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The Boys

  "I wish I may, I wish I might, be that certain someone you wish for everynight..." 
-If You Knew What I Knew

 "Now we're minutes away, Till it's time to play, Our heart beats are rising,
They're letting you in, time for the show to begin..." -Everyone 


HUGE UPDATE! I totally redid the news page, it'll be updated so much more often! Go check it out! There's tons of articles, reviews, and interviews up there! :)

I'm working on fixing this page up so hopefully it will be as good as it used to be!

Hi everybody and welcome to yet another page dedicated to the Backstreet Boys made by a person with WAY to much time on her hands! Yes I know I need a hobby. My name is Katie, I'm 15 and I adore the Backstreet Boys. I would go to Orlando and try to find them but I live up north. Dang. Too far away. My parents probably wouldnt let me walk all around Orlando just to find them. I have been to a concert of theirs, in Chicago, on October 5, 1999 and I went to one on February 13, 2001 in Chicago! It was awesome!!! Me and my friend Jamie went to both of them! We chased the tour buses around and stuff! it was fun! lol Anyways I'm goin to another one on June 20! Yay! Those guys are gorgeous aren't they??? Take any pics you want from my page!! Just add a link to my page on your page! Thanks!



Copyright: *Katie

Disclaimer: I am not the Backstreet Boys, and I don't know them! :)


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