AJ's Condition:(

I'm sure that all of you diehard BSB fans out there have already heard about AJ's condition. Here is an article about it from MTV that can explain it better than I can.

Backstreet Boys Postpone Tour As A.J. McLean Seeks Treatment

The Backstreet Boys have postponed the next month of their Black & Blue world tour to allow the group's A.J. McLean to get treatment for alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety.

The other four members of the group told MTV News on Monday afternoon (July 9) that they will postpone all dates of their tour until an August 7 show in Vancouver, British Columbia.

"A.J. and we have come to a decision that he's going to receive treatment for depression, anxiety and his excessive consumption of alcohol," Kevin Richardson told tearful fans on "TRL."

"[McLean] came to us yesterday — it was the first time we heard him say, 'Guys, I have a problem,' " Brian Littrell said.

McLean is 23 years old.
The rescheduled dates are expected to run from Sept. 4 at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, to September 28 at Skyreach Centre in Edmonton, Alberta.
As late as Saturday, the quintet was up to business as usual at Boston's FleetCenter. Performing their hits to the delight of a screaming, sellout crowd, BSB gave no indication that they were facing strife away from the spotlight. Their followers in Beantown were anticipating shows Monday and Tuesday as well.
The world tour was to run through the fall, giving the group almost a year on the road in support of Black & Blue, which was released in November.

I know that all of you are sad, I know I am, but it is really good that AJ can and will get help for his condition.

Leslie was listening to the radio this morning and she heard the morning DJ's telling about AJ's alcoholism. The female DJ, Crystal, was making fun of AJ. She was hiccupping and acting like she was AJ. It made Leslie so mad that she called me up and told her about it. By this time, I had heard about it. It also made me mad so I decided to e-mail the DJ's and tell them how I felt about it. Here's what I said...

We heard on the radio this morning that AJ MeLean of the Backstreet Boys wa s beig treated for alcoholism and depression. We have been big fans of the band for years and we love them to death. We are glad that AJ has decided t o get help for his probelm. We heard Greg and Crystal making fun of him for his problem. We were apalled at this. We couldm't believe that they would go so low to make fun of him for his serious condition. How would you feel if you were in his situation and two DJ's made fun of you for realizing tha t you had a problem and decided to get treatment for it? Not so good I thin k. AJ has just lost his grandmother and the loss has sent him into depressi on. I hope that we aren't the only ones that have told you our feelings on this. We hope that you will realize how mean, hateful, and spiteful you two were about it and feel regret for your actions. AJ's condition could damag e the band's reputation and fan count. We would hate to see this happen. We have kept being fans through both Kevin and Brian's marriges and we will c ontinue to be there for them through this tough time. We would hope that yo u would apologize on air and send your best wishes out to AJ and the Boys. Sincerely,
Ashley and Leslie
KTBSPA (Keep The BackStreet Pride Alive)

I know that the letter may sound a little harsh, but we made our point heard. We weren't the only ones that thought their comments were rude. Some woman called in and told them off. It was all worth our letter, because they wrote us back. Here's what they said...

Ashley & Leslie,

We have discussed the comments that were made on the air this morning and rest assured there was no malace intent... I too agree that it is a sensative subject, and we will try to handle the situation differently in the future.

Kevin Scott

I hope that they will get to read our letter, since they didn't reply to us, because they were off by that time. If you have any comments on our situation or AJ's condition, please send them to us by using the e-mail link at the bottom. Do you think that we did right? What would you have done? Please take a few minutes and tell us what you think...

Right on! That email was GREAT! I couldn't have said it better myself. It's quite upsetting to hear people make fun of alcoholics. Alcoholism is a problem and, just like people recovering from a seroius car accident, they need help and treatment. I thought it was admirable of the Backstreet Boys to face this problem instead of hiding it and trying to cover it up. It is appalling that the DJ's had to go down that far just for a laugh. They have no class at all. If I were you, I would never listen to that radio station again. How digusting. :(


Thanks for writing in! I'm glad that you thought I did thr right thing. You're right. The DJ's really don't have any class. They do this thing called the Hollywood Report and they tell all of these rumors like they are true! I can't believe some of the things they say. Things like NSYNC are going to break up because Britney wants Justin to do his own thing and that Lance was going to marry the gurl from Seventh Heaven and that BSB were on the verge of breaking up and all of this other CRAP! I'm sorry, but that's what most of it is. Just crap. Anyway...Thanks for writing.

Hi, I totally agree with what you did when the DJ's did that. I would have done that, too. I am not a BSB fan, but I would have done it all the same. My radio station had something about it and they were talking about it. They didn't say anything really harsh that I heard. They might have I wasn't paying attention, but hopefully my DJ's have enough respect to not say something about stupid about it. I would be one of the first people to call them about it, *NSYNC fan or not. A friend of mine said something that was stupid to say about it, but I didn't say anything about it because I'm sure she would have said something else to me. I do like the Backstreet Boys, somewhat, not a lot. I like some of their music, but I don't THEM. What I'm trying to say with all this is that, I'm thinking about AJ and he is in my prayers. I, also, found something that I don't think is very funny. It is supposed to be humor but I don't think it is. Here is the link. Full Serve : Straight From Rehab! http://www.funnyfuel.com/full/straightfromrehab "It's finally here! Pick up AJ's New Solo Album "Straight From Rehab" today! In stores NOW!" I don't know if there is a way to email these people but there might be and I haven't found it yet.

I was reading the thing about AJ and I saw what those DJ's wrote. They totally suck for saying that! Yes, everyone should be happy that AJ decided to get help. It's going to be really rough on him, and he needs total fan support.

Ally from Oklahoma
Star Lead Singer@aol.com

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