topping single, "It's Gonna Be Me" – changed all that, propelling the group to phenomenon status.

The album's success led to a sell-out concert tour; a slew of accolades, including three MTV Video Music Awards and three Billboard Awards; their own specials on HBO and FOX; and notable performances at the Oscars, the American Music Awards and the Latin Grammys. On this chilly October day, the guys look back over the events of the last 1- months. JC thinks it was their omnipresence that put *NSYNC over the top.

"I think it was the footwork we did," he says. "We toured forever. We had four days off for Christmas, and that's it." Lance has a different theory. " ’Bye Bye Bye' was just phenomenal. [A huge first single] sells albums," he says. Chris nods in agreement; " 'I Want You Back' and 'Tearin' Up My Heart' were big but 'Bye Bye Bye' was our first timeless song." Joey credits the resolution of *NSYNC's legal battles with its former label, RCA Records (the group is now on Jive Records, also home to Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears): "When that whole lawsuit went down and we finally got control people were like, 'I Want to see what they're going to do.' " Justin offers yet another explanation. "It's our realness," he says. "People appreciate our music, but I think they feel like they can talk to us."

Even with everything they’ve accomplished, the guys remain unjaded. JC is ecstatic about getting a Simpsons photo signed by creator Matt Groening ('NSYNC wil guest-star in a 2001 episode). Chris is still starry-eyed from meeting his idol Paul McCartney at the MTV Video Music Awards. "He shook my hand," he says. "It was real quick in the hall, but it was one of those things that you remember forever."

An event that would no doubt rank high on Justin’s list of unforgettable events: girlfriend Britney Spears’s choice to go public with their relationship. "That was her decision," says Justin. "I've always told her, if that's something that she wanted to do, then I didn't mind. It’s so hard to have a relationship period." He's confident, though, that the romance can survive the inevitable media scrutiny.

"If you really love somebody, nothing can get in the way. 'Look I love, you love me, that's it.' Problems are going to come and go... She and I complement each other. She breathes fresh air into me; she’s like a reality check. She's absolutely wonderful, and absolutely beautiful person, inside and out. When [negative] things are said about her, I take offense to them even more than she does." Joey weighs in, characterizing the superstar pair as completely down-to-earth. "When they come together," he says, "it's like, 'What do you want todo?' 'Let's sit down and watch TV.' Stuff like that."

Justin is lucky to have a girlfriend who understands the demanding schedule that comes along with pop supstardom. Although *NSYNC could easily demand some downtime these days – as of this interview, No Strings has sold 9 million copies – the band hasn't slowed down one bit. This morning for example, they awoke before dawn to perform on Good Morning America; hours later they arrive wide-eyed and eager to do this interview and pose for their Teen People cover. Talk about an impressive work ethic!

"That's why groups come and go – they don't work like they did in the beginning," JC explains. "Like Madonna – you think she hangs out every day? No. What do you think Prince does? He's sitting in his studio right now. The people who put the time in and work their tails off, those are the people you end up respecting in the years to come." Accordingly, the guys know that their next CD, scheduled for release in June, is all the more important.

"We're not going to tour while we do the album," says Lance, who anticipates heading into the studio this month. "That's what we've done for the last two. If we focus and relax and sit in one city for a couple of months, it’s going to be that much better."

So what’s in store for fans? Something even more unexpected than the surprisingly funky and hard-edged No Strings Attached. "Everybody was sticking to guitar pop, and we took it to space beats," says JC, alluding to No Strings's tracks "Space Cowboy" and "Digital Getdown." "Now you hear everybody trying to do something digital in their songs." Adds Chris: "It's going to have some harder guitars. It's going to scare some people because that’s what good music does. But they'll eventually come back around and realize that it's innovative."

Eventually *NSYNC hopes to expand it's empire beyond music, but the road to Hollywood has been rocky. Recently the boys dumped the film project Why Can't I Be You? for creative reasons. "It was like an edgy She's All That," says Chris. "[But] we don't want to do another American Pie or something that's been done." Also scrapped: plans for the group to star in Grease 3 (that was the working title).

