
Angel’s point of view

I was walking down the street and looking into the window displays of different stores. I didn’t need to buy anything; I just had nothing better to do so I decided to go outside. A store on the other side of the street caught my attention and I stopped to look at the display. While I was admiring it, I felt someone crash into me. I looked at the person who ran into me. He was about twenty years old, and had blond hair and was pretty tall. At the same second, the view around me blurred and another vision came into focus. It was a concert, and the guy that ran into me was hanging on a harness pretty high above the stage along with four other guys, they were also all singing. I heard the melody of the song and bits and pieces of it, ‘…me a reason…sign…out of line…today or is it tonight…answer to our life…’ All of a sudden, I heard a ripping sound and watched in horror as the guy’s harness snapped and he plummeted towards the floor at warp speed. He hit the stage with a thump and lay there not moving. I heard someone scream ‘NICK!’ and at that instance I knew that the guy was dead. As abruptly as the vision began, it ended and I found myself looking at the guy.
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. “You look kinda pale,” he commented helping me up.
“I’m fine,” I said hastily. I had to warn him. “Nick, don’t go up on the harness tonight, it will break,” I blurted out. Okay, it wasn’t the best way to tell him, but I didn’t have time to break it to him easily.
“What?” he asked genuinely confused. “Are you a fan?” asked the guy grinning.
“A fan of what?” I asked.
“Of me,” he replied.
“No, I don’t even know who you are,” I said shaking my head.
“You knew my name,” he pointed out.
“Look, it doesn’t matter who I am or how I knew your name, just please, don’t go up on the harness,” I pleaded. “I have to go,” I said and without waiting for him to answer, I ran off.

Nick’s point of view

I was backstage preparing to start the show. But I couldn’t get the girl from that morning out of my head. It was so strange. As the harness was secured around my body I couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy. The girl’s warning kept coming back into my head and I didn’t know whether to believe her or not.
“Hey, can you check this thing to make sure it’s okay?” I asked.
The person securing it to me shrugged and looked at the harness. “It’s fine, don’t worry,” he said and continued to strap me in.
I took several deep breaths to calm myself down but it didn’t work. I was beginning to freak out.
“Frack, are you okay?” asked Brian. We were all about to be lowered onto the stage in a few minutes.
“Oh sure, I’m fine,” I replied trying to keep my voice light.
“Positive? You look kinda pale,” said Brian concerned.
“Don’t worry Bri, I’m fine,” I assured him. “But Rok, do me a favor, if sometime during the song I motion for you to get over to me quickly so that I can grab onto you, please do it,” I requested. Brian looked confused, but nodded in understanding. I was freaking out, what was I supposed to do if the girl was right and the harness really would break and if I wasn’t able to grab onto Bri? How could I keep myself from falling to the stage at a high speed and not breaking my neck along with every other part of my body? I wished that I knew the answers to those questions, but I didn’t.
“Okay guys, show time!” I heard someone call out and then felt the harness beginning to move. I plastered a smile onto my face as I saw the stage below me and the thousands of screaming fans. About two minutes later, I felt myself relax, the girl was wrong; there was nothing wrong with the harness. The song was almost over and I would be on solid ground in no time. It was then that I felt the harness jerk slightly. I didn’t pay attention to it at first, but when I felt it jerk harder fear shot through me and I began to panic. I was still very high up and falling from that distance would, without a doubt, leave me paralyzed or worse. I began looking around, trying to find Brian, I saw him a few feet away from me. I forgot about the song completely and stopped singing. I saw the guys looking at me worriedly but I didn’t pay any attention, my main concern was not falling. I quickly began waving to Brian for him to get over to me. He understood and started swinging his harness in my direction. But he was still out of reach. I felt the harness jerk a lot harder and I actually felt myself drop a little.
“Somebody lower me immediately! The harness is about to break!” I yelled into my microphone. I hoped that the people in charge would take me seriously. Thankfully, they did. I felt the harness begin to lower but unfortunately, that only made it rip faster. I was still about fifteen feet above the stage when Brian finally got to me and I grabbed onto him quickly. It was at that moment that I felt my own harness snap. I was still grabbing onto Brian when I felt the stage beneath my feet. My heart was pounding so hard I could barely stand up on my own. As soon as the other guys were lowered, they rushed over to me.
“Are you okay?” asked Kevin immediately.
“I’m fine,” I said weakly.
“Come on, let’s get you backstage,” said Kevin and the five of us, plus several security guards, walked off the stage. Once we were backstage, I heard someone explaining to the fans that the concert was canceled but their ticket stubs were good for a show just on a different day, the date of which would be announced later. I heard a lot of commotion from the fans but they understood. They saw what nearly happened.
“Nick, how did you know to tell me before the show to get over to you if you motioned for me to do so?” asked Brian.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I said shaking my head. I still couldn’t believe it.
“Try me,” said Brian.
“Okay, while I was going back to the hotel today, I accidentally bumped into a girl, she told me not to go up on the harness tonight because it was going to break,” I explained. I saw the guys’ eyes go wide. They didn’t expect anything like that.
“Wow,” said AJ.
“That goes double for me,” commented Kevin.
“But how did you know it wasn’t a prank?” asked Howie.
“I didn’t, but she looked so serious when she said it, she even knew my name,” I replied.
“Nick, practically every girl knows your name,” pointed out Brian.
“Not like that, when I asked her if she was a fan, she asked ‘of what?’” I said. “I don’t think that she knew who I was,” I added.
“Well, whoever she was, I’m glad that you ran into her, I hate to think what would’ve happened if the harness broke while you were still hanging on it,” said Kevin.
“Tell me about it,” I said shuddering. I had to find that girl.

