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*Ghetto Poe*

As an attempt to culture Justin, we have taken it upon ourselves to introduce him to some of societies finer arts. Poetry, Musicals, Orchestra, and Films...Our longterm goal is to get Justin to appreciate his artistic ways more by understanding other's....BLAH...something like that.

The Raven - By Edgar Allen Poe

-Translated by Justin Randall Timberlake

Yo like, once upon a pitch black sleepy, while I was chillin, worn and weepy Over many a fly honey and curious bitch of forgotten bore So as I be driftin', like JC nappin' suddenly I started rappin', rappin to my tour bus door. "Sup foo?" I shouted "I be da bitchinest bitch foreva more" Not just dis...but plenty more

Den, distinctly I remember it be da bitch of december My hair be poofin like a fluffy ember, and wrought its curls upon the door Excitedly I got to freakin, my vanity had gots me speakin From da ho Britney bended...bended for the lost Lanc-ore For da rare and fliest bitch whom da angels named Lanc-ore Nameless in da hood while on tour

Deep into da whack dark snoopin, long I boogied there, dancing, movin' Den again I started rappin lots louder dan before "Surely," I shouted, "Surely dat be sometin I don't needs to practice; Let me ride, den, dose words be sayin' and dis enigma explore Lets dis heart be still as ass and dis enigma explore Tis my fly style an nuffin more

Yo foo...I ain't be diggin dis poetry shit...What's a brutha gots to do to get some ass round here? bitch, you know you be wantin' a piece a dis...yeah yeah yeah...dats right baby.

Okay so the Justin and Poetry thing didn't quite work out...let's see how else we could culture Justin a little more...I'm sure there's something the boy can understand and do.

We took Justin to the Theater and let him see Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats...let's see what he had to say about the productions

"Yo...I don't be gettin it. Dey be like...cats yo. I mean, fly kittin feline's with tight asses be runnin on stages singin' about memories and steet lamps. Dat's whack!! Now, let Busta...da dog, run around up dere and see if dose ladies be diggin his thug appeal. Dat be one kick ass dog yo. You be checkin out his fly style? Yeah yeah yeah...he's a cool dog."

THAT'S GREAT JUSTIN...THANK YOU...Sheesh...let's try again shall we?

We took Justin to the Orchestra to see if he enjoyed music by Motzart...But we couldn't get him to stop shouting "Hey you sexy bitch" at the conductor so we were forced to leave...I'm ready to kill about you???????

Our last stop was the Film Topsy Turvy...I was rather excited about seeing this production...but unfortunately my viewing partner managed to ruin the entire's a part of the evening.

"Yo...where be dat bombs and guns and shit?"

"Not in this film Justin. Now shhhhhhhhhhhh."

"I be da bomb for ya know you want it."

"Oh Dear God...Usher??"

"Yeah like, can I gets me some popcorn or some shit. I ain't gots nothin' to throw at da screen."

"Shut up you poofy haired prick and enjoy the damn movie."

"Yeah yeah like Kool aide baby."

"THAT'S IT YOU STUPID LITTLE *beep beep beep beep*

I proceeded to beat the living shit out of out Mr Timberlake. He shall be returning to us as soon as his doctor releases him from Intensive Care...Next week, we shall be teach Joshua Chasez the finer arts of peaceful meditation without dozing off. Until next time................

AND IF YOU LIKED THAT STORY Then check out the plenty of other things we put up on this page for Justin Puppy Face!:)