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*JC Puppy Mail*

Dear Mommy,

I got a nap today and it was really nice. Chris took my teddy bear know, the one you gave me when I first became famous and discovered that I have to be center of attention every second of the day. It had "MINE" written across the blue shirt it wore. I named him CK Bear Anyway, he took it and wouldn't give it back. That made me sad. I had a hard time getting to sleep because I didn't have my bear. I'm serious mommy, it took almost five seconds for me to fall asleep. I thought I would toss and turn all day. I can't wait to come home and see you. I miss you. TJ called me a mean name the other day. It hurt my feelings but that's okay because I took the pain out on Justin. Tell Dad I said "What's up?" and tell Heather I said to shut her mouth. I love you mommy.




Dear Dad,

Hey how's it going? Damn, these guys are lazy. I have to whip them into shape everyday for rehersals and sound checks. It's crazy. Oh, I beat the shit out of Justin again today. You'd be so proud. I really kicked his ass. Well, I would write more but I need to go to the gym and bench press a couple hundred pounds. You know me...I gotta keep in shape. I'll talk to you later.



Dear Mommy,

How are you doing? I am okay I guess. The guys played another prank on me today. I didn't think it was funny one bit. Oh, thank you for the cookies you sent me they were very yummy. I had to eat them fast though cuz I didn't want Lance and Chris to take them again. I'm getting good at eating fast mommy, you should see me. Well, I need to go and take a nap now. I love you very very very much and I'll call you tonight when I wake up.



Awwwwwww..... JC's such a momma's boy, how sweet, him checking up with his mommy. Gotta love the NSYNC mommies! :)