Ground Zero

by Chaos Rainz
Summary: The last thing Nick remembers is being attacked in his hotel room. Problem is it's a week later, he's recovering from injuries he doesn't remember getting, and he's being stalked by the man who claims to be responsible. Time is running out for Nick to identify the stalker before he strikes again.
Status: Incomplete
Last Updated: Chapter 1 (01/11/02)

Scroll past the Authors note for links to the chapters...

Author's Note:I'm going to have to admit something right out. Please don't hold it against me. I hope you'll still read my fic and give me feedback on what works and more importantly what doesn't. But I think you should know right out that...I'm not really a BSB fan. It's not that I don't like them. It's more that I've never really paid much attention to them. I've liked some of the music, but I've never bought any of their CDs, never gone to their concerts, and until recently didn't even know all of their names (why yes I have been living under a rock, why do you ask?).

So what the heck am I doing writing a fanfic about them? a good question. And a long story. I'll try to keep it short and not bore you to tears with it: I was talking to a friend about fanfiction the other day and she indicated that she thought it was kind of dorky and pointless. Well, I--being a fanfic writer for another fandom--disagreed and held my argument that fanfiction was fun and there were a lot of great stories out there to be told for *any* fandom. At which point she issued me a challenge. Keeping the rules short, she got to choose the fandom and I have to write the fic. (That's just one of the rules, there's a list of stuff, but I won't bore you with it.)

Why am I telling you this? Well basically because I want your help in getting it right. Up until a few days ago I didn't know much about the BSB at all. I did some web searching and some fanfic reading in order to try to get a feel for who the guys are, etc. But I'm sure I know only a small fraction of the info that BSB fans know about the guys, and they will most assuredly catch a lot of glaring errors in my fic. Well, due to the nature of my challenge I want to get as much right as possible, so I'm asking for help from you, the fans, to help me whip this fic into shape and get as much right as possible. So...if you could please tell me if you catch glaring mistakes or suggestions to help me get the characters "right".

Thanks! And I hope you enjoy!

(OH! I should probably mention that I usually write horror, thriller and/or major angst type stories and there will likely be some really dark portions of this fic. If that is a bit squishy for you, please don't read. I will post any major warnings at the tops of any sections. I will return the guys intact--probably a little worse for the wear, but no permanent damage will be caused ;))



Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
*Chapter 11

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