On The Set

Nick’s point of view

“Does she purposely try to be late every time we’re here?” I asked looking at Tom, who shrugged helplessly.
“Maybe it’s because of you that she’s trying to be late,” mumbled AJ quietly, but I heard him.
“Funny Bone, real funny,” I said sarcastically. At that moment, Julianna rushed into the room.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, I know I’m late,” she said hurriedly.
“Do you purposely try to be late every time I’m here?” I asked angrily.
“Oh yeah, I always try to be late for my own show and keep the other four nice members of your group waiting because I hate you so much and think that you’re such a moron,” she said sarcastically.
“How about coming up with a different name for me?” I asked, with just as much sarcasm.
“Fine, how about dumbass?” she said.
“Why don’t you call me by my real name?”
“I did, Dumb Ass,” she said purposely saying it like two words.
“Oh, so you must be Conceited Snob right?” I shot back.
She ignored me and turned to Tom, who handed her a copy of the script.

Julianna’s point of view

I looked at the script Tom gave me. “What’s this?” I asked.
“The revised copy,” he replied.
“Oh.” I began flipping through the script, looking for the pink pages, which would indicate that those scenes were revised. I found a few pink pages and skimmed through them. “What the hell is this?” I asked pointing at one of the pages.
“The re-vi-sed ver-sion,” said Nick carefully enunciating every word.
I ignored him again and kept looking at Tom. “I am not doing this! Especially not with him! Absolutely, positively, no way!" I yelled out.
“Jul, you really don’t have a choice. You’re under contract and the writers think that this scene will make the episode a lot better, not to mention more interesting,” replied Tom.
“But does it have to be with him?” I whined and pointed at Nick.
“And what exactly is wrong with me?” he asked.
“Don’t get me started,” I warned him.
“There is no one else, and the writers think that you two look good together,” said Tom shrugging.
I grimaced. Nick and me look good together? Yeah, like where? In a world with no mirrors maybe? “Fine, but I don’t like it,” I said and folded my arms over my chest.
“I know, but that’s the way it’s gotta be,” said Tom. “Okay everyone, let’s shoot this scene first and then do the rest of the episode,” he announced.
I reluctantly made my way over to the set of the ‘backstage’ area that was set up.
In the episode, my character, Rilee, was supposed to sneak out of her house to go to a Backstreet Boys concert. She also wound up getting backstage passes to meet the guys and that was where she and Nick were supposed to kiss. Did I mention ew? Cause if I didn’t, EW!
“Take one, and action!” yelled Tom as Nick and I took our places and prepared for the kiss.
We stood in front of each other with my arms placed on Nick’s shoulders and his hands on my waist. We then both leaned in and voila; all of a sudden we were kissing. Unexpectedly, I forgot about all of my problems and just concentrated on kissing Nick. He was a surprisingly good kisser, but unfortunately, a rotten human being.
“Cut!” yelled Tom breaking into my thoughts. Nick and I parted and were standing there just looking at each other. Nick then leaned in and for a moment I thought that he was going to kiss me again. But he went past my mouth.
“Two words, breath mint,” he whispered into my ear.
I was beyond shocked, and then remembered exactly why was it that I hated this guy. “Two more words, cold shower,” I told him in a smug tone, only I wasn’t so discreet about it. I said it loudly enough for everyone within a twenty-foot radius to hear.
I was satisfied to see Nick’s face flush a deep red. Then, for even more humiliation for him, I pointed down at his pants. I could practically see steam coming out of his ears.
I suppressed the urge to start laughing my head off.
I then walked away from him. While I was walking, I noticed his expression in the mirror in front of me. He was sitting and gaping after me.
“Hey Nick, close your mouth, you might swallow a fly,” I called out without turning around. “Besides, the gaping mouth is really unattractive, then again, so are you,” I added and then went to my trailer.

