Contact Me!

Aloha Dudes! This is the page where y'all can find out how to contact me! I'm usually online 24/7. I have TONS of AIM names, 74 to be exact, and counting. So here's all the little Ditties:

1. Please, do not forward me anything.

2. Feel free to send me little bits of info that you may have read about Lance, or an *N SYNC-er that's you may consider funny or important that I might like.

3. No Porn - unless it's of any of the members of *N SYNC ;o)

4. If you're gonna send me hate mail, I suggest you read the DISCLAIMER first. This is a simple site that pokes a little fun at *N SYNC, and if you can't handle that, then I suggest you leave. I stated what I have to say, and whatever hate mail I get, will be posted on the site and laughed at hysterically.

5. Please feel free to e-mail me any ideas, songs, humor stories, fiction stories, that you may have for the site, I'm always open to new ideas :o)

My E-mail:

As of 9/21/01, I am on these AIM names Most Often: ChunkyButtLance, GrindinWitLance, ImASlaaave4Lance and LaNcEnKhaKiPaNtS.
Y'all can feel free to e-mail or IM me ANYTIME. Don't hesitate, I love to hear what people say.

Adopt *N SYNC and Take them HOME!