You Aren't Gonna Wear THAT Are You?

Brian is only bringing out his true innerself. AJ looks like an ape. Howie looks like he has magical powers and he is just dicovering it. Nick tells us that he looks better than Justin Timberlake in an afro. Kevin looks like he is trying to be a homeboy and that he doesn't know who the hell those guys standing around him are. They are just crazy thugs.

Nick- "Hung-Chow, Young-Fat... I have to get ready for my Japanese show tonight! or Man, I am Chris, yeah Chris from NSYNC! This is gonna fool all of the teeny boppers and then I dont need body guards any more cause no one will bother me! Muhahaha!

First, AJ needs to get rid of his 'water' head and Kevin looks great in COLOR! Brian doesn't look so great in a tie and suit, Whaz up with Nick anyway? The suit just dont work for him. Howie looks terrible and gay as hell!

Hey teenys, listen up! For our lesson today, we will learn something very important: SUITS NOT FOR BSB! Why did they let Lou pick out their clothes anyway?

Joey- "No, I gotta tell ya, Lance, buddy, sweetie, you are NOT going to make love to me like DAT!
Lance- "Hey that woman was right! This does make me look like a prick!

Lose that hat Kev! The jacket too. You look like you jsut came in from a hard days work in Antartica!

What tha world? Nick, its one word: scissors. Howie its called testasterone. Kevin its called a comb. Kevvy, this is Mr. Comb, Mr. Comb Kevvys hair... Brian I think its called a hat to cover those ears and nose plugs so u dont suck up any more little small children. AJ it is a little too much jell u used today.

Lance, enough with that jean thing. We all know that you are a country hick! Joey, good god there are no words for you except for one question: Why did you let Chris dress you? Justin lose the boner! Chris, learn to shut your mouth and maybe you wouln't end up like a wind shield in the middle of summer in a trash dump. JC, you don't match all together. Here's a hint: Grey does NOT go with THAT!

Whoa! Retro Chris! Now we know what Chris looks like when he wakes up in the mornings! YUCK!

My god JC. This be a mix between a hick, business man, and ghetto homie, but what can expect from someone from Washington D.C.!

Mah HOMiE G!
