I stayed in bed all day, until Bernadette came in with my close friend, Casey.
“Hey Genna!
“Hiyaz Casey…why are you here?”
“Because we are gonna celebrate your 21st birthday!”
“We’re going to a club!”
“OK...Letme change and get bathed.”
They thankfully left my room and I took a quick shower and then put on silver pants, they are so shiny that one could see their reflection in them, and a white ¾ shirt that has white fluff at the color and the ends of the sleeves. I curled my hair and put on some silver make-up and sprayed glitter hairspray in my hair. Nick’s bracelet was soon on my wrist and silver sandals were on my feet as I walked out of my bathroom.
“C’mon sis…let’s go!”
jumped into Berny’s car and sped to a club, Fun. The music was blaring and we were having so much fun! I was drinking one of those test tube drinks when I felt arms wrap around my stomach. I didn’t need to turn around to see who it was; I knew this touch so well already. I turned around to give Nicka kiss.
“Yuck…what are you drinking?”
“One of these, “I said holding up an empty test tube.
“Let me try...”
Nick grabbed a test tube and swallowed the liquid in one big gulp.
“Yuck…**cough**this is nasty!”
I laughed and then he pulled me on the dance floor. Nick and I danced for a long time, all I really remember thatwe were both sort of drunk and we had some dirty dancing going on. Bernadette soon dragged me away from Nick and threw me into the car. All I remembered the next morning was me drinking...I must have...this aching headache must have come form a hangover. All of a sudden I saw someone take my hand and put two aspirin in it. I looked up and saw Nick. I sat up, bad idea, I only hand my bra and pants on…I looked down as Nick turned away and I pulled up my blanket.
“Here is some water.”
I swallowed the pills, and then Nick started talking.
“Halloween is coming, and JIVE is gonna have it’s annual Halloween party and I am taking you. BSB, and you girls are doing a group costume. Any ideas?”
“Hmmm...We could go as famous couples in today’s world. Like Carson and Tara.”
“Great idea! The guys will love it! What are the couples?”
“Well, AJ and Casey can be Nick Lacehy and Jessica Simpson. Brian and Leigh can be Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon.
Kev and Kris can be Carson and Tara. Howie and Heather (Howie’s girl) could go as Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez.”
“And we could be?”
“You will hate me but, Justin and Britney.”
“Now I will enjoy that!”
“I am glad.”
Nick left and soon it was the night of Halloween, Bernadette was out trick-or-treating with Brad and I was almost done putting in the fake eyelashes I was wearing. Nick rang my doorbell and I hollered for him to come in. I walked out of the bathroom, my hair in a tight bun and I started to put on a wig that looked like Britney’s hair. Nick was wearing a fro and the pink suit that Justin wore to the Oscars last year.. Nick was gasping at my outfit...I actually looked like Britney…I was wearing that little two piece that Britney Spears wore at the AMA’s.
“Are those real??”
“Nick...I don’t like you looking at me there. They’re balloons.”
“Oh...they look so real.”
“C’mon they are waiting for us in the limo.”
I grabbed by new flesh colored heels that are strappy and the straps go around my calf like ribbons on a ballet slipper. We ran for the limo and I put on my shoes in there. Brian was wearing a white wifebeater and black leather pants and Leigh had on an outfit that Reese Witherspoon wore in “Pleasantville.” Leigh looked perfect, her hair was perfect. Kev was wearing baggy jeans with a baggy red shirt, and he had a wig on that made his hair look like Carson’s while Kristin was wearing a black leather dress. AJ had the Nick Lachey white-on-white look while Casey had tight jeanson and a puffy white shirt on. Casey’s hair was done like Jessica Simpson. Heather had a wig that looked like Jennifer Lopez and she had an imitation of that scandalizing dress that Jennifer Lopez wore at the 2000 Grammy’s…. Howie had the Puff Daddy thing going on. Brian’s jaw dropped when he saw me.
“Wow, Nick, I thought you were taking Genna, not Britney Spears.”
“I am.”
“But that is Britney!”
I had enough with my masquerade, “Itis me B-rok.”
“Oh my God, you look just like Britney!”
By then we got there, Nick pushed meout of the limo and then at least a million light bulbs flashed A good fewdozen microphones got stuck in my face too. Reporters were saying things like,“Britney, are you now dating Nick?” Nick then came to my rescue.
“She’s not Britney, she is Genna, my friend.”
Friend?? Friend?? Just friend, no girl in that?? Just Genna, my friend??? What about the kiss, the eye connections, and everything else?? Nick then escorted me into the building.There I saw the REAL Britney and Justin, they looked in my direction. Britney looked pissed and Justin…well, he gave a nod of approval and then winked at me. I felt Nick’s left arm wrap around my stomach as he guided me to BSB’s table, unlucky, Britney and Justin were at our table. She was something, a tramp I think, and Justin was Frankenstein. Justin sat next to me and throughout the whole dinner he nudged his foot against mine. Sick dweeb I thought. After dessert he asked me to dance. I told him that I don’t dance with freaks. Nick then pulled me away and we started to dance. He wasn’t that bad of a dancer. We had tons of fun and the night ended too quickly. Nick and BSB dropped me off at my house and it was sealed with a kiss, from Nick. I walked in my house and saw Berny, sorting her candy into piles.