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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Nine

“Jess, I don’t care what the doctors said, I gotta do something and I have to do it fast, we are slowly slipping away and we are losing popularity by the thousands, besides look at me? I look like complete shit.” Nick was desperately trying to make Jessica understand that he needed to go out and perform again.

“Nick, would you quit being so hard on yourself, you look fine, besides think of all of the stuff you have been through since June, that would take a toll on anyone, you are not superhuman.”

“Well, my mind is made up and I am going to do it. I can’t keep laying around doing nothing.” Nick stated to Jess in a flat, even tone.

“Then just remember when you are back in the hospital, this is one person that won’t drop everything and run up there to see you. If you are going to destroy yourself like that, I won’t have any part in it.” Jess snapped back at Nick.

“Fine.” Nick snapped at her.

“Fine.” Jess replied as she walked away from Nick and into the kitchen. She started picking up dishes and slamming them around into the dishwasher.

Nick glared at Jess when he picked up the phone. He reached for his address cards and looked up the number to his agent. When he dialed the phone number, he pressed the keys hard.

Jess slammed dishes down even harder and glared at Nick more. She could only pick up his half of the conversation and she did not like one bit of what she was hearing.

“Hi, Jack, this is Nick. I am ready to go back on tour with the guys........Yeah......okay......9:00, sure.....okay, goodbye.” Nick pressed the hang up button on the phone and slammed the phone down on the coffee table. He stood up glared at Jess and walked into the bedroom.

“Nick you are so damn stupid for doing this, I swear, you are gonna be sorry for doing this, mark my words.” Jess called out towards the bedroom, but Nick didn’t answer her. She wiped her hands on a towel and walked down the hall towards the bedroom.

“Nick, I’m sorry, but you really need to listen to me, I think you’re making a big mistake. This is not going with doctors orders on this one and I know down the road it is gonna hurt you, do you understand where I am going with this?” Jess walked into the bedroom and found Nick putting on a clean shirt.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Nick was annoyed with her interferring with his life. He needed to get back to work, he was hating the fact that his life had been put on hold since the end of June and it was starting to get to him.

“Please, Nick, listen to me.” Jess tried to plead with Nick.

“My mind is made up, plain and simple, there is no changing it, do you understand?” Nick replied looking at Jess quickly.

“There’s absolutely no way I can change your mind?” Jess asked Nick.

Nick grabbed his car keys and wallet. “Nope, I got an appointment to talk to Jack in a half an hour. See you later.” Nick kissed Jess quickly on the cheek as be brushed past her.

Jess watched Nick go out the front door, get into his vehicle and back out of the driveway. He was so stubborn and would not listen to her advice. She was hoping that his agent would set him straight when he met with Nick and not just look at the dollar signs.

Nick settled down into the car as he drove onto the highway. He turned the radio on and partially listened to the advertisements that were going on the radio. He was thinking about what he would say to Jack to convince him that he was ready to go back on tour.

He glanced into the rearview mirror and quickly looked away from the reflection. He did not like what he saw in the mirror. All Nick could see was the negative things in his face, how the ten pounds he had added since he was off seemed to him more like one hundred and ten. He felt horrible about himself and he felt like he was losing control of his body. He was thinking if he spent one more month off, he would never be able to go onstage again, his self confidence would be destroyed.

Nick pulled into the parking lot where his agent’s office was. It was a tall white brick building that was an office complex that housed many businesses. As Nick approached the building, two girls were walking out of the building down the sidewalk. They immediately recognized Nick.

“Hey, you’re Nick Carter!” One of the girls squealed excitedly.

Nick smiled at them as he kept walking towards the building.

“Hey, hold up, can we get your autograph?” The girl called out to Nick.

Nick stopped and turned around and walked towards the girls. “Sure.”

They fumbled in their purses looking for a piece of paper and a pen. One of them produced an old grocery store receipt and a pen. “This is all I have, sorry.” She seemed embarrassed to have Nick sign a piece of scrap paper.

“Don’t worry about it, paper is paper afterall.” Nick smiled back at the girls.

“When are you guys going back on tour, I mean, you are alright now, aren’t you, I mean, I heard the news about your problems that you were having------”

Nick cut the girl off. “Those reports were lies, all of them.” He was very angry about that topic being brought up.

“Oh, the suicide thing and the drugs were lies?” The girl asked while she watched Nick sign his name. She didn’t sound as if she were totally convinced.

Nick literally shoved the paper and pen back at her. He didn’t acknowledge her question. After she took the paper from him, he turned and continued to walk towards the office building. The girl started calling out after him.

