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LMNT's Bio

LMNT was started when Mike, Ikaika and Bryan all left the television show, Making the Band. They banded up with Broadway singer Matt Morrison, and figured that they couldn't just abandon singing cause of not getting into one boyband, O-Town. So they formed a Manband. To name this band, they looked to Teen People for help. Teen People decided that an online contest where teens would send in names for the group would work best. Over 6,800 names came in, varying from "Frontstreet Guys" to "Lou Really Screwed Up This Time". But their favorite was LMNT, (pronounced element, sent in by Kristen Long of Champaign, Illinois. Soon LMNT and their story was featured in the February 2001 issue of Teen People under New Talent. Their fame blossomed and soon they were in Seventeen, Teen, and Pop Star, as well as others. But unfortunatley, Matt left LMNT when he wanted to return to his original calling, Broadway acting. We'll miss you Matt! But we still have the three hotties left, and hopefully four again very soon.