Nikki and the guys stayed at her house the rest of the day and hung out. They swam, watched TV, and had a blast. Everyone thought Nick had forgot about what happened with Mandy. Later that night, all the guys had left but Nick. Nikki and Nick were sitting in the living room watching Scream 3. I was Nikki’s favorite movie. The movie ended.
“I better be heading home. Do you wanna come over and spend the night tonight? Just like old times!” Nick asked Nikki.
“Sure!” Nikki said. “Let’s go.”
They went over to Nick’s house and Nikki changed into one of Nick’s t-shirts. It was about 10 sizes too big! Nick changed into his boxers. ‘Dang! He looks good!’ Nikki thought.
“You can sleep in the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.” Nick told Nikki.
Nikki looked at him like he was crazy. “Nick! Come on! We can sleep in the same bed. We’ve only done that 5 million times. It’s not like I’m gonna try anything!” Nikki told him.
“You but I might.” Nick mumbled so he thought Nikki couldn’t hear.
“What was that?” Nikki asked.
“Nothing.” Nick said. She didn’t know what he had said.
They climbed into the bed. Nick got right next to Nikki and put his arms around her.
“Night Nikki.” Nick said.
“Night” she said back, barely able to hold her eyes open. He was so close that she could feel his breath on her neck. It felt so right for her to be in his arms. She had no clue where these feelings were coming from. It was so strange to her! Nikki lay in bed wondering about so many things. She was wondering about her strange feelings, and she was also wondering whether Nick ever thought about Mandy anymore. She decided that she was going to ask him about it in the morning.