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Special for Caroline

We love you!

This page is dedicate to Caroline Dorough-Cochran, Howie´s sister, who for a bad play of the destiny and the life, she died at September 12, 1998, she only was 37 years old, becouse of a illness that afflict the blood, is lamentable but still there isn´t cure for this illness. For many people this was an unknow illness ... is so sad that people like me knew about this illness, a illness named LUPUS cuz a special person died, although I don´t met to Caroline, anyway she occupy a nice place in my heart.

Caroline Yvonne Cochran, die to 37 years old, New Bern, N.C. Mrs. Cochran was member of a church named "Announcement Catholic". Surviven to Caroline: her husband Jerry, her son Jerry D., her daughter Elizabeth A., New Bern. Her parents Hoke D. and Paula Dorough, her brothers John Dorough and Howard Dorough, Orlando. Her sisters Angie M. Herring, Palm Bay and Pollyanna Dorough, Orlando.

But like Howie said, "we shouldn´t to be sad, cuz now she is in a best place, where nothing can hurt her".

Anyway I can´t avoid to be sad. Still I can remember when she died, only I had like 4 or 5 months of to know about the Backstreet Boys and to love to Howie, I memory when a friend called me by telephone to my job and she told me: "Paulina, sit down, relax and remember that you are in your job right now... this isn´t confirmed, but a friend called me and she told me that a Howie´s sister died"... my reaction was to lose the breath for several seconds, my skin was a pale skin and cold, and my eyes was full of tears... inmediately I told to my boss: "Please, I need to go to my house, I have a problem"... my boss looked me and he told me: "OK, no problem, u can go"... now, I can imagine how was my face in that moment. Cuz, wasn´t easier get that my boss say "OK, u can go".



When I arrived to my house, I started to call by telephone to a lot of friends and people, I needed to know if the information was real or not real. I turned on the television... but nothing, nobody spoke about Howie or his sister in the television... so, I got spoke with a girl, she is a BSB´s official fans club Chile´s member, this was the first time that I spoke with her, her name is Paulina (the same name that me) and I asked her: "What do u know about a supposed Howie´s sister death?", and told me: "yes, when I knew the news..........................."..........aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!, I couldn´t continue listening it, in this moment I knew that the information was real, I was crying and I asked her: "what Howie´s sister died?"...and she told me: "I don´t know, but I think that was Polly"..... in that moment all was dark for me, I couldn´t let of think about Howie, in like Howie always speak about his family, how much Howie love his family.... I could imagine like Howie was in this minute, crying and I felt me stupid and so bad cuz I knew that Howie was so sad and I would want to be with him..... I thought: "I love him a lot, but to be useless if I can't be with him!!!", I wished can say him "Hey Howie, I am here and I am with you", with all the force of my heart I wished that Howie was able to feel to me, that he was able to feel that there, in a remote place, in a little country named Chile, exist someone that all the time think about him and that in same way she was with him.



Only I got a Caroline Dorough Cochran´s pic and every time that I see this pic I memory every thing that happened, I memory to Howie and I can´t avoid that my heart feel the pain her death and my eyes one more time is full of tears.... but I know that now you should to be better, you should be so praid of your family and of your little brother, I know that now you are the Angel that care every step that he do, I know that you are with Howie every night and every day, I know that now you are happy and you are in the sky cuz you deserve that. God bless you Caroline, I hope that you can find the serenity in the sky together to God.... Rest In Peace.

Everybody know that Howie in honor him sister, he have a Institution of helping to persons that suffer this illness and their families, in special for soon find a cure for it, cuz "I won´t that no one suffer the lost of a dear person, like suffered my family and me" - said Howie. For this reason, if you want to contribute, all that you have to do is direct to:

Caroline Cochran - Lupus Fundation at Florida Hospital

c/o Florida Hospital Foundation

616 East Rollins St. Suite 103

Orlando, FL 32803

Fono: (407) 897-1578

Fax: (407) 893-9494


If you need more information about the Institution, you can go to:

Or you can see this web pages:

Lupus Fundación de América:

Lupus home page:


Well, and if you have big wishes of help to the Howie´s Foundation, but you don´t know what thing you can do, here is the solution, all that you should do is enter to this site: : when you are in this site, you´ll be in iGive, this page give you the oportunity of give money to the Foundation Caroline Dorough-Cochran Lupus Fund at Florida Hospital all that you should do is sing in iGive, and they will make a donation of U$2.00.- for every person that sing in this page, you can invite all your friends to register in iGive...... can you imaginate how much money might collect if everyone sing in iGive and if we invite all our friends???? after all, this is a easy and fast way to help.




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