While waiting to make their next movie move, *NSYNC has other concerns, among them the upcoming Grammy nominations. Last year the group scored two nods, including Best Pop Vocal Collaboration for "Music of My Heart," its duet with Gloria Estefan. Now they're gunning for their first solo nomination. "I'm gonna puke, dude," says JC of the building suspense. "I'm scared. I'm really really nervous."

But the group remains confident. "We're hopeful that something will get nominated because the album was so big," says Lance. "Nominations are great. And to perform. That's just what I want to do. We're crossing our fingers – nothing guaranteed." Including longevity. "People are going to stop putting posters up on the wall in a while," says Chris. "Seven or eight years from now, there are not going to be hundreds of girls outside our hotels waiting for us just so they can get a glimpse. We're realistic. We hope that we can evolve."

Songwriter Diane Warren, who penned "Music of My Heart" and the No Strings track, "That's When I'll Stop Loving You," thinks they'll do just that. "They have the best shot at longevity," she says. "They sing their butts off; they're unaffected by their success; they're really apart and they're all entrepreneurs."

All five *NSYNCers have embraced outside projects: Joey recently filmed a small role in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a romantic comedy due this spring; Lance manages country artists Jack Defoe and Meredith Edwards, who has opened for *NSYNC and whole self-title debut album is due on Mecury Records in March; Chris's clothing line, FuMan Skeeto, recently premiered at Nordstrom department stores and has its own Web site; JC wrote and co produced "Just Another Girl," the first single from Wild Orchid's upcoming CD; and Justin dabbled in acting with a role in the March 2000 TV movie Model Behavior.

It seems their solo successes have only intensified the five friends' determination to achieve more together. "We still have a place in our career that we're striving to get to," says Justin. "I definitely don't feel that we've arrived yet. 'Gratified, never satisfied.' That's always been our motto. There's always somewhere else to go."

12/20/00-The new Teen People has quotes from Justin and Britney on their relationship. Britney confides, "Justin is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool" Justin says of his girl, "If you really love somebody, nothing can get in the way. 'Look, I love you, you love me, that's it.' Problems are going to come and go... She and I compliment each other. She breathes fresh air into me; she's like a reality check. She's absoutely wonderful, an absolutely beautiful person, inside and out. When [negative] things are said about her, I take offense to them even more than she does."

12/15/00-NSYNC Named #5 Entertainers of The Year. 'N SYNC is #5 in entertainment weekly's Entertainers of the Year.

12/12/00-Here is an article that appeared in Popstar magazine:

