Howie’s point of view

“That was very reckless.”
Both me and Nick had woken up in a cold basement, tied to chairs, a few minutes previously.
Nick looked up and was about to retort, but I cut him off, “ –but it saved AJ! That was very brave as well!”
He kept quiet.
A minute of silence passed.
“Sorry I got you captured, man!” Nick apologised.
“At least they didn’t kill us! Let’s be optimistic!” I suggested.
“And I’m sorry about running off like that! Something just snapped and… well… I just got so pissed off I had to smash something off someone!” Nick dismayed.
“Don’t’ blame ya, man!” I replied. And I really didn’t.
“The next time I see another Kindorian, bar Jen and Tohja, I’m gonna kick his furry butt!!” Nick fumed, getting angry again.
“Nick, we’re tied to chairs in a basement guarded by at least half a dozen armed aliens. Don’t be ridiculous!” I stated.
“Where there’s a will there’s a way!” he snapped.
“You’re being irrational!” I claimed.
“Of course I’m being irrational!” he exclaimed. “I’m in love!”
I shook my head and sighed.

Nick’s point of view

It wasn’t long before the guards came. But they had someone unexpected with them.
“Tohja?” I muttered in surprise as the small Kindorian was dragged into the basement and dumped on the floor. It looked like he had been given the same treatment as we had. He was out cold.
“What did you guys do to him?” Howie asked.
“He were sneakin’ around outside so we hit him with the butt of our rifles like we did with you!” one of them claimed, sneering.
“And the Lieutenant wants to see you, blondie!” the other guard stated, pointing at me menacingly.
I was untied, but Howie’s concerned look stopped me from trying anything. I was led away as Tohja was tied to my chair.
After having my hands tied behind my back and being dragged away, I was taken to another room. Another familiar face met my gaze.
“Jen!” I cried out happily. She ran up to me and held me tightly in a hug. Resting my chin on her shoulder, I looked over to a new Kindorian I’d never seen before. I guessed he ranked highly as he was dressed differently to the other soldiers.
The leader signalled to the two guards, and they pulled me out of Jen’s grasp and pushed me down on a chair.
“See, Kar’Sanah? We caught him!” the Lieutenant pointed out.
“OK, I believe you, Hon’Kaarn. Just don’t hurt him!” Jen pleaded.
“I’ll do whatever it takes!” he growled.

Howie’s point of view

I was just about to drift into sleep when Tohja woke up with a start.
“Kar’Sanah!!” he yelled in panic. He quickly looked around and moaned unhappily when he realised where he was.
“Tohja, you’re awake!” I exclaimed. “You got caught too, huh? I didn’t expect that!”
“I’m glad you have faith in me, but not even I’m perfect!”
“I’ll second that, but…. Who or what is Kar’Sanah?” I queried.
“Oh, that’s Jen’s real name.”
“Sounds a bit like yours,” I commented.
“Yeah, the ‘Kar’ bit is our family name. The bit afterwards is the given name.” He explained.
“So how do we get outta here?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had to escape from my own race before!”
“Makes sense. Where’d they take Nick?”
Tohja stopped trying to wriggle out of his tight ropes and his eyes widened. “They have Nick?!”
“Yeah, they took him away when they dumped you in here, is that bad?”
He hung his head sadly and his ears drooped sadly, “Very. They gonna use him to try and make Jen and me agree to go home.”
“What’ll they do to him?” I asked, my voice shaking.
“I don’t know exactly, but it won’t be nice!” Tohja dismayed. “If they get desperate, they might kill him!”
I sat in shock for about five seconds then we both started to struggle harder.