Nick’s point of view

I was standing and looking at Julianna’s retreating figure. I couldn’t believe that she had just humiliated me in front of everyone! I looked over at my band mates and saw that they were all trying really hard not to laugh. Okay, Kevin was trying not to laugh, the rest of them were laughing. AJ was actually doubling over from laughter.
“It’s not funny,” I told them.
“Yeah…right…she…got…you…good…Nick…admit…it,” gasped AJ between laughs.
“She did not get me,” I said through clenched teeth.
“If you say so,” said Brian cracking up.
I rolled my eyes and walked away from the guys. I decided to come up with a really great plan to get Julianna back for what she did to me.
I wanted to embarrass her like she did me. I leaned against a wall and began thinking of different ideas. It was then that an absolutely brilliant one came to me. Julianna would never know what hit her.

Lance’s point of view

I stepped out of my limo in front of the ‘Unreal’ set. I was thankful for the fact that I had worn a hat and sunglasses because there were about five hundred fans standing in front of the building. These were Backstreet Boys fans, they would tear me to pieces, or at least most of them would. I walked up to the guard at the door.
“Um, hi, I’m here to see Julianna Palmer,” I said.
“Name,” stated the guard.
“Lance Bass,” I replied.
“ID,” said the guard.
“Oh, I don’t work here, I just came to see a friend,” I explained.
“ID as in something that proves you are who you say you are,” said the guard in his monotonous tone. I got the feeling that that wasn’t the first time he said that phrase.
“Oh,” I said and fumbled in my wallet for my driver’s license. I showed it to the guard and he seemed satisfied and let me in.
I walked onto the set and tried to figure out where I would be able to find Julianna because the place was huge. I then spotted a familiar person.
“Tom!” I called out. He turned around and then walked over to me.
“Lance, hey! What are you doing here?” he asked. Tom had directed one of our videos a few years back.
“I came to see Julianna,” I replied. “Why are you here?”
“I’m the director of this show,” he said smiling proudly.
“Oh, very cool,” I said. “So do you have any idea of where I can find Julianna?” I asked.
“You are such an asshole!” came Julianna’s angry voice.
I laughed. “Hmm, I think I got my answer.”
“Yeah, they’ve been at it all day,” said Tom sighing.
“Her and Nick?” I asked.
Tom nodded. “They find something to fight about every half hour. I’m surprised they haven’t lost their voices yet from yelling so much,” he said.
“That’s a lot of fighting,” I commented.
“Don’t I know it,” said Tom running his hand through his hair.
“Well, maybe I can calm her down a little,” I offered.
“I hope you can,” said Tom. “Good luck,” he added.
“Thanks.” I headed over to where Julianna and Nick were standing.
You were the one who started it with the whole ‘breath mint’ deal!” yelled Julianna.
“Yeah, but you embarrassed me way more with your not-so-discreet comment!” yelled back Nick.
“You deserved it!”
“You are such a snob!”
“And you are such a jerk!” Julianna then paused to catch her breath.
I took this as an opportunity to intervene. “Hey,” I said softly and tapped her on the shoulder.
Julianna whirled around to face me and her mouth immediately turned into a smile. “Hi,” she said. “You made it.”
“Yeah,” I said nodding. I noticed Nick glaring at me. “Is there a problem?” I asked looking at him.
“No, no problem at all,” he said angrily.
“Good,” said Julianna and hooked her arm through mine. “Let’s go talk in my trailer where we can get away from some irritating people,” she added shooting a dirty look at Nick.
“Okay,” I agreed.

Julianna’s point of view

“Well, I’d ask you how your day was going, but I guess I saw most of it just now,” said Lance sitting down in my trailer.
I closed the door and sat down on a chair. “Don’t I know it,” I said sighing. “I really don’t want to fight with him anymore. I still hate him, but I just want to get through the shooting of this episode in peace and quiet,” I added.
“So don’t fight with him,” said Lance simply.
I stared at him. “How can I not? He always starts it!”
“Well, then you’ll just have to be the bigger person and walk away from him when you know that you guys are about to fight again,” he replied.
I thought about it for a minute. “Do you really think that’ll work?” I asked.
Lance shrugged. “It should. If Nick sees that you don’t want to fight with him at all, then he’ll stop starting any arguments,” he said.
“I’ll give it a try. Anything to end the yelling,” I said.
I wasn’t sure if it was definitely going to work, but it was worth a try. I just hoped that Nick wouldn’t get the idea that I like him all of a sudden if I wouldn’t insult him back.

chapter 6 chapter 8