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JC Quotes

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Boxers or briefs?
Actually boxer-briefs. The sports shorts.

Actually, nobody every told me (that I should sing professionally) except for when I auditioned. I was dared before that by my best friend K.C. but that was just to embarrass me.

Actually, the flame (on the CD) was a graphic designer's idea. The star is an apostrophe. In the UK we met Uri Geller. He's a psychic. He told us to use star on the record and it will be a smash. Sure enough we used the star and it sold really well. It's weird but it's true. The single blew up like mad.

Actually, we did this show with our band. So we were rehearsing for a week with the live band.

A day of sleep (idea of the perfect day).

After doing our demo package, at Pleasure Island (in Disney World) we videotaped the whole thing and what we did was we created a package. We sang some stuff in the studio, put it on a CD and sent it out to all these different record companies. When it came across the desk of our manager he was interested in it. So Johnny Wright (our manager) picked us up, and then he shopped for our record deal.

The necklace he always wears: A lion. I'm a Leo. It's good luck.

(The idea for the *N The Mix video was) All of ours. We just wanted people to see what we do every day.

(We would like to sing with) A lot of people (in the future)...Janet Jackson would be an honor. Maybe Blackstreet. We're very diverse, so it could be anybody.

(The rumor that he sleeps with all the stuffed animals he gets) A misconception. I use them for pillows a lot. They're very soft. Sometimes they're better than bus pillows.

And when we go on the road, Joey takes his video camera like almost everywhere. And he has footage of just, you know, all over the world.

Being in the studio, I get to be creative. And, uh, I'm the guy in the group who likes jazz, so I have a tendency to take, like, all the songs we do and make up little jazz versions.

Besides squirting the audience? I like the intro because it's a Star Wars themed intro. (what his favorite part of the show is)

Canada has been surprisingly nice to us. We've never been here before and it already caught us off-guard that things are already going this well.

Christmas (is my favorite holiday) because it's a family holiday. I think Christmas affects a lot of people and just puts them in a good mood.

Didja see what Carson was wearing? We gotta take that boy shoppin! (M.T.V)

Don't be discouraged easily. Hard work always pays off. Stay focused.

[reading an interview question out loud] Do you think you are sexy?
Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't!

When he was a kid he dreamed of being: Either an engineer or a carpenter. I wanted to work with my hands.

Everyone has their own little job and my job is to... is... well... I really don't know.

Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference.

Everything about it is different. It's not just the same old thing--you can change the format of the song, we have breaks in the songs, more crowd oriented stuff.

Everything I Own is my father's favorite song. I always heard it growing up.

Focused (the one word that describes him). Because, I'm always gonna have my attention on what I'm doing.

For the Girl who has Everything (is my favorite song to perform in concert).Musically, it has everything and the build is climactic.

(A Little More Time) Has such a universal meaning. It's not just a love song.

Have fun and let loose! (Holidays in concert)

Have respect for everyone (On Disney)

He's always really spontaneous, really funny. We never know what he's going to do! He's not shy about anything at all, period. Yeah, he's a little crazy. (On Chris)

Ho, Ho, Ho (Holiday in concert)

I am not a grump, I'm just tired!

I'd become a guinea pig for scientists studying sleeping habits because I'm special. I have a gift. I can sleep any place any time. (on what he would do if he wasn't in *NSYNC)

I didn't start singing until I got to Orlando with the Mickey Mouse Club. I didn't know much about music. I just knew I liked to dance and I started singing cover tunes.

I don't think I would care (about keeping one memory if he was abducted by aliens). I'd just want out of the spaceship.

I'd want to be a woman (if he could switch places with anyone for a day). Just to see everything through their eyes. I take it back. I'd rather be an infant with a grown up's brain. I'd watch people go ode bodie all day.

I get butterflies before every show. The first show is the most nerve racking. You're always thinking am I gonna do it right tonight. And you hope you don't mess up.

I have a tendency to take songs, and put em into lil jazz versions. (*NSYNC Home Video)

I just slip these bad boys on and I'm out cold. (On his pajama bottoms)

I just want someone to challenge me. It's not often that a girl can make me go, 'Whoa!' If she can do it, she's the one.

I like a girl who maintains herself but isn't arrogant. I like a girl who is understanding and makes me laugh.

I like a lot of music. I also like Lauren Hill's new record right now.

I like everything. Seal, Sting, Stevie Wonder.

I like sleeping a lot...that's about it...thank you.

I like the Hobbit (On Disney)

I like the Tower of Terror (at Disney World). I like the new Animal Kingdom and I like the Foley sound show.

I like to try new stuff, I guess, but right now I'm kind of on like a mixed routine. I'm either using a gel or I like to use wax. Wax is kind of nice 'cause then it still moves a little bit. (On his hair styling techniques)

I love the satisfaction of reaching out to people. Whether it be my personal feelings in a song, I like reaching out to people.

I love those little things of ketchup.

I mean, everybody out there, in some way, shape or form, has identified with some kind of music in their lives. It is the one thing that touches everyone.

I'm from the Washington, DC area.

