If You Knew What I Knew

If You Knew What I Knew -Contents
If You Knew What I Knew -Characters

5 sisters grew up knowing AJ McLean and Howie Dorough of the BSB. The two youngest used to be baby-sat by them. Then AJ and Howie formed the BSB. Now it's 7 years later, the sisters are forming a band and reuniting with AJ and Howie. They sign a record deal with Jive Records and begin touring with the BSB. The youngest twin has a nasty break up with her best friend turned boyfriend and suddenly finds herself in the arms of AJ. Will their love be able to withstand the obstacles which lay in their path?

UPDATED: August 7, 2000 - Chapter(s): 22 - Posted. If You Knew What I Knew is now completed.

**DISCLAIMER** This is purely a work of fiction. The author does not know the Backstreet Boys, their management, or their record label, nor has she ever had any contact with them. Although not all of the characters in this story are fictional, the way they are portrayed is solely for the use of entertainment, and their personalities are a product of the author's imagination. Taking information from this site will be considered plagorism which is prohibited by law. This site is controlled by the webmastress (Sonja Fun). Priscilique is named after my best friend, Priscilla. She know's who she is. All the songs song by the girls unless stated are written by me in my personal song collection and are my trademarks. No unauthorized copying of these songs.**

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Email: ifyouknewwhatiknew2@mailcity.com