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Brian Littrell

Brian was born February 20, 1975. He is 5'8" and weighs 140 pounds. He has brown hair and blue eyes. His favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese. His hobbies are playing basketball, volleyball, and swimming. He likes to read poems and mysteries. His worst habit is biting his nails. He has a best habit too;making people laugh. The music he likes to listen to (other than the Backstreet Boys) are Boyz II men, Take 6, Brian McKnight, Babyface. Brian's favorite movie is Trainspotting. The actress Brian likes the best is Sandra Bullock. He likes Safari colonge by Raplh Lauren and Photo by Lagerfeld. He likes to shop at the Banana Republic. Brian is afraid of heights, rollercoasters, and ferris wheels. As a child Brian sang in a church choir.