Angel’s point of view

I came into my house and closed the door behind me. I then leaned against it.
“Where were you?” asked my brother Drew. He was actually my twin brother; he was older by only three minutes. We both had the same dark-brown hair and silvery-blue eyes. Only he towered over me at 6’2”; I was only 5’6”.
“I was taking a walk,” I replied hanging up my coat.
“Are you okay?” he asked looking at me with concern in his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess,” I said shrugging. “But it happened again,” I told him.
“What did you see?” he asked sitting down on the couch and I sat next to him.
“Well, I bumped into this guy on the street, actually, he bumped into me, and when he did, I saw him hanging on a harness above the stage and he was singing with four other guys, also on harnesses. And then I saw his harness snap and he fell, fast. He was killed in the fall,” I said shuddering at the memory.
“Wow, did you warn him?” asked Drew.
“Yeah I did, but I don’t know if he took me seriously,” I answered. “He asked if I was a fan,” I added.
“Of what?”
“Exactly what I said, and he replied ‘of me’.”
“Weird,” commented Drew.
“I know, but I really hope that he listened,” I said wistfully.
“I hope so too,” said Drew softly.
I turned to look at him. “Why do I have this gift? I never asked for it,” I said all of a sudden.
“I know you didn’t Ang, but your visions are just that, a gift, and so is your telekinesis,” he said gently.
“But it’s so hard!” I exclaimed. “And it’s not like I could stop everything from happening,” I added bitterly.
Drew knew exactly what I was thinking of. “What happened to Mom and Dad wasn’t your fault,” he told me.
“But I saw the car accident in a vision, why didn’t they listen?” I exclaimed and tears began falling from my eyes.
“I don’t know, I really don’t know,” said Drew softly and pulled me into a hug.
“They should’ve listened to me!” I exclaimed, still crying into my brother’s shirt.
“You were only seven years old, no one knew about your visions yet,” he said softly.
“But I tried to tell them that I wasn’t joking,” I said sobbing.
“Yeah, but that were Mom and Dad for you, they always thought that both you and I were kidding around,” said Drew sighing.
“If only they’d listened to me,” I said wistfully.
“Yeah, I know,” said Drew with the same wistfulness in his voice. Both of our parents were killed in a horrible car accident when Drew and me were only seven years old. They were killed by a drunk driver late one night when they were both coming home from work. I had the vision earlier that horrible day and I called my mom at work and tried to tell her, she dismissed it as one of my jokes. I then called my dad but he had the same reaction as my mom. That was the last time I had spoken to either one of my parents. Drew and me stayed with our aunt and uncle who were happy to have us. They were both very kind and wonderful people. We stayed with them up until a few months ago when we both turned 18 and were able to move into our own apartment.
“How was your day?” I asked calming down a little.
“It was fine, you know, college,” he said shrugging.
“Yeah, I know,” I said. We went to the same college and were both there on scholarships.
“I have an idea, how about I go get us some ice cream and you turn on the TV and find a good movie,” suggested Drew. I smiled at my brother. He always knew exactly what would make me feel better.
“Okay,” I replied. Drew went into the kitchen to get the ice cream and I turned on the TV with a wave of my hand. No remote control needed. Yes, I had to admit, having the power to move objects with my mind was fun, at times. I have had it for as long as I could remember. But I wasn’t the only one with ‘gifts’, Drew had ESP, he could tell what people were thinking just by looking at them, we could even communicate with each other without saying anything out loud. He also had the power to heal people. He couldn’t cure cancer or anything, but he could ease the pain that people went through.
“So, find anything interesting?” asked Drew coming back into the living room with two bowls of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, our favorite.
“Well, let’s see,” I said and began mentally flipping through channels.
“You know, your telekinesis has made you very lazy,” commented Drew handing me a bowl.
“Big deal, I’m a teenager, I’m supposed to be lazy,” I replied and finally settled on some movie on cable that looked interesting.

