Is That Him?

Katie got to her grandparents house three hours later, to find that her aunt and cousin were already there. “Katie!” Becky yelled. When she heard Katie knock on the door. Becky ran over to the door and let her in and gave her a huge hug. Katie and Becky were born within two day of each other. They were both 18 and were as close as sisters, but when they were both 12, Becky and her mother moved to Florida. Since then Katie has only seen her family that lived down there once. Katie was often down in Naples, Florida but never had the time to see them, and every time they planned to meet up with each other something would happen and never would get to see each other. They often talked on the phone, but it just wasn’t the same. “Oh my god! You look so great!” Becky exclaimed. “Thanks, you do too.” Katie said. “Hey Lora.” Katie said walking over to her aunt and gave her a hug. “Katie!” She heard two people yell. She turned around to see her two cousins running to her. “Hey Emily, hey Jordan.” Katie said bending down and opening her arms as Emily and Jordan ran into them. Emily was 7. She had blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was about 4ft. 5in. and very petite. Jordan was 8 years old, he had light brown hair, very close to the same color as Katie’s, and he had brown eyes. He was about 4ft. 9in. They met Katie a year ago for the first time, when their parents, Jerilyn and George went to Indiana. “Where are your mom and dad?” Katie asked both and Emily and Jordan, referring to her aunt and uncle. “At work.” They said at the same time. “Katie, will you play Nintendo with me?” Jordan asked. “Yeah, but let me talk with Poppy and Judy for a while ok?” Katie asked referring to her grandfather and step grandmother. “Ok.” “Now go upstairs and play with Em.” Katie said. “Ok.” And they both ran upstairs. “Hey Poppy.” Katie said to her grandfather, as she walked over to give him a hug. “How have you been?” He asked. “Pretty good.” She said sitting down next to him. They all talked for a few hours. By this time George and Jerilyn had come and greeted Katie. Then Katie went upstairs to play Nintendo with Jordan and Emily. “You wanna have four players?” Jordan asked getting out two more remote controls. “Sure.” Becky said. “Katie what game do you wanna play?” he asked. “007.” Katie said. “Ok.” Jordan said. He put the game in and then they all started playing. “So Katie how was your flight?” Becky asked not taking her eyes off of the screen. “Oh, I met this great guy.” Katie said smiling. “GOT YOU JORDAN!” Emily yelled. Katie laughed. “Cool, is he hot?” Becky asked. “Yeah, really hot.” “Got you Em.” Becky said. “Gotcha Beck.” Katie said. “Ugh! You always win.” Becky pouted. “I’m just too cool.” Katie said standing up on the bed and doing her victory dance. “Girls! Time to go home!” Lora yelled from downstairs. “Ok.” Katie yelled back. “I’ll see you two tomorrow. Your staying with me while your parents are at work.” Katie told Emily and Jordan. “Ok bye.” Then Katie, Becky, and Lora all left. When they got home Katie put her bags in the guestroom, and then went to Becky’s room. She sat down on her bed and looked at her walls. They were full of pictures of the same five guys. “Oh my God!” Katie yelled louder then she intended. “What?” Becky asked with her toothbrush in her mouth. “That is the guy that I met on the plane.” Katie said pointing to a blonde haired guy with bright blue eyes. “What’s his name?” Katie asked. “Nick Carter. He is a member of the Backstreet Boys. What is the name of the guy that you met?” Becky asked. “Nick.” Katie said shocked. “No, you are just imagining it.” Becky said walking back into the bathroom. “How old is he?” Becky asked walking back into her room. “21.” Katie said. “Oh, so is that Nick.” Becky said sitting in her bed and putting the covers over her shoulders. “Becky I swear it is him.” Katie said. “I seriously doubt it, now go to bed.” Becky said. Katie walked out of Becky’s room and into her own bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then she remembered something Nick had said. “Becky?” “What?” she asked half asleep. “Were they just on tour?” Katie asked. “Katie, go to sleep.” Becky said. Katie sighed and walked out of the room. She turned down her sheets and tried to sleep, but it wouldn’t come. She was to busy thinking about Nick. She thought about the conversation they had on the plane. She then remembered that he mentioned a guy named AJ. Katie got up out of bed and snuck into Becky’s room. Katie slowly made her way over to Becky’s bookshelf and grabbed her Backstreet Boy Book and quickly but quietly left her room. She thumbed through the book and found a guy named AJ. “Alexander James McLean, also known as AJ was born in Palm Beach, Florida…” She read out loud. “It’s him.” She said to herself. She put the book back in Becky’s room. Then went to her bed and went to sleep, wondering if he was really Nick Carter.