It's a sweltering night in New York City! The MTV Video Music Awards have just ended, complete with 2 show-stopping performances: *NSYNC's TV monitor line dance and an eye-popping Vegas striptease by Britney Spears! Everyone is buzzing about the fact that the long-rumored but often-denied couple, actually arrived, sat and departed together, From their seats in the audience, Britney and Justin even posed for the loving pic that graces our cover! Is this It? Are they officially out as a couple? Now it's off to Twirl, a club on 23rd street, for the exclusive after-party. During the course of the evening, Britney and Justin are more together than apart, posing for a pic at one point with an admirer. In the photo--which will later be published in a party paper--Britney is nuzzled into the crook of Justin's arm, holding a finger to her lip coquettishly! Her expression almost seems to say, " Well are we or aren't we"? I'll Never tell! Ever since Britney Spears opened for *NSYNC back in 1998 fans began to spread rumors that she and Justin Timberlake are dating! They were seen together, issued contradictory comments about the state of their togetherness and at times shocked their fans with PDA'S! With their romantic relationship now in the light of day, we wanted to document for you some of the clues that led up to Britney's outspoken Elle Magazine Interview. Tracking their rumored romance from the first whispered innuendoes to confirmed fact that will help you, as fans, to decide for yourselves what to believe,--not only about this particular gossip item, but about celebrity gossip in general. When it comes to who is dating who, it isn't *alwayz* a matter of totally believing what stars say, and it should almost *never* be a matter of totally believing what the gossip mill says. You need to look at all of the facts and figure out which make sense and which don't and why. After research and some commonsense thought, In the end, you will have the closest thing to the truth that you--as a fan--can ever have. Then you can decide how much the truth matters to you. Britney and Justin have gave mixed signals right from the beginning. In early 99, while on a break after injuring her knee, Britney gave an interview to the The Chicage Sun-Times. The reporter asked her if she and Justin did more tham sing together as young co-mouseketeers. Britney's response was a giggle, followed by, "We used to date when we were on the show, he was my first kiss! He is a very sweet guy, And a good kisser." Britney might have been referring to a kiss as part of a scene on The Micley Mouse Club, Because she told the Britsh men's magazine FHM, that her first kiss was at age 14 from a boy named Mason. Regardless, when the Sun-Times quote was picked up, she denied--to MTV-- ever saying that Justin had been her first kiss! During the rest of the Sun-Times interview, Britney said that she was not dating anyone, ("I don't have any time." but she also said that her ideal boyfriend would be "someone that is in the business, who understands exactly what you are going through." Whn stars tell you they dont have time for romance. thats usually their way of saying, "It's None of your business." *Everyone* has time for love! Good proof was that when Britney had described him as a good kisser, Justin laughed and said--on the record--that she was, too. Britney added to the confusion by missing an in-person scheduled at Filene's in September of 1999. Fans were told Britney was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict. but rumors flew that she had actually arrived on Boston, on her tour bus, from Vermont, then had impulsively left with *NSYNC to Jackson, Mississippi. The story went that she'd then continue on with them to Memphis, Tennessee, following them on their concert tour. In reality--rumor had it-- Britney desperately tried to fly back to Boston, but was unable to secure a flight, even on a provate jet. The whole incident was denied, despite reports that they'd shared a room at a hotel. This event helped to crysallize in fans' minds that Britney and Justin were just Britney & Justin. It wasn't just a rumor that Britney had been in those other places, it was a fact--she was seen and photographed. Also all over the next year, she would be seen frequently at many *NSYNC concerts. They do share a manager, but no artist--least of all one as famous and as busy as Brit, would spare that amount of time just to support a good buddy. Just a month after the Boston incident, Britney denied in TV Guide that she had a boyfriend at all. ("I haven't run into anybody I really want to go out with" But being as playful as she has alwayz been on the subject, Britney did say of Justin, "I would give anything to go out with him, It's so funny. they're alwayz saying that, I wish." Despite this denial, TV Guide made sure to point out that the 2 had been spotted together numerous times, including at the Country Music Awards Association. Britney handled it by telling Us Magazine in its August 1999 issue that the rumors about her and Justin are "Not True." This is around the time that things got a little pushier on the part of the media. When Birtney turned 18, she threw a big bash at a club called Halo in New York. She had been spotted with Boyz N Girlz United's Robbie Carrico at the Drive Me Crazy premiere, and she arrived with him for her party, sparking gossip that she had moved from Justin to Justin-look-alike (and tight singer!) Robbie! But once inside the party, Britney and Justin were said to have kissed and an adorable pic of them slow-dancing together was published in the tabloid The Star. We at Popstar! don't like to publish "caught ya!" pictures so we won't publish that one. But once fans saw the deeply romantic picture, there was just no ignoring that *something* was going on. It wasn't long before the German teen mag, Bravo put a pic of the couple on their cover, (not a posed shot, but 2 seperate pics stuck together) as part of an inside story that showed surveillance photos of Britney and Justin driving together and holding hands. For his part, Justin usually said that he and Britney didn't date, but as 2000 wore on, he did an about-face, saying that he and Britney dated sometimes but that it was nothing exclusive. Britney also owned up to occasionally kissing Justin in the present, not just back during their Mouse Years. And let's not even *talk* about that mysterious dedication on Britney's Oops!....I Did It Again CD. Now we were getting somewhere. This past summer, when British tabloids revealed that Britney and Justin were engaged, the world believed...perhaps to quickly. Without stopping to think, "Would Britney and Justin *really* tell the British tabloids before anyone else?" every major news outlet reported the engagement as 100% fact. The story was immediately and firmly reputed by both parties, both of whom told the media that they had laughed out loud over the idea. This is a good example of when to seperate fantasy from reality. Yes, they are dating--that much we fugured. But it just didn't add up that they'd be rushing to the altar so soon. Though every teenage girl in America held her breath when Justin and Britney came thisclose to kissing onstage at the Fox Teen Choice Awards, clearly the turning point in the "aren they or aren't they?" debate came thanks to MTV, the network that helped make Britney and Justin into the superstars that they are. By showing up for the MTV Video Music Awards together and by not hiding their affections, the duo was showing that actions speak louder than words. The final confirmation came when Britney was asked to pose for Elle magazine. Britney looked totally grwon up in the portraits, and she confidently told the interviewer that her and Justin *are* in love. "When you're really comfortable with someone you love," said Brit, "the silence is the best And that's how me and J are. When we're in a room together, we don't have to say anything. And when we go out to a club, it's like we're the only 2 people there, it's for real." Britney also confessed to Elle that she enjoyed playing with public perception, saying she had joked with Justin that she should wear a huge ring, just to keep people talking." Internet rumors swirled that Justin had denied Britney's comment's in Elle, but those quotes didn't ring true. Why? Because they were not published in association with any known interviewer or publication, they were just reported on fan mailing lists. Without backup. don't believe. So it seems they are--finally!-- a (semi-) official couple. Now...why do you care? You care because when you idolize someone, it's not only for their artistry, it's also for their personality. Part of their personality is who they fall in love with, (And why shouldn't you care who Justin falls for, since you've fallen for Justin?) You can't be faulted for being interested in the love between Britney and Justin, anymore than you can be faulted for being interested in their music, their interviews, their health, their happiness. What's important to take from the story of Britney and Justin is that it's impossible to make up your mind about rumors without having *all* the facts and without using your brain to figure out what's real and what's fake. And in the end, if your a real fan---- not a fake----you will support your idols and want them to be happy and to be in love.

