N*Sink Has S*unk

God made Coke
God made Pepsi
God made Backstreet oh so sexy,
God made Rivers
God made Lakes
God made NSYNC
Well, he made some mistakes

Short URL: http://come.to/NSinkSunk

To Whom It May Concern: (namely NSYNC fans)

This is not, I repeat NOT a humor site. (Although there is a LOT of humor in it...hehehe) I am not and have I ever been a fan of NSYNC. This is a total and complete ANTI site, against NSYNC. If you have a problem with this, please leave by going here: right here...! But if you are not an NSYNC fan, welcome to our page!

Are you an *NSYNC fan? Leave now! Or he takes it off!

(Lance's former lover before Chris)