I'm like, the sanity in this big mix. Everybody's got like their job here. My job is, I don't know, to kinda remind everyone, 'okay, be on time.' I'm just the serious one and I like to make sure everything runs smooth.

In our first year we were struggling to find management, and every day it was a four-hour practice routine. Joey would get off work at around 9 o'clock at night, and we'd go into this warehouse, and we'd rehearse from like 9 to 12 or 1 in the morning -- straight dancing and singing all night. Plus during the day and in-between times we'd be doing just vocal rehearsals. We were working at least five hours a day, plus these guys were working full-time at Universal Studios and they were going to school. We didn't take it lightly. We knew what we wanted to do and we concentrated on it. It's not like we got together and practiced for a half hour after dinner. Whenever we had free time, that's when we put our energy into.

I sleep. Movies a lot. To be entertained for a little while. I like doing anything as long as it's with my friends.

I still get a little nervous, especially when I'm acting. But I like to play off the audience. I think that they bring out the performance in you. And one more thing, I always do a bunch of tongue-twisters before I go out there.

It doesn't matter how small or painless it is, I'm terrified (of needles)!

I think we're all perfectionists in what we do. When we're watching a dance that we do, we say, "Oh, we were out [of sync], we need to work on that," and we'll go work on it and fix it. We all want to be the best that we can be at what we do.

It's a drag dealing with a lack of sleep and less time to see family and stuff like that.

It's all good!

It's like when Toni Braxton came out. Everyone compared her to Whitney and Mariah. If you have talent, you'll stand out. But in the meantime, the more you fit in, the better your chances to clean up. (On being compared to the BSB)

It's very exciting and fun (thousands of screaming girls at our concerts).

It (The Mickey Mouse Club) was one of the best things I could have done. You got to get your fingers into everything - you weren't restricted to one thing at all. You got to do comedy which was fun. You got to do all different kinds of music. If I could do it again, I would.

I've never even met Alyssa Milano.

I Want You Back' is about finding yourself suddenly separated from the person you love because you've done something stupid. I think it hits people because they relate to it. It's a love song, but it's up tempo enough to kick them too.

I would be Cruella Devil (FANatic)

I want to see the new Trek movie and I'm not a fan.

I was 5 or 6 (when I got my first kiss). I was in first grade I think and it was recess. These girls were playing kiss tag and they pinned me and I got kissed. My first mouth kiss was called a soap opera kiss.

I was a big Han Solo fan because he wasn't a goody too shoes. He was a good guy but a little rough around the edges.

I would say that it (being on the MMC) was the experience of a lifetime. We got to do all spectrums of the business, not just singing and dancing, but acting too. It's something that will be with us for the rest of our lives, it was a great experience.

I would...tell, to maybe knock on Justin's mom's door or something. How would I explain that...I don't know? Nah, I don't know what I'd do. I probably would ask her politely to put her clothes back on or something and probably tell her to leave. (what he would do if a fan suddenly undressed in front of him)

Joey comes and eats all our food anyway. Scrub!

Joey's the most flirtatious (in the group).

(If the *NSYNCers were superheros) Joey would want to be Superman, because he is a big fan, but he also is a flirt, so he would always be trying to meet girls. Justin would be the real superhero. He'd be Captain America! Chris would be drawn like the Tazmanian Devil. Because he's crazy! Lance is a real gadget man. He'd be like Richie Rich with all the gadgets Professor Keenbean made for him. If I were in a comic, I would always fall asleep. I'm a real sleepyhead. I even fall asleep in resturaunts!

Later Dayz and God Bless! (CD Thank you's)

(advice to anyone who wants to start their own band is to) Make sure you get along with everybody. Having the right chemistry is the most important thing.

Mint Chocolate Chip Edy's and Hagen Daz. (favorite ice cream flavor)

Nintendo 64 (was my favorite toy) for awhile. Then I got back into a Rubic's cube. I also carry a yo yo in my backpack.

No we don't get a lot of time to go shopping. But when we do, we do. In LA it's Melrose.

(Touring with Janet Jackson) One of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I'm a big fan so it was great to be around her atmosphere every day.

Otherwise, we wouldn't be around (if we didn't care about the business of music).

Our demo just fell on (Johnny Wright's) desk one day.

People are calling us to do a movie. We want to actually act in a movie.

Plug it in Plug it in.

Pluto (favorite Disney character). Just because he's real. He was a dog and he barked.

Rehearsals and shows keep us in shape.

Ren and Stimpy (favorite cartoon characters). Now South Park. When I was younger I like the Thundercats and Superfriends.

(how learned to play the piano) Self taught. I never really learned at one time. I just picked things up.

(perfect date) Somewhere nice and quiet. Just so all attention would be just the two of us.

Ten years from now he hopes to be doing: Something in the entertainment field.

The Apple Dumpling Gang! (favorite Disney movie)

The beauty of music is that everyone hears it their own way and every song you hear leaves an impression on you that alters the way you hear everything from that point on.

The difference being, when we performed before, we were performing for somebody else. Now when we perform we're doing it for ourselves. We're not working for somebody else.