“Nick, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. Don’t go away mad, please.” The girl called out to him only to watch Nick disappear into the darkness behind the shaded doors.

Nick was glad to escape the comments from the two autograph seekers. His manager’s office was on the fourth floor and Nick impatiently waited for the elevator. As he got on, the elevator stopped on each floor, only to find that there was no one waiting for the elevator. Finally, the elevator arrived to the fourth floor.

The manager’s office was the last office at the end of the hall. Nick walked in to find the secretary typing at the front desk. She briefly looked up at Nick, smiled and told him that Jack would be out in a moment.

Nick sat down on the couch and looked at the entertainment magazines that littered the coffee table. He smiled to himself when he saw pictures of the current bands on a magazine. His eyes caught the headlines on one magazine in particular. Nick picked the magazine up. He quickly thumbed through the magazine to find the article.


The recent reports on the rumors of an alleged prescription drug abuse involving Nick Carter has caused problems within the band as well as outside of the band.

Carter had been hospitalized on June 19, 1999 following a two car accident in which he was critically injured. Nick’s recovery this summer was filled with ups and downs in his condition which included paralysis, loss of his voice, a coma, suicide attempt and now the prescription drug abuse of vallium and restoril.

Fans initially had stood behind the band since June, but all interest is starting to wane and has all but disappeared completely. The group had started a new Millenium tour in Orlando in November, only to have Carter collapse onstage the second night of their tour. He was hospitalized for two weeks suffering from exhaustion. Doctors have now stated that he has recovered but his condition is still guarded.

Management for the group has declined comment, and calls to Nick Carter have not been returned.

The secretary told Nick that the manager was ready to see him. Nick took the magazine and walked into the office.

Jack stood up and put his hand out to Nick as Nick entered the room. “Hey, Nick, good to see you. How are you doing?”

“Fine.” Nick replied as he sat in the leather chair that was facing the desk.

“So, you’re ready to go back on tour with the guys, huh? Did your doctor say you’re fine and ready to go?” Jack asked Nick as he sat in his chair.

“Um, yeah, I am ready to go back on tour.” Nick was hoping to avoid answering the question about the doctor.

“And your doctor has given you a clean bill of health? Jack asked Nick.

Nick winced when he hear Jack ask him about the doctor again. “Well, I guess I could get a permission slip if that’s what you need.” Nick responded sarcastically.

“Well, actually, Nick, I do need something in writing, for legality reasons that shows you are in good health. I just have to cover my ass, if you know what I mean.” As Jack talked, he flipped through a folder on his desk.

“I suppose I could get something, but we need to get a tour started up asap, here look at this article.” Nick shoved the magazine in the manager’s face.

Jack glanced that the magazine. “Yeah, I have heard about that.”

“And?” Nick was waiting to hear something positive from Jack.

“Well, we could get something started while I was waiting on your papers.” Jack said as he picked up his roledex of telephone numbers.

Nick watched as Jack stopped on a card and wrote something on a piece of paper and went onto another card.

“But, Nick, remember, this all hinges on you. If you don’t produce the paperwork that I need, it will be done in a blink of an eye. It can be called off just like that.” Jack snapped his fingers for emphasis.

“Okay, I will get the papers as soon as possible. You will call when stuff gets set up, right?” Nick asked as his stood up.

“You bet, I will be calling you probably this afternoon, okay?” Jack stood up and reached his hand out again for Nick to shake it.

“Sounds good, thanks Jack.” Nick turned and walked out of the office.

Nick’s mind was running through what he could say to his doctor that would allow him to return on tour. He picked up his cellphone and dialed information for his doctor. As he dialed the phone number, Nick kept thinking over and over what he was going to say to him.

Nick listed to the phone ring while he drove down the road. A young woman’s voice answered the phone, “Doctor’s office, this is Marci, how may I help you?”

“Um, yeah, I need to get a slip from the doctor to return back to work, do I need to set up an appointment for that?” Nick asked.

“I need to have your file pulled, what’s the name?” The receptionist asked.

“Nickolas Carter.” Nick hated saying his name to anyone, he always braced himself for a comment.

“Okay, hold for a moment please, I’ll pull the file.” The receptionist didn’t wait for Nick to answer, she placed him on hold and Nick ended up being a captive audience to opera music.

Within a few moments, the recepionist was back on the phone. “I need you to speak with the nurse, just a moment please.”

Nick heard the sound of the call being transferred to another area. A woman answered the phone. “This is Julie, may I help you?”

“Yeah, I need a doctor’s permission slip to return back to work. I was wondering if I had to see the doctor or if he would just fill out a slip so I can pick it up. It is very important that I get it as soon as possible.” Nick ran his sentances together, he was nervous that he would be denied his request.