12/9/00-Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears have made People Magazine's Intriguing Couples 2000 list:

Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake

After they were first spotted clubbing in New York in the summer of 2000, the affection between Britney Spears and 'N Sync's Justin Timberlake became more public on Sept. 7 at the MTV Video Music awards at Manhattan's Radio City Music Hall and later at the nightclub Twirl, reported PEOPLE. "They sat next to each other or danced the whole night," touching each other's faces and doing "the little things people do that show they're a couple." Since then they've been spotted together in Miami and Los Angeles, despite the fact he lives in Orlando, Fla., and she calls Louisiana home. It seems to be a lot more than just friendship, though the two go back to 1993 together, before they were even teens. Both costarred on the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club.

12/3/00-Justin in January 2001 Marie Claire. Justin Timberlake is in the January 2001 Marie Claire magazine in an article "End Gun Violence Now!" There was a contest to draw a design for the campaign t-shirt and the winning t-shirt read "We want butterflies in our neighborhoods not bullets!" This was put on t-shirts and a whole bunch of celebrities are wearing then holding hands. Some of the celebrities included are Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, Michael Douglas, Sting and his wife, Naomi Campbell, Spike Lee, Heidi Klum, Susan Sarandon, Melanie Griffiths, Christy Turlington, Helena Christensen, and a lucky girl named Gillian Nadel who got to hold Justin's hand! Justin's quote is "When the Constitution was drafted, AK-47's didn't exist. Now, at the very least, people should support safety locks for guns."

11/22/00-In the December issue of J-14 magazine there was an article about Justin helping a lady out! How sweet!! The article stated He's cute, talented, and can change a flat tire! Justin recently came to the rescue of a stranded motorist in Florida. The singer was chilling with a group of people on the side of the road when a car rolled to a stop near him. The woman with the flat tire recalls the *Nsyncer coming to her aid: "At first, I had no idea who he was, but he was really nice and very friendly.

11/21/00-I just wanted to let all of the spanish peaking fans know that NSYNC is featured in the spanish magazine ERES. They are on the cover and there is a 4 page interview with them. So those of you who understand spanish go out and get it! Those of you who want to teach me E-mail me. Hey I'm in Spanish 2!!!

