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24/7 ChAoS: a Nick Carter website

Hey peeps! Thanx for coming to my page. I just started it today(april 4) so just keep coming back, and it will get a lot better! It is dedicated(obviously) to the hottest, most talented BSB....Nick Carter! For the greeting cars, the pix show up as x's. Just click on the pic and u will c it, sorry bout that, I dunno y it does that! CoMe On PeEpS....pLeAsE sIgN tHe GuEsTbOoK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Send an Internet Greeting Card
Enter Card ID Number to
Pickup Your Greeting Card

NiCkS BiOgRaPhY!
NiCkS FaVeS!
NiCkS PiX!
NiCkS QuOtEs!
NiCk QuIz: HoW mUcH dO u KnO bOuT hIm?
NiCk & BsB oN Tv!
BlAcK & BlUe ToUr DaTeS!
NiCk InTeRvIeWs!
MoRe NiCk InTeRvIeWs!
101 ReAsOnS 2 lUv NiCk CaRtEr!
AlL oF bSb'S lYrIcS!
VoTe FoR bSb On ThE wEb!
HoW cOmPaTiBlE r U aNd NiCk?
NiCk FaQ's!
KeWl NiCk FaCtS!
TaKe A nIcK sUrVeY!
NiCk TrAnScRiPtS!
BSB rEvIeWs!
GeT iN tOuCh WiTh NiCk!
PiC oF tHe WeEk!
My NsYnC sOnG! ( iF u LiKe NSyNc DoNt ReAd IT....iT iS JUST a JoKe!)