“Your name was again, I’m sorry.” The nurse wanted to verify Nick’s name.

“Um, Nickolas Carter.” Again, Nick hated to tell her his name.

“Oh, okay, I have the file right in front of me. Mmmm, let’s see here, ah, yes, you would have to see doctor before he would give you a work release slip.”

“I need this asap, is there anyway I can get in to see him this morning?” Nick was hopeful.

“If you can get over here right away, I can slide you in before doctor’s regular scheduled appointments.” The nurse replied.

“I am on my way right now, in fact I am pulling into the parking lot.” Nick responded.

“Okay, I will have your chart ready, thank you.” The nurse hung the phone up.

Nick pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of the durango. The doctor’s office was a busy place and the parking lot was full of people. Nick lowered his ballcap over his eyes as he headed towards the building, looking down at his feet as he walked. Nick was leary of making eye contact with anyone this morning, especially after those two girls at the agent’s office.

Walking up to the front desk, Nick wrote his name on the sign in sheet at the counter. The waiting room in the doctor’s office was packed. Nick found a chair in the far corner of the room. As he sat down, he grabbed a magazine that was on the table next to the chair. It wasn’t one of his particular favorite magazines to read, but he just wanted to keep himself occupied.

Nick could hear the whispers from the girls that were sitting near him. He slouched deeper into his chair and held the magazine up higher. He winced when a medical assistant opened the door and cheerfully announced to the room: “Nickolas Carter?”

Nick immediately stood up and walked towards the woman. He could feel the eyes staring at him from the back.

“Hi, Nickolas, how are you today?” The assistant was making small talk with Nick as she led him down a hallway towards the doctor’s private office.

“Fine, thanks.” Nick was not in the mood for small talk.

The assistant set his chart on the desk and gestured towards a chair for Nick to sit in. “The doctor will be in to see you in a few minutes.” The assistant softly closed the door behind her.

Nick hated going to the doctor’s office, this was his family physician, not the doctor he had seen when he was in Orlando. Nick had been going to this doctor ever since he lived in Tampa. He was hoping that this doctor would write a return to work slip without any questions.

Nick could feel the tension as he heard the doctor outside of the door. He was talking about tests on a patient and obviously had his hand on the doorknob. Nick stiffened up in his seat as the door swung open.

“Good morning, Nick.” Dr. Parnello smiled as he entered his office.

“Good morning.” Nick tried to sound upbeat and cheerful.

The doctor took a seat behind his desk. “What can I do for you today, Nick?”

“Um, I need a return to work slip.” Nick stated quietly.

“A return to work slip? Why didn’t you go to the doctor that took you off work?” Dr. Parnello leaned closer towards Nick.

“Um, well, he was just the attending physcian at Orlando Hospital, and I don’t want to drive up there to get a slip from him. He just saw me when I was at the hospital there.” Nick fumbled and searched for the right words to sound good to the doctor.

“Oh, I see, what were you hospitalized for? Could you fill me in on this?” Dr. Parnello asked.

“Geeze, I know you’re busy doc, all I need is a slip from you so I can give it to my agent, you don’t need to hear this story.” Nick was trying to plead his way out of the situation.

“Sorry, Nick, but I won’t give you a slip until you explain what had happened.” Dr. Parnello tried to sound sympathetic.

“Alright, it’s a long story though.” Nick was hoping he would tell him to forget it.

“That’s okay, I’m a good listener.” The doctor smiled as he sat back in his chair.

“Well, we tried to start our Millenium Tour on November 2 in Orlando. I did one concert that night. The next night we started the concert and everything was fine and then about a half hour into the performance, I collapsed onstage. They took me to the hospital and I was admitted for two weeks for exhaustion and dehydration. I’m fine now, but my agent told me he needed a return to work permit for legal reasons so that’s why I am here.” Nick rushed through the statement, he was hoping the doctor would agree that he was fine to go back to work.

“Oh, I see. What was the name of the doctor at the hospital?” Dr. Parnello asked.

Nick tensed up, he had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Gee, I don’t really recall.” He lied to Dr. Parnello hoping that he would just let it go.

“That’s okay.” Dr. Parnello started leafing through Nick’s thick file. “Ah, here it is, Dr. Davidson.” Dr. Parnello picked up the phone and started dialing a number from a paper in Nick’s chart.

Nick started wondering if he should just get up and leave now, he knew the doctor would talk to this Davidson person and then his plans would be blown out of the water.

“Yes, could I speak with Dr. Dan Davidson, this is Dr. John Parnello.” Dr. Parnello was playing with the pen on his desk while he waited for Dr. Davidson to answer the call.

