The NSYNC Project

**Note- I did not write this. I got if off a zine and I thought it was cool, so I put it on here. This also may be offensive or harsh to some die-hard NSYNC fans that can't take a joke.**

A well-done Nsync Science Project

A young lady named Alvin Coonigmae did a Science experiment on Nsync barbie dolls and made a video of it to show to other 4th graders.

Hi, my name is Alvin, and I did a magnificent Nsync science project. Let me show you how it works. HEHUHH!! I wanted to put an Nsync head of each of their barbie dolls, put it in the microwave, one at a time, and timed them to see which head exploded first.
Step 1.
Go to Styles, Wet Seal or Toys R Us to find the Nsync barbie dolls. Simply steal it from the store, and it you get caught, go to plan B. the dumpster outside, because thats where you usually find them anyways. ::grin::
Step 2.
Take the barbies home, play with their hair if you want, dress them up, then once you're done with your pleasure, you may begin. Rip the heads off once at a time, smiling as you do it. Enjoy the pleasure. ::grin::
Step 3:
Place one head in the microwave at a time, and put your microwave on HIGH and simply click "LAMB CHOPS" on your microwave. First you put in Justin. Say BYE BYE BYE to THAT sucker. Heh heh. ::grin::
Step 4:
Watch it spin. Watch the pain. Watch the misery. You see his makeup smearing and then uh ohh....POOF. There goes Justin! It simply took 8 minutes and 37 seconds. ::grin::
Step 5:
Do the same to Lance. (9 minutes and 16 seconds) ::grin::
Step 6.
Do the same to Joseph. This might take a while....(3 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.) ::grin::
Step 7.
Do the same to JC (Jackie Camile) ...(10 minutes, 11 seconds) ::grin::
Step 8.
Do the same to uhh..the other dude. (12 minutes, 2 seconds) ::grin::
Step 9.
See the winner. Oh my its justin!! Now take the head out of the microwave and stomp on it til it um, breaks? Now go listen to Backstreet Boys. ::grins::
Thats my science project.

