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*Justin Timberlake*

This is the cage we keep Justin Puppy Face in. We keep him in here ALOT, mostly cause he gots poofy hair, yo, and he be annoying. Sorry, all you Justin-lovers out there, but WE DON'T BE DIGGIN' THRUSTIN JUSTIN, YO! He is not black (no matter HOW hard he tries), Tennesee is NOT "da hood", And BABY BLUE IS NOT A MANLY COLOR, FOO'!

Sorry, but we needed to vent... :)

We think if Justin was a puppy, Justin would be a Poodle. Why? Becasue he gots poofy hair, yo! And he's cocky. He was even cocky on MMC! Just LOOK AT HIM! He has that cocky smile *shudder* and that cocky wink *shudder* and that cocky pointy thing that he does *shudder, shudder, shudder...* and UGH! He just is ICKY okay? There's no way to describe it.

You know what would be a fun thing to do when you meet Justin Puppy however? It would take alot of time and planning on YOUR part, but the look on Justin Puppy's face would be so totally priceless you might want to bring a polaroid just in case... First, go to an old junk yard and find a Mercedes Benz hood ordament, buy it and take it home, make it look shiny and new. Then get an old shoelace, or floss, or a rope anything really that would be strong enough to make a necklace out of. Make a necklace out of the hood ordament and the string and wear it to your meeting with *NSYNC. Go up to Justin and say: "I was so inspiried by your fashion taste in gaudy necklaces, I made one myself, just to be JUST LIKE YOU!? And when he asks you: "Yo fly honie, where you be gettin' dat fine piece of Jewelry? It looks familiars, yo." Then you can say: "Oh this old thing? I just ripped it off of your car, you have that baby blue benz outside right?" And when he goes "WHAT!!!" and his eyes get the size of dinner plates and he starts to cry, you can tell him that you were just joshin' him and he can keep the necklace as a reminder of you, you never liked wearing it anyway, just be sure to take a picture first!

We came up with a list of questions not to EVER EVER EVER ask Justin, perchance you meet him:

Hey Justin, what kind of car do you drive?

Hey Justin, if you were any color what color would you be and WHY?

Hey Justin, want to go out and shoot some hoops?

Justin, wanna go out clubbing tonight?

Justin, would you like another solo on this CD?

Justin, is JC a role model for you? Do you two get along well?

Justin, you think you could get that note any more nasal there?

Hey Justin, is that your natural hair color there?

Justin, can you tell me about your days in da hood?

Hey Justin, are you and Britney 'a thing'?

Justin, will you do the 'shake-it dance' for me? (THIS IS THE ULTIMATE NEVER EVER QUESTION!)

You know what, on second thought, don't even talk to Justin, it's just a bad idea, you'll only get confused and annoyed and want to twist him into a coathanger, or something like that... Better yet, just whack him when he tells you "YO DAT'S WACK!" That'll at least keep you amused! :)

OKAY! SO Quick update here... JUSTIN PUPPY gots dreds yo! ICKY ICKY ICKY!!! Justin puppy stop trying to be like Chris puppy, it's SO nasty! Take those dreds out of your poof NOW! Yo, YOU AIN'T BLACK, YOU'LL NEVER BE BLACK! SO STOP IT! GIVE IT UP!

Sorry, you know us and our need to vent with Justin Puppy, he just don't be gettin it yo...

Oh yeah, and since we have come to the comclusion that EVERYTHING is Justin Timberlake's fault (IT'S TRUE! We blame him for everything, now!) If there are any spelling mistakes on this page it's Justin's fault, cause he's a SPEELER! (Yes and we puposedly spelled 'speller' 'speeler' cause, damn, it's funny... yeah.) :)

Things We Associate With Justin

Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Chris Puppy Face
Lance Puppy Face
YAY! Story Time! Funny Stories with Justin as our Inspiration!
Heeheehee, Justin has a FRIEND!
