A Second Chance
Chapter Three

Kevin literally bounced across the stage in Austin, Texas. His body was filled with so much energy, he hadn’t felt this great in months. The fans seemed to eat up his enthusasiam. He jumped around, holding his hands up over his head, encouraging the fans to clap along.

AJ was racing across the stage to join Kevin. He playfully grabbed a ball that a fan had tossed on the stage and decided he would play a game of catch with Nick. This was the part in the show where they would horse around onstage and Nick and he always did this at every venue stop.

He tossed the ball and Nick clumsily caught it. When Nick attempted to throw the ball back at AJ, pain seared up his arm. Instead of whipping the ball at AJ as he intended, it dropped down at his own feet.

“Good one, ace,” Howie teased.

Nick managed a smile. He noticed more so tonight than any other night that it was difficult to master some of the dance moves. It hurt to bend and twist so he managed to do the best he could.

Kevin guiltily could see the stiffness in Nick’s body. He pushed it out of his mind, there was nothing he could do. Although he was grateful at how full of life and energy he now had, he knew that this was being tapped from Nick’s young body. He felt some remorse about it.

+Chapter Four+