A Second Chance
Chapter Eight

Kevin started tearing books out of his bookcase and tossing them onto the floor. He searched desperately for the thick, worn leather book with the gold edged pages.

“Shit, it’s gotta be here,” he yelled out.

He turned and stared at the pile of books on the deep brown carpeted living room floor. Kevin ran his hands through his hair, feeling the tears of frustration building in his eyes. He was about to lose hope when his eyes fell onto the book he was looking for, setting on the edge of his dining room table.

Kevin grabbed the book and found the dark blue ribbon that marked the spot he had last read: Nordan’s Disease Transference.

There it was for him, laid out in black and white on the parchment paper of the old book.

“What have I done?” Kevin wailed as he read over the paper listing the ingredients for the white powdered substance he slipped into Nick’s mug of hot chocolate. “He trusted me..... he trusted me,” Kevin repeated.

The vision of Nick drinking the tainted hot chocolate kept popping into his head, trying to dismiss the easy temptation of drowning his problems in alcohol.

“I need to find help, I can’t do this on my own.”

As he picked the book up, a small white business card fluttered to the floor. Setting the heavy book down onto the table, Kevin scooped the card from the floor.

Starrie Journey: channeling and hexes (808) 476 - 5555

“I have to get help,” Kevin mumbled as he looked at the green print on the card. He picked up his cordless phone and dialed the numbers on the front of the card.

+Chapter Nine+