Nick just sat in the chair listening to the doctor’s end of the conversation.

“Yeah, Dan...this is Jack, how are you?....yes, it was a good game....the reason I was calling you was a patient of mine that you admitted back in November for exhaustion and dehydration.......yes, that’s the one.....well, he is in my office seeing about getting a return to work permit.......I he didn’, that was what was the reason now?.......okay, well thanks for filling me in on it....tell Darla I said hi......thanks....goodbye.” Dr. Parnello hung the phone up and sat back in his seat. “Well, Nick, Dr. Davidson tells me that you are supposed to be off work for another three months, are you aware of this?” Dr. Parnello waited for Nick’s response.

“Um, yeah, I guess.” Nick was hoping that Dr. Parnello would ignore what Dr. Davidson told him.

“Nick, it’s only been two weeks since you were discharged, you are pushing things way too fast.” The doctor sat back in his chair.

“I realize that, but I need to go back, we are slowly losing our fans and this is hurting the group. It all falls on me, my shoulders, if I don’t do something now, we will lose it all and it will be my fault.” Nick’s hands were shaking as he spoke. He held them down, hoping the doctor would see it.

“Nick, if you don’t rest and take this recooperation seriously, you won’t be able to ever resume you career, ever! I’m sorry, but I can’t, with a clear conscious, give you the return to work slip you wanted. If you come back in March, then I would reconsider giving you the slip.” Dr. Parnello waited for Nick’s response.

Nick swallowed hard. He was upset to think that the doctor denied what he wanted. Tears were burning his eyes, he couldn’t look up at Dr. Parnello, he kept his eyes lowered. “Um, okay, thanks.” Nick got up quickly and left the office.

Stopping in the hallway, Nick pulled out a vial of his vallium. His hands were shaking so much that he had trouble opening the top. He managed to finally get it opened and put two pills on his tongue and drank water from the drinking fountain.

As Nick walked across the parking lot towards his car, his mind was running through the options of what to do now to obtain a return to work permit. He knew that there were 24 hour clinics almost in every city. He decided to give one of those a try. He figured if he tried hard enough, he could find a doctor that could be persuaded to write a slip if the price were right.

Nick drove around town looking for a phone booth that would actually have a phone book still in it. After a few minutes of driving he located one and stopped at it. He pulled the book out and immediately went to the yellow pages and tried to find a physician that would help him get the slip he so desperately needed.

He located a name in the book of an office that was on the west end of town. Nick decided it was worth a try and drove to the location.

As he pulled into the small parking lot, he was wondering if this was such a good idea after all. He sat in his car for a few minutes debating if this was the way he wanted to go with this.

Walking into the small, cramped office, Nick could smell the rubbing alcohol that was in the air. The small lobby was full of people. Nick could feel the eyes on his back. He leaned close to the receptionist’s window.

“Um,” Nick tried to get the receptionist’s attention.

She took a clipboard that had a sheet of paper on it and pushed it toward Nick. “Just fill this out and here’s a number, we will call you when it’s your turn.” The receptionist never looked up.

Nick took the clipboard and saw an empty chair in the corner of the room. He walked through the people and sat down and started to fill out the sheet. He skipped over the phone number portion and put in the fan club address for his home address. While he waited, he slid down in the chair and read and re-read what he had written.

Finally, the number was called and Nick wasted no time in following the medical assistant towards the exam room.

As Nick handed the clipboard to her, she realized her suspicions were confirmed. The medical assistant tried to keep her composure.

“Ah, um, what is the nature of your visit?” Her voice was shaking as she spoke.

“I’d like to talk to the doctor about a medical issue.” Nick was trying to avoid telling her what he needed.
br> “I’m sorry, but I really have to know so that the doctor can be prepared.” The assistant’s voice was still shakey.

Nick sighed. “Ah, I need to see about a return to work slip.

“Oh, yeah.” The assistant accidentally spoke her thoughts outloud. Trying to cover her mistake she said, “I see, yes, the doctor should be in to help you in a moment. The assistant closed the door behind her.

Nick sat in the chair and looked around the room. The walls had posters about the different parts of the human body. Just as Nick was getting into reading about the “Amazing Shoulder,” the doctore entered the room with the clipboard in his hand.

“Hello, Mr. Carter, I am Dr. Sanchez. I see you want a return to work permit. What do you do for a living?” Dr. Sanchez barely looked up from the clipboard.

Nick was starting to think to himself this was gonna be a piece of cake, the doctor doesn’t know who I am.

