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Kevin Richardson

Kevin was born in Lexington, Kentucky on October 3, 1971. While he was growing up, he lived on a farm until he was nine years old. He played little league football, high school football, rode horses, and dirt bikes. He played the piano. He started playing when he was nine. He recived his first keyboard when he was in ninth grade. He also was in the drama club and chorus. Before he became a Backstreet Boy he worked in theater at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. He has a great interest in protecting the earth, he even has a charity, Just Within Reach. Kevin has a black cat named Quincy. His favorite colors are actually black and blue. Some of Kevin's hobbies include; water skiing, swimming, football, surfing, snowboarding, flying, and his keyboard. He likes Italian and Asian cuisine. His fave music to listen to are Prince, Babyface, and Elton John. For movies, Kevin likes Top Gun and Shawshank Redemption. He likes Roseanne and Sex in the City for TV shows. His favorite actors are Tom Cruise, Kevin Spacey, Tom Hanks, and Jim Carrey. His favorite actresses are Nicole Kidman and Michelle Pfieffer. Kevin's worst habit is that he has a short temper but his best habit is that he is a truthful person. The most embarrising thing that has ever happened to his is that his pants rippped on stage. Kevin's group nickname is Boo Boo.