The love of our fans (it's) not something we think about all the time, but it's comforting anyway.

There are a lotta funky things goin on out there!

There is no competition. There's room enough for everybody! (In an interview) See! Remember the Backstreet Boys It's you guys that are talkin bout being against NSYNC!

There's a lot of funky stuff goin on (FANatic)

There's no avoiding that in this situation. We do know some young people will look up to us, and we do have mothers coming up to us saying, 'we're glad you guys aren't running around naked onstage!' But the only responsibility is to be true to ourselves and stay true to our morals. I'm not going to sit here and tell kids what to do. I'm just going to be the best person I can be, and hopefully that sets a good example for other kids to be the best they can be.

There's nothing better than going out with your friends and having a good time. And that's what it is. These guys are my best friends and when we get to go out we get to see each other have fun. And that's like, the best part of the job.

The song [I Want You Back] is about suddenly finding yourself separated from the person you feel so deeply about because you've done something stupid to screw it up. I think it hits people because they can relate to it like a love song, but it's powerful and up tempo enough to kick them too.

The Spice Girls wanted us to be in their movie but we had to turn 'em down

The tracks he did for us were some of his tougher tracks - punchy, with heavy beats.

We liked that because we like to dance.

The best part when doing a concert is: To look at the peoples faces when they're having a good time. It's awesome.

(favorite thing about the fans) They feel personable to us. Some of them get emotional, but a lot of them are comfortable around us. I like the fact that they don't mind communicating with us.

To be a part of a song that could live on as a classic (his biggest dream in life).

Treat people how you want to be treated!

Uh, I probably had nightmares when I was like 5, you know when you have those kiddie nightmares...with like monsters and whatnot. No, I don't have nightmares I just dread those. I'm actually afraid of needles, so the guys kinda tease me a lot, but I don't have nightmares about that.

Um, just do a little eating. You know, it's kind of tough to talk to people while you're eating. That's about the only thing. (what he would like to do without being followed by fans)

Usually we agree but... if we don't, we talk it out and deal with it. Once we come to a decision on something, we all back it up completely.

We always hackey sack (before going on stage). We pray and hug each other.

We collaborate (on our dance routines). Choreographers will make up stuff and we'll make up stuff together.

We date. We're human beings. We go out and have friends to see. As far as bucking down, it's too hard to see them. I see my friends back home about 2 or 3 times a year.

We do (play practical jokes on each other). There have been plenty. Toothpaste in the ear, shaving cream in our shoes. Somebody cut out pictures of our faces over babies bodies and stuck them to our speakers.

We don't like to be just totally one style. You know, we like to play around a bit. It's fun to change styles.

We have disagreements like any family would, but we always resolve them 'cause we're all family.

We have people come in and bring us different clothes and choose out different outfits that are cool and go well together.

We have sugar parties (on the bus). Candy parties. We have parades. We take out the video camera. You'll see some of that in the Mix video. We get loony after a while.

About IWYB: We knew it was a hit.

We know there's a million other groups out there doin' this. But we wanna be one of the few that are around for a long time. And we feel like the only way to do that is by bein' ourselves. Because people will see through an act and they'll see through the phoniness. But if they see something genuine, and if they see something real, and if we respect people the way we were raised to respect people, then we should have no problem. (Disney)

Well I have to have a shower and while I'm in there I sing. It's like a full concert right there - it's Pavarotti!

Well, yes, now that everything's been happening, everyone's trying to get a gig. There's always been a lot of talent down there because of the theme parks. A lot of people go down there to do the stage shows and there's a recording studio which brings a lot of musicians down there. Plus, Miami is a four-hour drive away. It's pretty packed with talent. It's just undiscovered because everyone is working at the theme parks. (On the music scene in Orlando)

We look at each other as partners, friends and team members. We need each other, and we keep each other grounded.

We're actually more than excited because in CA we've broke a record for selling out the Forum faster than anybody else.

We're all about energy. When we're on the stage, we dance really hard. We don't want people to just go there and enjoy the show. We want people to get excited about it.

We're hormonal, but we're morally grounded.

We're more than happy with our two albums. We never concern ourselves with other people. We just do our own thing. The only pressure is what we do ourselves.

We're not looking for pity. We just want our (legal)problem corrected. We're going to do whatever it takes for us to get our music to the fans.

We threw a party in the van with our stuffed animals (the first time they heard their song on the radio).

We've all been friends for a long time.

We've ALWAYS sung.

We've worked hard for everything we've accomplished, putting our noses in the dirt for at least 18 months now, with practically no days off.

Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am!

Ya know what I like to do, I like to sleep, and I don't get to do my hobby very often THANK you! (NSYNC home video)

Yeah, Chris is a little crazy.

Yeah. It's good. It's kind of like how Atlanta shot out of nowhere. Babyface made the Atlanta scene. The pop scene is kind of Orlando's niche.

Yeah, you know I'm a freak!

You forgot my sexy good looks! (To an interviewer who had listed off all of his other good qualities)

You know it's great to go over there and do all the wonderful things that we've done, but there's no place like home. Click your heels 3 times and we're back here.
