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The Vampire Lover's Lair


You have reached the Vampire Lover's Lair. I am Katina, I will be your guide. For all of you vampire lovers, you have come to the right site. I will dedicate this site to the Interview with the Vampire series, the movie Lost Boys, Guiltly Pleasures series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The Last Vampire series. If you want to see more pictures, go to that person. I want to hear from you, please sign my Guest and/or Slam Book. If you would like to see my picture click on "Stuff about me."

Now, stuff about Vampires.......

There is a rumor that people are making The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned into a movie. I also heard that KoRn was going to do the album and Jonathan Davis was going to be a vampire. I know this is true,I am glad, I am tired of hearing Louis whine. Anne Rice came out with another New Tales of the Vampire series. The new book is called "Vittorio." This book is pretty good, not one of my all time favorites, but it is up on the list.

Here is a great picture of Anita Blake........

Laurell K. Hamilton came out with another book as well, Obisidian Butterfly. I loved all of her wonderful books and got several friends addicted to the books as I think that Jean-Claude is my favorite character, then Gabriel, then Edward

The Lost Boys......I love this movie. Michael and David are HOT!!!!! I know you guys out there that are seeing this are like, um....that's nice. This is like the coolest old movie EVER!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a good show. My page is going to be dedicated to Faith though, she rocks!!! Click the picture to go to my Faith page.

The Last Vampire series is over, Christopher Pike stopped at Last Vampire 6:Creatures of Forever(This is my favorite book. It also has a WICKED cover).The books are The Last Vampire, The Last Vampire 2:Black Blood, The Last Vampire 3:Red Dice, The Last Vampire 4:The Phantom, The Last Vampire 5:Evil Thirst, The Last Vampire 6:Creatures of Forever.

Pics of me!! *smile*

Click to go to Salior Sita Nova's Lair!!!

Click to enter my KoRn Lair.

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See this?? This is how you can tell if I am on-line. If you are a cute guy(wink wink) or someone that wants to talk about these Vampiric things, then I.M. me, OK?

Thank you for visiting my Web Page, come back as soon as you can. If you have any suggestions about my Web Page, E-mail me, or I.M. me, Bye now.

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