The REAL Way *NSYNC Met!!

First of all Christopher Alan (Chris) Kirkpatrick's
first job was Merlin's apprentice. He failed at that.
He was caught in an accident which included
the mixing of the wrong dusts. What he meant to cast
was a spell to make him the handsome, strong, ruler of
Camelot (King Arthur's successor). Instead the spell
made him stop growing at the age of 10. His voice was
affected also, it made him sound like he had just
inhailed helium from a balloon. He fell into a deep
sleep. He woke up hundreds of years later in the year
of 1995, although the aging process had never
completely stopped. He was 2,486 years old. He decided
that he would just take the 8 and 6 off of his age and
be 24 and to get plastic surgery. He had seen it on a
thing that a man had called a television. What an
interesting world, he thought. As he was
walking down the street, he bumped into Justin Randall
(Fro) Timberlake.
Fro: Whachit, Foo!
Chris: Bless you!
Fro: (Confused) What?
Chris: You sneezed and I said bless you!
Fro: (Sighing) Trippin'!
Fro goes on to catch up with his beau from M.M.C. They
first met and still hang out at the bar named M.M.C.
or Mature Males Club, also known as a gay bar. Fro
tells J.C. about his experience with "Tha Foo" off of
the street (Chris).
Also at this club James Lance (Lance) Bass, was
stripping for money. Fro and J.C. pay Lance to come
over to their apartment after work. He agrees.

Lance arrives at J.C. and Fro's apartment and they
decide to go out.
Joseph Anthony (Joey) Fatone JR. is standing on a
street corner looking for prostitutes, when Lance,
Fro, and J.C. drive up and take him back to their
Chris gets a job as a Leprechaun at the local mall for
St. Patrick's Day. At the end of the day he has been
beat up on, called names, picked on, and screamed at
by little kids.(Sounds like his job now!)At wits end he
goes into a bar unknowing that it is a gay bar. He
again runs into Fro this time it happens to be in a
gay bar. Fro asks him if he would like to join
them in their apartment for a little 'magic'. Being
Merlin's failed apprentice he agrees. All five men end
up in bed together.
Present day: They are still together, gay as ever,
still being screamed at,
picked on, and called names but this time they are not
known as Joey, Chris, J.C., Fro, and Lance- they are
known as *N SYNC- The worlds hottest group.
Yeah worlds hottest group of Fags that I have ever
This has been the Real way that *N FAG, I mean SYNC
first met.

Please stay tuned for the "Real Way That The
Backstreet Boys First Met! :)

Mommy! I scared! Take me home!