11/19/00-Entertainment Weekly reports that Jive Records has shipped over 5 million copies of Backstreet Boys Black & Blue, which tops *NSYNC's 4.2 million shipment. They term the race for the record in election-like terms "too close to call." 11/17/00-In this months people magazine there is a 2 page article about Justin timberlake and Britney Spears. The article is called Pop's Puppy Lovers and includes 4 pictures of the two together. If you want to read it online go to

11/11/00-In the Dec2000/Jan2001 issue of Teen People, there was a section titled "201 for 2001: Trend Forecast"...a prediction of what will be the fads and what's hot for 2001. Here were some of the results:


1) Freddie Prinze JR

2) Ryan Philippe

3) Justin Timberlake


1) Britney Spears

2) 'N SYNC

3) Justin Timberlake


1) 'N SYNC

2) Blink 182

3) BSB


1) 'N SYNC

2) Eminem

3) Creed

11/11/00-'N SYNC graces the Canadian TV Guide cover on the week of November 11th-17th. There are two collectible covers that form a full picture together. One has Justin and Joey, and the other has Lance, JC, and Chris. There is an interview with JC inside.

10/22/00-In the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly 'N SYNC and Backstreet Boys were number 54 of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood.

10/21/00-In the October 21-27th issue of TV Guide, I found this: Vanilla Ice/Hip-Hop artist/ [About the rapper Eminem] "I think he's really lame in certain ways because to pick on the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC- that's like the easiest target in the world. Why pick on them? Because they're outselling you? Because they're just not as hard as you? Because they're mainstream , because the kids can listen to them? I don't respect him for cracking on novelty acts like that. Why don't you crack on somebody that can say something back, like me?"

10/1/00-If you got the CosmoGirl you probably noticed that Justin's quote of Britney was not in there. Either somebody made it up or it just wasn't printed in the magazine. A spokesperson for CG did say that Justin had "beautiful things" to say about Britney.

9/28/00-Vibe is calling for Justin Timberlake to release a solo effort and dump his *NSYNC bandmates. They say of Justin, "He can sing, dance, and not many white boys can rock a curly, dirty-blond afro, much less cornrows, as well as he can." They add, "Besides, without Justin, *NSYNC might as well be C Note." Their suggested solo album title? Out of Sync.

9/26/00-Justin Admits He and Brit are an Item from november issue of cosmogirl with justin on the cover out in oct. Justin Timberlake from the Pop group *NSync has officially confirmed as well that him and Pop Princess Britney Spears are in fact an item. In the October issue Timberlake tells Cosmogirl magazine: “ When there’s a chemistry between you and someone that you care deeply about, it really doesn’t matter who knows and who doesn’t know. It’s really between you and that person. That’s how Brit and I are. As long as we know we love each other and we care about each other, we don’t have to prove ourselves to the world or whoever else. If we’re out together, we just focus on us and on us alone. Yeah we realize we are celebrities and in the spotlight on a consistent basis. But before we’re celebrities, we’re Britney and Justin and even after being celebrities, we’ll still be Britney and Justin. Timberlake also tells the magazine about how him and Spears laughed about the rumors of the couple being engaged. “When I heard, I called her and started to ask her questions about what kind of flowers she wanted, what the colors were and things like that and she thought I was crazy. And then I explained it to her and she started laughing hysterically. She told me that during her show she would wear a big-ass ring just keep people talking.” Timberlake graces Cosmogirl cover wearing an original Ralph Lauren sweater with original Ralph Lauren khaki pants.

9/20/ has a special section profiling the guys in *NSYNC, including psychic readings, chat, webcast, photo gallery, and Q&A.

9/3/00-Spin Mags 100 sleaziest moments #48. "Lou Pearlman stealing money away from popular band *NSYNC, and then actually suing them for millions"

9/2/00-NSYNC has ads in magazines that are now promoting the Video Music Awards Thursday.

8/22/00-'N SYNC will be on the cover of TV guide again. The magazine hits shelves on August 26th.