Swollen Issues - Chapter 37

" Any messages?", Kevin asked as he leaned on the desk at the hotel reception. He was dead on his feet after being up taking care of Nick's escapades the previous night.

He, Howie, Brian and Leighanne had been on sightseeing in Tokyo the whole day. There was lots of attractions to see and they had visited pagods and got to see a real Japanese wedding.

The sightseeing trip had taken much longer than they expected and Kevin felt bad for leaving Nick alone in the state that he was in. The others had gone to the amusement park, but Kevin had declined, instead going back to the hotel, claiming that he needed a nap. The real reason was that he had a bad feeling about Nick.

Brian had voluntered to go back, but Kevin thought that he and Leighanne needed some time alone and instead Kevin went back. To relieve his guilty coincidence, he told himself that AJ and Sarah would be at the hotel and that they had probably looked after Nick so that he didnīt have to be alone.

His thoughts were interrupted by the reception clerk in a navy blue suit handing him a small message. With a short thank you, Kevin eyed the message and a smile crept up on his tired features. It was from Kristen. He would call her as soon as he got back, missing her so much.

"Mr Richardson!" Kevin turned around as his name was called out to be met with Doctor Yang from the other night. He was walking towards him, waving with an envelope in his hand.

" Dr Yang," Kevin greeted the elderly doctor.

"It's good, Mr Richardson, that I got an hold of you. I was just going to put this in Mr. Carter's mail box, but now you can bring it up to him personally." He handed the envelope to a suprised Kevin. "Itīs a prescription and you just have to take this down to a pharmacy," he explained.

Kevin nodded. " I was just going up to see him."

"Good. How is he doing?"

" He had a high fever last night, but was alseep when we left him. I have been out all day looking at your beautiful city."

Dr. Yang didnīt look too pleased. He frowned." Very well Mr. Richardson I would highly suggest that you donīt leave Mr. Carter alone since his fever still may rise a bit. Fortunatly there is rarely any severe complications with this diease. However it can be rather difficult as he is an adult and his inflamation can cause him lots of discomfort."

Kevin looked at Dr. Yang with suprise. What was he talking about? "Yes. I know. I have had it too and it was pretty bad." Kevin winced as he remembered the last time he was sick with a strep infection.

"Oh, Mr. Richardson, I take it that you had it when you were a child then, am I right?" Dr. Yang peered through his glasses.

"As a child?. No I had it this summer." Kevin frowned. "Strep throat can be pretty bad. Nick had it several times, but he has never been this sick before."

" Strep throat? Mr. Carter isnīt suffering from that disease." There was an hint of suprise in Dr. Yang's voice.

Kevin looked at him. "But.." he started, only to get interrupted.

" You must have been misinformed. Mr. Carter has a bad case of the mumps."


"Yes Mr. Richardson. Didnīt Mr. Carter tell you that?" Dr. Yang set his eyes in the tall man.

Kevin covered for Nick. "Yes of course. I must be really tired."

Dr Yang didnīt look to convinced, yet he continued, "However in Mr. Carter's case I am really concerned over how the glands in his testicles has been infected. If his fever continue to rise and if he getīs any worse I want you to call me. This isnīt something to take easy upon."

Dr. Yang was a man that held hard on formal rules, however he had been very concerned over Mr. Carter and when he heard that the young singer hadnīt said anything to Mr Richardson he put the secrecy aside. The young man was pretty sick even if it was something as common as the mumps. He couldnīt shake that it was something with the picture that didnīt seem right. Kevin listened, then he nodded. Now every piece in the puzzle started to fall into place. So this was why Nick looked like a bloated chipmunk! And why he was talking about that his testicles hurting. Kevin felt bad. He had just thought that Nick was his whiny normal self.

"Mr. Richardson," Dr Yang was very formal. "If Mr. Carter's condition doesnīt improve in a week I want you to take Mr. Carter to the hospital when you come back to the states for a further check up."

Kevin agreed to do that and with that Dr. Yang said goodbye and left the reception, leaving a chocked up Kevin.

The mumps! Why hadnīt Nick told the truth? Didnīt he trust his friends that much to tell what was the matter with him? Or was he too embaressed? He stood pondering the situation when a well known voice called out his name. It was AJ and Sarah that came through the glass doors.

"Kevin!"AJ held his arms around Sarah waist. They like a honeymoon couple, definately in love. "Hey man," AJ called out and walked towards the elder band member. "Check out what a pair of cool jeans I found and the t-shirt." He held up the shopping bag towards Kevin.

Kevin was still distracted with his own thoughts. " Yeah man, thatīs cool. Have you guys been over to check on Nick yet?"

AJ shook his head. "Nah weīve been to this really cool place and Sarah found some hot shoes."

" So no one have been up to see Nick the whole day?" Kevin nearly yelled.

" Donīt know. Chill out man. Itīs not like he's dying or anything." AJ looked puzzled.

"AJ, Nickīs got the mumps!" Now the cat was out of the bag.

"What???" AJ didnīt believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah. I met Dr. Yang and he told me that Nick got a bad case of the mumps and that he has an inflamation..eh..down there too." Kevins face turned red as he said the last words.

"In his BALLS?" AJ shouted the words out, the guests in the lobby turned their heads around. Interested. Fate was at their side as no press seemed to be around. The fans wasnīt allowed inside the hotel lobby either.

"Shhh," Kevin held up an finger. "You donīt have to tell the whole world. This is bad enough as it is." Kevin never liked drawing much attention to the band. Certainly not something like this. It was bad about the alleged drug rumors and adding that Nick had an inflamation in his testicles, even if it was something as simple as the mumps, was not good publicity. The press could easily turn it into that Nick had some sexually transmitted diease. And that was the last thing they needed.

"That might explain his high fever," Sarah butted in. " umps in adults can be.."

She was interrupted from Kevin sighing, " Yeah I know..it can be very serious."

AJ thought for a moment, then he grinned. "But how can Nick manage to catch a childrens disease? Wonder what Bruce and the rest of the crew says about this."

"Donīt," Kevin warned his friend. "Nick doesnīt know that we found out his secret..and he would be so pissed if he found out. We better not say anything."

Sarah agreed, but AJ sighed. Heavily. "Too bad, there could have been some fun jokes!"

"He feels bad as it is and donīt need us making fun of him too," Kevin said in a mature way. Even if he felt like chewing the sick boy out. Nick had a way of hiding things for the rest of the boys, especially when there could be something serious.

Maybe it came from when he was young and was sick on tour. Nick always wanted to act stronger then he was. In all situations.

"Ok, we better go up and see how the Chipmunk is doing then." AJ smiled, then he walked towards the elevators. Sarah followed him.

Kevin sighed. It would be hard playing this game. Especially since AJ had gotten wind of it.

Chapter 38