Nick’s point of view

“So how many more shows do we have to do?” I asked.
“I think it’s two,” replied Kevin looking at the schedule.
“Great, what are the chances of me staying on the ground while all of you guys are up there?” I asked hopefully.
“None, sorry Nicky,” said Brian smiling sympathetically.
“Great,” I mumbled. “So the fact that I was almost killed today doesn’t mean a thing to anyone?”
“It means a lot, but we’ll just have to make sure that the harnesses are checked extra thoroughly,” said Kevin calmly.
“Weren’t they checked like that earlier today?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I’ll tell them to check even more carefully,” responded Kevin.
I sighed. It was obvious that there was no way that I was going to get out of going up on the harness again.
“Just keep telling yourself that he harness won’t break and you’ll be fine,” said Howie.
“You really think that’ll work after today?” I asked sarcastically.
“It might, you never know,” he said shrugging.
“And anyway, whose idea was it to have us do a show in Florida, then two more shows in other states, and then come back home to Florida?” I asked annoyed.
“Don’t know, but they probably thought it was fun to drag us back and forth,” replied AJ.
“Oh yeah, tons of fun,” I said sarcastically once again. Being scared to death really gets a person’s sarcasm going.
“Nick, get some sleep,” said Kevin.
“Is that an order?” I challenged.
“Yeah, you need to rest, you become very irritable when tired,” he replied.
“Well excuse me for being slightly annoyed that you people care so much about my safety,” I retorted and then went to my bunk. I lay down and tried to relax my body. It didn’t work. I was so worked up from the accident that adrenaline was surging through my veins at a very high speed. I tossed and turned for about an hour before falling into a troublesome sleep.

Angel’s point of view

“Ang, wake up,” I heard Drew saying.
“I don’t wanna, just five more minutes okay?” I mumbled and turned over to my left side, away from my brother.
“No not okay,” said Drew and turned me around. “You’ll be late for class,” he added.
I groaned, opened my eyes, and squinted at him. “What are you, my personal alarm clock?” I asked while yawning.
“Yep, now get up,” he said grinning.
“No,” I retorted and turned away from him again.
“Okay, you asked for it,” said Drew and a second later I felt myself being lifted off of my bed by him. I squirmed in his arms but to no avail, he was totally stronger than me. He set me down on the floor and I glared at him.
“You know, sometimes you are such a pain in the neck,” I told him.
“Yeah I know, but you love me anyway,” he said smiling widely.
“I have my doubts about that,” I told him and then walked past him into my bathroom, but not before mentally shoving him, gently of course.
“Hey!” he protested when he felt himself being shoved.
“That’s what you get for waking me up so early,” I said and quickly closed the bathroom door.

Drew’s point of view

I watched as Angel slammed the door to the bathroom. She really thought that I was out to make her life miserable. But if she’d been late for class, she would’ve blamed me for not waking her up. So either way I was the bad guy. ‘Oh well, nothing I could do about that,’ I thought and then went downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Angel came down twenty minutes later and by then I had already set two bowls of cereal, orange juice, toast, and milk on the table.
“Mmm, food!” exclaimed Angel and raced towards the table.
“Hungry?” I asked.
“Totally,” she replied pouring some milk into her cereal.
“Eat fast, as usual, you spent like three hours in the bathroom and we’re gonna be late if you spend as much time on breakfast,” I told her while drinking my juice.
“Hey, I’m a girl, what do you expect?” she asked shrugging.
“Not much,” I said laughing.
“Hey!” she exclaimed and glared at me.
“I surrender, just don’t push me or anything, we don’t have time,” I said and she looked like she was considering it. “Ang, I mean it,” I told her seriously.
“Yeah I know, I was just messing with you,” she said grinning.
I shook my head and looked at my watch. “Okay, we gotta go, come on,” I said getting up. Angel got up from the chair, unhappily, and followed me out of the kitchen. We both grabbed our books and headed outside to our car. “I’m driving!” I announced.
“No way, you drove yesterday!” complained Angel.
“So? I have the keys and therefore I’m driving,” I stated and held up the keys high above my head.
“Brother, you learn so slowly,” said Angel shaking her head and before I knew it, the keys were flying out of my hand and into hers.
“That’s not fair!” I told her.
“Sure it is, it’s nice having my little gift,” she said grinning and got into the driver’s seat.
“Fine, but I’m driving tomorrow,” I grumbled.
“We’ll see,” said Angel in a singsong voice. And with that, we were off.

summary chapter 2