OK!"*~I hung up with Brian and Nick relieved that it seemed like everything was goingto work out. Soon after that Teresacame back and I left.

Kevin's POV

I gotinto my car and started to drive to Brian's. He had called me earlier worried about Chrissy running off again so Idecided to go on over and make sure he and Nick didn't kill each other.

Christine's POV

I gotback to Brian's around 2 in the morning, I walked into the cutest site I'd everseen. Kevin was curled up on the floorasleep, Nick was in the big chair asleep with the game-boy in his hands andBrain was asleep on the pull out couch. I felt bad, the day after tomorrow we were leaving on tour and theyreally needed a better night sleep than this. I went up stairs as silently as possible and changed into my pajamas,then I went back down stairs. By thetime I got back down stairs I wasn't feeling all that well, dizzy with aheadache so I took a few Tylenol and lay down next to Brian. I didn't sleep all that well but oh well.

NEXT DAY (Tour day)
Brians POV

The busarrived around 7 to pick Chrissy and I up. We were both really tired mainly because all last night the phone hadbeen ringing off the hook. Some how the"public" found about Chrissy and Nick's relationship and because of that fans were calling the house. Iswear where do they get these things, like my phone number my cell number andall the other guys numbers.

Nick's POV

Iwasn't all that excited about going on tour again, but the thought that I would be able to spend a lot of time with Chris made it sound a little more fun.Brian called be right before the bus picked him up, probably cause I have ahistory of not being ready when it comes. He also commented on Chrissy not feeling to well, I hope its nothingserious. I was the last picked up, theatmosphere on the bus wasn't all that great. AJ was sulking about not being with Teresa, Brian was tired, Kevin wasmad about leaving Kristen (his fiancé) Howie was actually pretty good but hecame off a little jeleous, and Chrissy didn't look good (healthy) at all. Andit was gonna be a good hours ride to the Airport. I sat down next to Chrissy on the couch she gently put her headon my shoulder and smiled up at me. "They know," she said to me. "I know honey, I dunno howit got out I sorry. We'll get throughit though." She smiled up at me before she fell asleep.

Brian's POV

Iwatched Nick and Chrissy, they looked so happy together. I'm worried about Chrissy she doesn't lookwell. About half way through the ride she woke up. She was sweating really bad, yet she was cold. I'm getting really worried now. I looked atNick and we exchanged the same worried look. None of us guys knew anything aboutbeing sick. "What do we do?" I asked. Nobody had an answer.


Ireally didn't wanna leave Teresa, I probably end up flying her out to come ontour with us, that would be the best!! Right now though is probably not the best time to bring that topic upfor discussion. Nick and Brian werereally worried. Finally an idea came tome. I picked up my cell and threw it toBrian. "Call my mom, she'll knowwhat to do," I told him.

Brian's POV

Icaught the phone and dialed Denise's number. "Hello," she answered, Iproceded to tell her about Chris and what her symptoms where. "Ok, Brian this is what I want you todo," she told me, "Stop at the first drug store you see and get atheremometer, take her temperature and I'll be at the airport. I'll fly withy'all." We hung up. "Ok,"I said, "We need to stop at a CVS or something."Ilooked at Chris, I felt so bad for her. "Don't worry sis," I said,"We're gonna get you feeling better."

Christine's POV

"Don'tworry Bri, I'll be fine, don't stop for me." I said. The truth is I didn't fell well at all but Ididn't wanna make the guys late just because I didn't feel well."Christine Alana Rose Littrell," Nick said looking at me with thatI've made-up-my-mind-and-don't-try-to-change-it look, "We are stopping nomatter what you say because we care." With that he picked me up and carried me to the back room, and laid meon the bed. "Sleep." He said lay down next to me. I actually fell back to sleep.

Nick's POV

Chrisfinally fell back to sleep and to tell the truth I was relived, she need hersleep. I went back out the "mainroom" on the bus and sat down. "She's asleep." I said. "Good," Brian replied, "I'm gonna go stay with her, tellKyle I don't need anything when we stop."

Brian's POV

Iwalked back to "Chrissy's room" and sat down next to her . . .she wassound asleep which is probably a good thing. I sat there until we got to the airport. . .Denis was there waiting forus, the bad thing, however was that we were late and the airport security wehad schueld to take us from the parking lot to the gate was busy with someoneelse which left us to fend for ourselves which would no exactly be easy. We decided that Randy, Josh, Jason, David,and Evan (the body guards) would fist go check our stuff and make sure it gotto the “BSB Plane” then would come back for the 7 of us.

Nicks POV

Thiswas not gonna be easy. . .the five of us Chrissy who is sick and Denis would bea walking target for pictures and screaming girls. Chris was in no shape to make the walk through the terminals especcilayif we were gonna hafta run some of the way. So it came down to the fact the we would need to carry her. We finallydecided after much “”fighting”” between me Brian and Howie. That I would carry her unless there came apoint where I couldn’t then I would pass her off to Brian.