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*Pics of KB and Bri!*

Just in case you didn't get enough of us the first time around in the personal bio section, here are a bunch of random pics of us at school being weird and acting silly. We don't really have any of us with *NSYNC or any personally taken Puppy Pictures, and we apologize, but like we said before we don't REALLY know them, and we really don't get all that many chances exactly to go out and stalk them just to get "real" pics (heeheehee, us? Stalkers? Nah, that's the puppies job, how dare we try to take that glory away from them!! ;) ), so sue us we do have some kind of a life!!! Not much of one, we admit, but hey, we gotta do something else when we ain't sleepin' or studyin'! :)

So if you want to look at pictures of cute lil' ol' us! Go right ahead!!! We don't mind that's why we put them here! Ain't we photogenic?? :)

Bri in RHPS

Here's a pic of Bri being, um scary (yeah that's the word... *snicker*) In VT's production of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" as Magenta. Shes says if Joey got to be scary monsters at Universal Studios before he was famous, then what she's doign is perfectly normal. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......... ;)