I Want It That Way

This is one of the songs that they actually let Kevin sing! He looks good doing it too.

Kevin- Ah! This blow job feels good. These TennyBoppers really know how to do a man good...
AJ- Yeah, I know what you mean!

Nick looked so good in this video...
Nick- It's the newest craze! An invisible straw!

I think that AJ kinda looked like a spider the way he was dressed. Like a homeless spider.

See what I mean?

Brian was kinda cute in it also...
Brian- I am going to put these TeenyBoppers under my power. You are getting sleepy...sleepy. When I clap you are to run towards me as fast as you can. When I snap, you are to stop! ::clap:: Stop! Ah! Stop! I forgot what the stop comand is! Noooo!

Howie was mad fyne. That's bad. I just said that Howie was fyne. Uh oh. Don't worry. It won't happen again...
Howie- ::gasp:: Like, oh mi gaw-ed! I can't believe I see a sign for me! They like, really love me!

Hott Hunk o' Male!
Kevin- ::confussed:: Yee haw??


Email: HumorandJank@aol.com