“I’m a singer.” Nick didn’t elaborate, he fiugred less was more.

“I see, and why would you want a return to work permit to sing?” Dr. Sanchez questioned.

“Well, my talent agent does, I was off because I was sick this summer and he just wants all of the legal bases covered, I guess.” Nick was trying to skirt the issue.

“And how are you feeling now?” Dr. Sanchez asked.

“I feel great.” Nick replied. He watched as Dr. Sanchez pulled out a prescription pad and started to write a note on it.

Nick could barely contain his excitement as the doctor handed him the white slip of paper.

“Thank you,” Nick made sure he didn’t say anymore.

“Stop and see the receptionist on your way out.” Dr. Sanchez said as he walked out the door.

Nick stopped at the receptionist desk and was more than happy to pay the $75 fee. Grasping the slip of paper, he walked out the door and jumped into his car and sped out of the parking lot. He couldn’t wait to see his manager and hand him the work release permit.

Nick picked up his cell phone and dialed the number to his manager.

“Jack here.” The agent picked the phone up after two rings.

“Hey, Jack, it’s me, Nick, I got the slip you wanted me to have.” Nick announced happily.

“You do?” Jack sounded shocked. He was running the improbability of Nick getting a permission slip through his mind, there was no way Nick’s doctor would have gave him a slip, he was not capable of working just yet.

“Yeah, I got the slip in my hand, right here, signed and sealed, just have to deliver this puppy.” Nick right fron and rear tire drove off the shoulder of the road when he looked at the paper. “Whoa, that was bad.” Nick thought outloud as he eased the vehicle back onto the road.

“Got a problem, Nick?” The agent heard the commotion that was going on.

“Ah, no, I got this under control now, don’t worry about it.” Nick said quickly. He didn’t admit to Jack that it had scared him when he went off the road.

Nick was already pulling into the parking lot and he was still on the cellphone with Jack.

“Hey, Jack, I’m coming in. Be right there.” Nick hung the phone up.” He got out of the car and ran up the stairs to the office buildings.

Nick got on the elevator and took it to the office on the fourth floor. He walked into the office and the secretary smiled at Nick.

“I need to see Jack and he knows I am coming here, I just hung up with him two minutes ago.” Nick explained.

The receptionist picked her phone up and buzzed Jacks office. “Hi, Nick Carter is here to see you. Oh, okay, I’ll tell him.” The receptionist hung the phone up.

“Jack will be out in a few minutes to get you. Have a seat while you are waiting, okay?” The receptionist smiled at Nick.

Nick reluctantly sat down on the couch and looked down at the magazines on the coffee table. It was littered with Variety and Entertainment and People magazines. He decided not to even pick up a magazine to read, he was afraid of what he would find inside them.

Jack opened the outer door to his office. “Hi, Nick, come on in.”

Nick pulled himself up off the low couch and follwed Jack into the room.

“So you got a medical release slip?” Jack didn’t waste anytime asking any questions.

“Yup, have it right here.” Nick said as he pulled the folded form out of his pocket.

Jack opened it up and looked at it. “Is this from your family physician?”

Nick started to worry, here now Jack was starting to scrutinize the slip. “Um, yeah.”

“Nick, your family physician?” Jack had already detected a descrepancy with the name on the note.

“Well, I am switching doctors.” Nick lied to Jack, but he was so desperate he didn’t care.

“Oh, so now your family physician is Urgent Medical Care Complex?” Jack knew right away that this was just a 24 walk in clinc.

“Yes it is.” Nick defended the paper.

“Um, what does Dr. Parnello think about all of this?” Jack asked Nick as he leaned back into his chair.

“I don’t care what....hey, you asked for a return to work slip, I gave you one, now, are we gonna start up again or what?” Nick was getting angry.

Jack leaned forward. “I called Dr. Parnello this morning and he told me he saw you and told you no way in hell were you going back on tour until sometime this spring. He said you would be foolish to do otherwise. This doctor Sanchez had no clue about you and your medical history, he just wrote this out and accepted the fees. No, Nick, I can’t with a clear conscious allow you to go ontour.”

Nick couldn’t believe what he was hearing from Jack. He started to grow angrier by the minute. He grabbed the slip out of Jack’s hands. When Nick stood up, the chair he was sitting in toppled onto the floor backwards.

“Okay, fine, but you want to know something else Jack? You are so fired, I am quitting you. I am through with you.” Nick stared him down in the eyes when he spoke.

“Nick, you signed a contract with me, you can’t fire me.” Jack countered.

“Well, sue me then, I am done with your ass.” Nick strode out the room and out of the office.

Chapter 40

Backstreet Boys Stories